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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • Good Morning all, got a question for everyone.

    Has anyone experienced the ant problem in there kitchen yet. I want to take care of this before they start to go crazy, and of course I don’t want to spray in my house, but I also don’t want to keep watching my wife go through her hissy fits when she come across one in the kitchen. HELP

    I have looked into some natural ways to “KILL” them but just want to explore some options.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    baby powder! repels and keeps them away, i also refrigerate everything and keep the counters wiped down with vinegar

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Good morning, everyone :)

    Yay, baby powder! I was wondering if there was anything that would repel them, that I could just put in the window they seem to be coming through – thanks, om! And, yes, the loquats were yummy, too. :)

  • Hey you guys I meant to ask you all this on Sunday, I have an idea as to how to make nut butter with a cheap blender.

    I want to take my expensive ALMOND$$$$ and grind them in my coffee grinder, afterward take that and put the processed almonds in blender with some almond oil to make my own almond butter.

    WHat do you think? The almonds are very expensive here so I don’t want to waist my money. Thought about trying it with the pasteurized ones and see if it works and not eat it, but I couldn’t spare the change to buy food I wouldn’t eat.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I don’t know how strong your blender is, but I would think it you grind them pretty fine, you could even just stir in the oil by hand and have almond butter. Just know it takes quite a bit of oil – I was surprised at how much when I tried to make some, and I may just opt for buying the really expensive almond butter… Where do you get your almonds?

  • I didn’t no it took a lot of oil. I get my almonds from the co-op up the street from my house, as we don’t eat a lot of almonds unless a recipe call for them. They are 14.00 a pound so that tells you how much I don’t buy them. On the other hand I am addicted to Almond butter that I get from Trader JOES but I just no that the almonds they use have to be pasteurized as the product is to cheap. The expensive almond butter I don’t like the taste of “GO FIGURE”

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Yeah, I used to use almonds a lot, but now I use other nuts, or sunflower seeds. We have a walnut tree. It is a ton of work, but since I have time, I may spend some time this summer cracking open the walnuts we got last fall (if we didn’t give them away; I don’t know for sure). At least I know they’re grown organic and really raw :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Yeah, I used to use almonds a lot, but now I use other nuts, or sunflower seeds. We have a walnut tree. It is a ton of work, but since I have time, I may spend some time this summer cracking open the walnuts we got last fall (if we didn’t give them away; I don’t know for sure). At least I know they’re grown organic and really raw :)

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    I eat almonds a lot. I buy truly raw organic unpasteurized almonds for $16.00 a pound. I wish they were cheaper. I make almond milk a lot with them. Cashew milk is good, but i love my almond milk. Angie – cool that you have a walnut tree! Shelling walnuts is definately cheaper than purchasing them.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    I eat almonds a lot. I buy truly raw organic unpasteurized almonds for $16.00 a pound. I wish they were cheaper. I make almond milk a lot with them. Cashew milk is good, but i love my almond milk.

  • Winona have you tried to make pumpkin seed milk yet. I think it has the same taste as almond milk.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    sounds weird – I’m not a big fan of pumpkin seeds, but I haven’t tried to make milk – maybe if I sweeten it? I have a bunch of hazelnuts; maybe I’ll try hazelnut milk. Has anyone tried sunflower seed milk? I have a lot of those, and I know they are raw cuz I sprout them.

  • Winona have you tried to make pumpkin seed milk yet. I think it has the same taste as almond milk.

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Hi guys, I’m back!!

    i survived the BBQ at the in-laws!. I made ardes’s wonderfull kale salad and my awesome choco. cinnamon rolls. My mother in law liked the salad, and pretty much, other than me and my hubby, were the only ones who ate it. Everyone else including my oh so ‘healthy’, fitness freak sister in law, pored out on steak. Mind you she ate lot’s of her mothers gooey mayomaise laden ceasar ‘salad’.

    I am pleased to say the shoco cin. rolls were a hit. Even my sis-in-laws BF had 2!! my sis in law on the other hand, pigged out on her mothers dead sweets and again refused to try my stuff. I am very insulted!!! She doesn’t even know I am raw yet. I have never bothered telling her as she is the one who tried to tell me vegitartianism was unhealthy. This goes alot deeper than thinking raw is stupid, this is the fact that she thinks I am not good enough for her big brother. As you guys know, i am pretty much a saint. :) My hubby is wonderful, but he is lucky to have me. He is like living with a 10 year old sometimes!

    So in a nut shell, I am so pissed at my sis-in-law it’s unreal!! This November, it will be 10 years i have had to deal with her jealousy… yeah, jealousy… I know, creepy!! I wonder when she is going to give it up and realize, I aint goin nowhere!!! I don’t know what to do about the B. She is usually such a miserable cow. Of course raw would do her a world of good, but if veg is unhealthy, wow, she would say raw is downright DANGEROUS and moronic!

    ARRRRRRGGGHH! Sorry for the large dumpage!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – Dumpage is good.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    The site is going crazy right now, and driving me crazy! At least I can see I’m not the only one, cuz there are double posts everywhere!

    Anyway, Luna – I was trying to say that I was jealous when my bro got married – jealous of him getting married when I was still single and jealous of her cuz she got his attention & it meant he & I souldn’t be hanging out. Now that I have grown up a little, even though she is the biggest opponent of my raw lifestyle and often drives me crazy, I love her and am glad they got married, cuz she is good for my bro. Sorry your sis-in-law is so crazy for so long!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – She has no reason to be like this anymore. She had a bf! She thinks the world of him! So why can’t she grow up? i hope that someday she will lean to love me as you have with your sis-in-law. i personally don’t think that will ever happen. oh well.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – I’m sad for you :( That is too bad that she is missing out on a potentially good relationship with you! Her loss, even though it’s hard on you (& probably on your hubby, too?) to have her act this way. Yeah, it’s funny (like weird-funny) how people are about food. I used to work in the meat dept. of a grocery store, and my manager just about threw a fit when I said I thought I might not eat meat any more! I told him I had done research on nutrition, etc. but he was so insistent that there were things like amino acids that I needed to get from my meat! hahaha :D Anyway, he was really concerned that I was going to be trying to get all the customers to be vegetarians or something. I had to assure him that I would still do the job I was being paid to do – sell meat – and that just because I wasn’t going to be eating meat didn’t mean I had forgotten how to cook it or what it tasted like. Now I’m glad that isn’t my job any more :) But I was a little confused when this meat-eater who wasn’t very healthy was telling me I couldn’t be healthy without eating meat. ;)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    The site is driving me nuts, but I have to tell you guys my plan for Sunday :) The fam is getting together for a Mother’s Day dinner and the guys are planning and providing the meal. I want to contribute something, but low on money, so I talked my bro into paying for the ingredients/supplies, and I’m going to do a fruit flower bouquet for the centerpiece/fruit dish! I have seen pics of the ones for sale, and now someone posted a recipe for one made with chocolate-dipped fruits, so I have some ideas, and I even have a couple of mini cookie cutters I can use for centers or small flowers. Woot! I’ll post a pic afterwards. I’m partly excited because it’s raw food everyone will be happy about, instead of turning things into an argument or them feeling I’m trying to push my way of eating onto them. Now, I’m really trying to focus on the joy of raw, living foods, and share/let that joy spill onto everyone! :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I am spending the day (and probably will spend a few more) organizing my jewelry business/hobby. I am putting description, cost, etc. info into Excel so I can keep track of prices for each type of bead and have it easier to figure prices for each different type of jewelry I make and to keep up with increasing costs of supplies. So far I have 144 different beads (not all the cost info in yet; just seeing what I have and now starting to look up the other stuff), and that is only the gemstones! I still have to get the crystals, glass beads, silver beads, ear hooks, wire, clasps, etc. :) This will make pricing and inventory soooo much easier when I am done – yay, software! And another reason I am happy not to be taking summer classes… :)

  • Yes Angie the site is driving me nuts also. Hope your family get together goes over well. I saw the fruit basket on here, the black berries dipped in chocolate don’t sound so hot ” let me know how that goes” .

    As for me well if you haven’t been forced to turn your computer off or read another site due to the dragging of the site, you may have saw that I posted a forum for “FRUIT FLYS” ... HA HAA Lol came home and they were here again but this time there was a funky smell to go with it… GUESS WHAT I had a dead squirrel in my fire place….. we knew that the squirrels were playing fear factor in the fireplace but we thought the last one made it out. When I looked in the fireplace I didn’t see him but turns out squirrels fir looks just like old ashes in a fireplace….. So fast forward two weeks and now the whole house smells like a trash can and I am swatting flies “sorry I am killling them no choice” as the girls will be home in 45 minutes its going to be a long night.

  • Yes Angie the site is driving me nuts also. Hope your family get together goes over well. I saw the fruit basket on here, the black berries dipped in chocolate don’t sound so hot ” let me know how that goes” .

    As for me well if you haven’t been forced to turn your computer off or read another site due to the dragging of the site, you may have saw that I posted a forum for “FRUIT FLYS” ... HA HAA Lol came home and they were here again but this time there was a funky smell to go with it… GUESS WHAT I had a dead squirrel in my fire place….. we knew that the squirrels were playing fear factor in the fireplace but we thought the last one made it out. When I looked in the fireplace I didn’t see him but turns out squirrels fir looks just like old ashes in a fireplace….. So fast forward two weeks and now the whole house smells like a trash can and I am swatting flies “sorry I am killling them no choice” as the girls will be home in 45 minutes its going to be a long night.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Sad :( but Fear Factor?! Struck me as kinda funny – or that it will be someday! Sorry for you guys, and your little fireplace buddy :( Blackberries & choc. sound gross to me, too; I think I’ll stick to fruit :)Superman is excited to do it with me and to try to keep it a surprise by doing it while Grandma is gone to choir practice sunday morning – we’ll see; it should be fun :)

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    angie: I love edible art… Did you see the Edible Arrangements link that germin8 posted on another thread? Those look soooo delish. I love “playing” with food. I have done edible art with veggies also. If you need ideas, there’s tons on the net. The Japanese are masters at edible art. I can watch someone creating masterpieces for hours and hours without moving. :) Any leftovers or scraps would be great for making smoothies and popsicles.

    Way cool on creating an Excel spreadsheet to organize and track your jewelery biz.

    ardes: Great that you found the squirrel. Sorry for the little critter and that s/he attracted other uninvited “party crashers.”

    I am so not looking forward to the time Ray and Kandace go on vacation… better stock up on goji berries and chocolate!!!! Who is going to tend to the site? Yikes!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang- It’s funny how rather unhealthy people who eat meat, insist that we should eat meat to be healthy! Pardon me, I should eat what? I am 7 years older than my sis-in-law, and i always say in my head, ‘When she is on her death bed, it’s gonna be so hard not to say I told you so!! ;) Harsh i know, and I almost feel bad for thinking such things! I am not wishing her poor health, she doesn’t need my help for that! Anyhow, I am a little grumpy today, sorry. On a brighter note, your fruit bouquet sounds wonderfull. my mouth is watering thinking about all thoses juicy fruits!!

    This site has been mental lately!!

    ardes – I had that kale salad again for dinner! I think it’s going to be a staple!! THANKS again!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    bluedolphin – I didn’t see the link before, but we have a place that makes bouquets a lot like that locally; I have seen ads for them before, and the ones on that link are exactly what I have in mind :) I was thinking of doing veggie ones sometime and serving it with some kind of raw mayo dip for the veggie flowers, but this week I’ll just stick to fruit. I have been wanting to do edible art for a while, but I’m thinking landscape paintings on a tray so you can decorate with it and then eat it for dessert! :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    bluedolphin – I didn’t see the link before, but we have a place that makes bouquets a lot like that locally; I have seen ads for them before, and the ones on that link are exactly what I have in mind :) I was thinking of doing veggie ones sometime and serving it with some kind of raw mayo dip for the veggie flowers, but this week I’ll just stick to fruit. I have been wanting to do edible art for a while, but I’m thinking landscape paintings on a tray so you can decorate with it and then eat it for dessert! :)

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    angie~ An alternative to dipping the fruit in chocolate is to make a chocolate dip. For added variety, maybe a “cream cheese” or “whipped cream” dip also, maybe with some spices like cinnamon or apple pie spices or flavoring like lemon. Wouldn’t that blow people away if they liked the nondairy dips? hehehe I used to make a chocolate mouse pie with tofu, chocolate, vanilla, maple syrup and a crust… people were stunned that it was made with tofu. Me bad! What do you mean by a “landscape” painting? With your artistic talent I bet it is going to be a piece of art! Can’t wait to see pictures!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – I tried to write a message to you on my last post, but it’s not there! I am thinking the site’s on drugs ;) Have a good day, I hope your mood improves soon :)

    bluedolphin – landscape scene like a beach where the sand is made of ice cream, raw brownie palm tree trunks, etc. :) Don’t have a complete picture haha – it’s a work in progress, and if any of you starts selling them from my idea… then yay! I won’t have to do all the work :)

  • Good Morning everyone I can’t bother with this site today, but did want to check in a make sure everyone was doing OK.

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