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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • LOL I am far from what people would call a “HATER” but crushes on DW is there a shortage of men in the raw world or what…...

    You guys seem like the only sane ones on here nowadays.

  • lzhptlzhpt Raw Newbie

    Omshanti-so funny on the compost and DW. The practice won’t be the same for me now. However the 3 w/ DW is still kinda gross for me—too much wild growth—you know what I’m saying? LOL! Also yoga today for 90 min w/ my girl, Shiva Rae. Luna, if you can stand it, I’ve wrapped my girls’ burns in washcloths soaked in cooled green tea—gone by the next day! Warning—stains everything—the washcloths and everything it drips on. I think I just ate over a cup of Gabe Cousens Thai spiced dehydrated almonds—got some good raw ones yesterday from www.almonds-from-california.com.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – HAHAHA! Shortage of men in the raw world! :D

    I am frustrated, cuz I don’t know what’s happening for the summer, until next week. I haven’t been on here much lately cuz of finishing the semester – last final yesterday. New classes start on Wednesday, and I’m still not totally sure if I can get into the class I need, so things are kinda up in the air right now. I also have a ton of cleaning and organizing that has been put off way too long, and I am bummed about only having a couple of days off before school starts again – whatever! I want a real break! I am still preferring the idea of taking the summer off school to work on jewelry, garden, organize my life better, and play with my son, but we’ll see. Mostly, I need to have a certain cumulative GPA to get a grant that I will otherwise qualify for this fall, so I was planning to take classes during summer to boost GPA if I need to, but the class I need now requires another prerequisite or instructor approval, and I may or may not be able to be added to the class, cuz it filled up. Summer classes are hard because there aren’t very many, so availability and scheduling can be a big pain. As for paintings, my mom wants her living room back! (That’s where I have been working on painting.)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Oh, yeah! I’m also not loving the weather here lately. Usually by now we could have planted peas and stuff, but it keeps snowing off and on, and freezing! I guess last week they said it was 12 degrees colder than normal for this time of year, and fruit trees have blossomed some now, but don’t know if we’ll really get any fruit cuz it keeps freezing. Our apricot tree just has a few blossoms up high where we can’t get to them, and there is a squirrel that has been coming the last couple of years and ruining our apricots to steal the nuts. I’m feeling very depressed today, can ya tell? I need to get off my butt and go outside now. :)

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Hi angie~ I hear your stress and frustration… choose to indulge yourself in what you are wallowing in and set a time to stop indulging yourself (it’s ok to do this from time to time) or choose to get off the dime now… If you choose to indulge yourself for a bit, REALLY indulge yourself… have a tantrum if that is part of it (not recommended to include anyone in this though…) Get it out of your system.

    After that… first take a few deep breaths. Second go do something for yourself! Whatever works for you… take a long walk, a hot bubble bath, read a book under a tree, drive in countryside… whatever… this time is for you! You deserve it. Whatever you have to do will be there when you get back. The difference will be that you will be present to deal with it.

    As to the class, I have much experience in crashing classes! Introduce yourself and talk with the instructor before class, the week before not the day of. Then stay in class, do the work, and participate. After each class have your paperwork ready and ask to to be added to the class. You will get in. I had to do this many times in my college days. It works. Many classes have a huge dropout rate and space becomes available to those that REALLY want the class. One class I got into six weeks into the course. Another class I got into that had a long “waiting list”. After each class I would take my add card to the instructor and ask to be added. I was not on his priority add list he had created from evaluationg short essays submitted by those that wanted in the class… One time when he asked if I was on the list, I said no, but I don’t see anyone on the list asking to be added… he looked around the empty room and proceeded to sign my add card. I earned an A in that class and made a significant contributing to the class winning 3rd in state for our class project! Be persistent and respectful, play the game, if you REALLY want the class.

    Ok… time to take a few more deep breaths. :)

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    PS. Know you are loved and cared about. :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Bluedolphin – thanks for your support! I actually know the teacher – she was my teacher this semester; that’s why I know she may be able to add me. The problem is that it’s a web graphics class, so there are only so many computers. So I wasn’t going to be able to be added, but now she said they moved it to a different room with a few more computers, so hopefully they didn’t also open up those few more spots in the class and then I can’t get in again… Anyway, I realized a big part of my problem/negative outlook on life is my reaction to a situation that I haven’t figured out.

    Good newses: now on day 3 of drinking 2-3 young Thai coconuts per day, I am feeling much healthier (and it is showing in my face, too)! I also made raw “egg salad” for my son, with raw mayo he kept refusing to try, and chopped up chunks of young coconut meat! He didn’t want to try it, but I made him a one-bite sandwich and told him he had to try it before he ate anything else for lunch. He tried it and got mad, because he actually liked it, and that meant I won! :) heehee

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    He still didn’t want to eat any more “egg salad” but at least now he knows what it tastes like, and that the mayo really does taste like mayonaise! :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ardes – come on now, be nice:)

    I was just on the DW crush thread and queenfluff has awakened me to the exsistance of a guy named Jason Lewis. No clue who he was untill I googled him, and I have just died and gone to heaven. Ladies, if you don’t know what this guy looks like, Google him and hit images. Oh my… oh my. All I am going to say is, bottle of Absolut vodka! Oh me oh my!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    thank you the berry ahmen! nope to DW now john dep or orlando bloom, hugh jackman and my favs still: danny day lewis,kevin cline and robert duval…oh yeah and a newby the main guy from the movie the 300….ooooh yeah baby!! gotta run now movie night with the hub sweet dreams! LOL

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    stRAW – Beautiful man, crappy vodka! (Absolut, sucks absolutly!)

    Om – What, you don’t like Viggo? Arragorn is way hotter than Legolas !:)

    I think partailly for me, it’s DWs crazy personality. Being nuts myself, i find him a kindred spirit! hee hee! :)

    But ladies, pleas don’t get me wrong, the light and love and lust of my life is my husband. I like the rugged men becasue of my love for him! I would rather see my man with a battle of Absolut vodka propped up hiding his….. any hoooo.

    You know the razzing we are going to get by ardes and Zooey ? SNAP!!(if the Zoo ever returns)

    Well night night girls and boy!!

  • my ears were burning…. no razzing for me … i think it’s cool how this thread rambles … i always wonder what other people think when the open it,..... you have to say the name is so appropriate..

    luna zoo went back to eating “fake” food… wish him well… tee hee…..it’s hard for men to make the switch especially if you have friends.. where as for me I am a introvert so eating this way and this lifestyle just fits me so well..

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ar2 – reminds me of Star Wars :) Good to see you – how’s everything? Too bad you can’t have a personal chef so you could get some sleep!

    st – I am laughing at the thought of you on a motorcycle with a sidecar full of carrots! HAHAHA! :D And, I agree – hottie sounds sissy. :)

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    stRAWberry: A yummy man of your “era”... Patrick Stewart, Captain Pickard from Star Trek… he is a Shakespearean trained actor… I can see you on a motorcycle… Go Granny! Go Granny! Go Granny Go!... oops, did I just date myself? hehehe

    Angie: Are you feeling better?

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Bluedolphin – Yes! on Patrick Stewart AND feeling better – thanks! It’s interesting; I just realized how I am moving further into a place of independence and learning to do what I want & feel is right for me and I am allowing the other people around me to feel/see/experience that as well. It was just a bit of a rough spot I encountered in that transition that I needed to work through. WooHoo!

    I rented the movie “Nancy Drew” this week, and I know it’s supposed to be for kids and all, but I loved it!

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    angie~ Way cool on all points!

    re: adults liking “kid” stuff… um… not all the Harry Potter books were purchased (and read) by munchkins… It is great when stuff crosses over age groups. Have you ever seen Jane and the Dragon cartoon?... That is one of my, um, “secret” enjoyments. 8o)

  • StRAWberry yeah I am a Dekalb farmers market junkie, on my way there in two hours after I go to Morningside Market to get my greens for the week…. Getting my duffle bag ready now… people there always ask me am I a chef or do I own a restaurant…. you should see there face when I say no it just me and and my family of three….. There mouths drop while they sit there and hold there one bunch of carrots thinking they should up there greeens….....

    PEACE on my way to do me shopping for the day…..

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    ardes, have a blast at the markets gonna hit mine this am, love farmers markets and street faires! i dream of haivng a rawfood lunch booth at one of them that people actually eat at!sigh, well i wishthte zoo man the best wonder why he feels like he cant come and play anyway we’re not haters! teehee have a great weekend you and yours!

    angie, oh you poor dear, ijsut read all i missed about your clases and stuff, Wow follow blues advise, i like her hutzpah! and ahhh patric stewart my hubby saw him do a one man show once here in ca, wish i had known about it he is sublime!

    strawberry i have two words for you as applys to robert duval : augustus mcrea…lonesome dove! i fell for him then and never tired of watching him portray good old boys after that! teehee ah yes redford, although i liked him better prettier hes so craggy now, guess the man never wore a hat in the sun! as per you on on a motorcycle with your carrots…. weeeeeeee! hahaha you know, get a vintage one and id love to see a picture of that!!! we were at the cycle shop the other day and i was ooggling scooters( i have driven my last motorcycle, 4 years ago i sold my ducati monster,no more for me..) now i am happily jsut a passenger. do they ask you if you have horses when you buy your carrots? they ask me all the time but i get to say yes….shhhhhh dont blw my cover!

    luna, viggo would be cuter if he could act! ducking and running for cover whilst shreaking and giggling wildly…teehee jsut razzing ya! im with you, my hubby is the man for me! love his tatts, love his scruffy face, love his sweet sparkly blue eyes and his really good lips…why is it some men are blessed with great lips and eyelashes? grin

    hey did you guys read about the shark attack off of solana beach? yikes no wonder i am all paroniod inthe water anymore…i mean a great white off of ca coast? snacking on triatheltes? shudder…...have a blessed day everyone!

    blue almost forgot about the yoga, im doing the anna brett for beginners and beyond and the weightloss one( forgot the title) it was reccomended on ebay so i snatched up both!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Yikes, sharks?! Hadn’t heard about that one yet.

    Ar2D2 – heehee :) That’s awesome about people asking if you own a restaurant & their reactions to your food :)

    At the only farmers market I have been to around here, there was one of the local raw food people, and she just seemed grumpy and bitter. She was also passing out fliers with info. about classes she was going to teach, but really negative (“Got Milk? Got PUS!!!” and things like that). I can see why no one wanted to buy her crackers ;) But a raw lunch booth – that would be fun! I wish I had the means to do one! Or that someone else would do one and I could just eat there :) Sadly, no farmers market here for some time yet, and it is small and not much organic stuff, but there is a lady who grows a lot of good organic produce and then sells it through a local health food store, so it is still fresh.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Oh, wow! This is so cool! Yesterday I was frustrated because I need more organization in my life. Last night I read a thread “What’s in your kitchen?” and it motivated me to go out and buy lots of fresh fruits and veggies, but also I really posted everything that was in my kitchen. I copied and pasted my own list to a Word document, and the list has helped organize me in 2 ways: 1- I can tell what I have from a list and somehow seeing it on paper sometimes gives me better ideas of what to make than just looking around the kitchen or in the fridge at the same stuff i have been looking at for days. 2- I have been wanting to try to have at least a 3-month supply of the foods I use regularly (no, not lettuce, heehee), and now I have a pretty complete list and just have to check amounts to stock up on. :) Woohoo!

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    omshanti~ lol… I was in an impacted program…. I had to have chutzpa… that or I would still be in school (yuck! I’m not a school person… love learning, just not in a test taking, competing environment)... I am presuming you meant you bought the yoga dvds on Amazon… they are still paired! I have also checked out previews on youtube (dontcha just love youtube?). They look great. The gal looks like she has lots of energy which will keep me engaged. I read a few reviews that mentioned that it looks like Ana is in her underwear… well… that’s probably that way I’ll be doing these. 8o) Have you seen the Kundalini Yoga Dance the Chakras Yoga DVD? That looks really energetic, freeing, and fun! I get energized just looking at it! Looks like a happy dance! Thankx for the recommendation… They are going to be my birthday present to myself. happy dancing :)

    PS. Ana and Ravi’s website talks about raw food. :) They have two newer DVDs that sound great also… choices… Ugh! However, “for beginner” sounds more my speed. 8o)

    Stay cool… sounds like we will have a few hot days… dripping and cranky already

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Patrick Stewart, nice.

    Zoo was defeated eh? That’s too bad, he was alot of fun!!

    om – Have you seen Eastern promises? Good film. Viggo did a great job!

    Well, I havn’t really got much time. It’s my lovey dovey, poopsie, stud muffins birthday today. (husband) So now that i am home from work, I should probably spend some time with him!

    Good evening ladies and gent!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – check your email; I sent you an order.

    I went on a date with my son today – it was great! We just hung out and talked, mostly, then made things out of pipe cleaners. We needed time by ourselves; I’m glad he suggested it!

  • okay so I bought a hand crank juicer and I am loving it…... The only problem is I didn’t buy enough greens to make juices for the week :( ...

    I spent 150.00 just on greens ,cucumbers, heirloom tomato, strawberries, beets, chard, collards, spinach, celery, dandelions, and orange grape tomato. Then I went over to the farmers market and bought a box of tangerines, mangoes, grapefruit, and some other odds and end coming in at a total of 145.00….. not to mention my nut run over at Trader joes 40.00….. now I am at home getting it all prepped and ready for the week and what not…. I am scared to actually figure out how much time I devote just to eating this way as I don’t won’t to give myself a complex TEE HEE>...

    Hope you guys are doing well I feel a nap coming on take it easy ladies…..

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Ardes – I hear you (on food AND time)! I seem to spend every spare penny on fresh produce! Today, I was talking to my brother about balance, and he said something about what if there was a person who had an extreme diet and spent 4 hours a day making food so it took time away from their family and hahaha maybe that was a crazy example – he has no idea of the time :) I was thinking wow, only 4 hours a day, that would be awesome! I just told him that for me, I have to weigh the time spent making food versus the time spent sick, ornery and tired if I don’t eat this way.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I’m going to a dance tonight. :) See y’all later!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Raw… time well spent!

    ardes – mmmm your groceries sound great! What time is dinner?:)

    angie – have fun!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I did.

    Then today, our neighbor came over and let my son sit on his horse. I took a pic, and then I got to ride it (2 houses down the street and then back, cuz then he had to go do something else)! I haven’t been on a horse since I was 17, and I only rode regularly for about a year or two when I was around 11-12. I told the guy I want to go for a real ride someday; we’ll see if it really happens :)

  • om – Hi. I rode a horse today and I pretty much liked it, and I sure want those peanut butter powerballs. And I sure want the other things we’re buying from you, too. :-)

  • OH cool thanks Angie it was getting lonely in here being the only male…. I am so jealous of superman never rode a horse in my life time.

    LADIES got a question for you and I can’t wait to hear you guys response. I have this new juicer and I must say I have been a juicing fool all week with tons of energy and just great chi all over…... so here it is what do you think if you juice a whole head of some type of greens (mustard,kale,collard,chard) whichever you choose and then add that to your blender as the the smoothie base and then just add fruit to that….. do you think there is positive or a negative aspect to this… just wondering what you guys think of that….. me and the family are trying this out for the week as my daughter is just not a fan of our blender not getting all the green leaf veggies blended good enough.

    OMwhat the heck am I suppose to do with all this pulp I have so much I have started to just throw it away… I hate to do this as it seems like a huge waist…. throw me some ideas…..

    angie That pic rocks I have to change mines soon just took my face down when I wasn’t actively posting in here…

    OK its 1026 PM I have all of our salad dressing prepped and food ready for tomorrow also an idea what we will have for dinner… clothes laid out and time to do a quick work out…

    THANKS FOR REading you guys GOOD NIGHT>>>>>>

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