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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    berry – Thanks about the fence, it’s going to look too cute, (I hope) It is still crummy out, so we will do it tomorrow!! Sometimes hubby gives me a massage. It’s never long enough though! Good for you with the green smoothie. I never like to use berries, only because they are no longer that wonderful incredible Hulk green. Makes em kinda muddy or something. Tastey, just not as green looking as I like!! I am strange.;)

    We are off to visit friends for the eve. Ta ta for now.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – DO take pics; the fence sounds fun :)

    st – The CSA sounds like a great deal for you – enjoy!

    ardes – Yeah, bird update?

    I am looking forward to the garden – my mom has always grown a garden, but this is only my third year growing my own – luckily, this year, my mom & I are kind of sharing – she’s planting the stuff I haven’t grown before over in her good soil, and I’m planting the peas, corn, tomatoes, pumpkins & watermelons in the areas my dad tilled up. He wanted me to do a bunch more stuff to help the garden grow better, but I told him with the way I’m feeling that I’ll be doing well just to stick some seeds in the ground. I’m feeling better and doing more each day – today I opened my own young coconut! I also made a raw chocolate pie, and I went to church (after a half-hour nap). It was a lot, but I’m still up and I hope to feel even better tomorrow. The other thing I did today was to put peas in to soak so I can plant them tomorrow. I am soooooooo looking forward to the garden produce…yumyum :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    greetings sprout heads! first day of my smoothie feast until my operation, i even broke out my small supply of super food: chia, cocoa, and wheat grass powder….hmmmm, im planning on doing a luna and not stressing to much on it, i if want a chermoya, ill have a freaking chermoya! ahahaha got shit for sleep last night, hot here and one of my horses escaped his pen and was buggering one of the ponys sooo up at midnight into the beautiful full moon light( no torch needed) in my jammies to collect sweet cuervo, the escape artist! ( hubby calls him the galloping snorter, which i heard in my dream but the eyes didnt pop open until i heard the squeal of a pissed off pony!) sigh then tried for sleep after my midnight run and couldnt. hubbys alarm went off at three and up ive been ever since! I put a bunch of stuff inthe D for sick recovery food, onion bread and a new cracker im trying out of all my old root veggies and stems, its a sesame wasabi cracker made with cauliflour stem and broccoli and parsnip. All of was kinda wilty and not edible looking so i vitamixed it! smells scruptious!

    Luna how come you massueses dont switch off giving each other massages? the gals at our massage place do, one even swaps massage for hair cuts! i mean id want a killer massage if i where you as hard as you work! are all these private clients or do you work out of a parlour. We have massage envy down here its very corporate bt a nice feel to it my only complaint is that they switch around to different locations so sometimes i have to drive farther to get my fav massuese! We had agal coming tot he house but with gas prices she couldnt afford it any more!

    Well i loose y help today at the barn, so its off to do all my own chores, gas prices have doomed me to twice a day chores forever it seems, but it was nice to have some of it covered for a while! sigh at least she will still pet sit for us….hmmmm, later gators!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – Good idea on the surgery prep. – And you’ll be glad to have the food afterward. I was wishing I had more/better food while I was in the hospital, and after I came home. I finally made a pie yesterday, and a dip the day before that. My mom made me a couple of salad dressings, and other than that it’s been just fruit, nuts, etc. – except my mom did buy me some flax snacks and I started eating Manna Bread since I’ve been home. Kinda nice to have it simple, but sometimes I want more ready-made stuff. :) I’m going later today to have my blood drawn & buy food (first day I will be driving myself anywhere), and I will plant peas after my mom is home from work so she can help if I need help, & she can water them after I get them in the ground. I may do corn or something else while she is here to help, too?

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Angie dont over do girlfriend, there are days and days to get all things done! hope you are well! im inside trying to not melt with the huskies and spaniels and cat, the horses have been soaked with the hose twice now and its a small respite, second shake today was a cucumber tomatoe jalapeno and carrot juice concoction…very tastey with a little salt andpepper, kinda like a v8( smacks forehead!)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – nice chicken! I went shopping for food twice today, and I got my blood drawn and made my own dinner – I’m pooped, but my blood sugar has stayed normal all day! It seems all I do nowadays is check my blood sugar and eat and plan meals, and count carbs, and write down what I ate and what my blood sugar was, and how much insulin I took at what time – this really is a full-time job :) The nutrition website is helping a ton, and I am happy to have my appetite back and to be regaining some of the weight I had lost the last several weeks! I am also happy to be able to get so much fresh fruit now – strawberries, raspberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapple, pears, peaches, bananas, grapefruit… I LOVE FRUIT! The thing that’s funny to me is that now when I look at the book the dietician gave me for counting carbs, I remember how much I craved the brownie or piece of cake with frosting for part of my daily “carb budget” when first diagnosed with diabetes and now the whole page of desserts sounds sick! I have absolutely NO DESIRE for any of the white flour/sugar products that used to be my addiction – yay!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Hey, where is everybody? I didn’t get peas planted last night – too worn out. Not that serious, though. I’m not even setting any expectation for today, except to make sure I eat. Yesterday when I went shopping, I bought a bunch of fruit & ready-to-eat salad greens, and I bought cereals, fruit leather, and other premade or easy stuff that I can make easily for Superman or that he can fix for himself (whole-grain toaster waffles, baby!), so we can eat well while I continue to recover :) I have satisfied myself with eating less than 100% raw in order to eat enough variety of nutrients, keep my blood sugar balanced, and be satisfied, without being able to make a lot of stuff. The stress and wearing myself out was much worse on my health than eating some manna bread or organic corn chips and black beans – even though I would love to have a personal raw chef ;), I just load myself with fresh fruit, salad, raw veggie dips, etc. and I feel good.

    Update – I had my blood drawn yesterday, and my phosphorous level is in the normal range now! I had been taking the powder (100% of recommended phos per day) and I have been eating at least 100% or more per day of phosphorous in my food. So I’m still eating high-phos foods, but hopefully I am done with the powder :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Okay, I’m fine with talking to myself ;) heehee I got tired of so much cooked food after eating corn chips and beans again today, so I went to the store again, and I bought a pineapple, bananas, mango, grapes, apples, oranges, grapefruits and pears. Enough for maybe 3 days! I don’t care if I run out of money for food – something always works out, and I need to feel good. I also am soooo looking forward to fruit, that I don’t care that it is simple/plain. I just LOVE eating happy food :)

  • Did I miss something Angie are you supplementing with cooked foods.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Hey angie! i know the feeling about wanting to eat happy food! good for you on the phos front! im doing pretty good on the smoothie deal…i have eaten some whole fruit and cucumbers! but who cares im feeling great! my fav is a cilantro one by selma drinking that one everyday and last night has the brazilian lemonade with coconut milk….to die for! im running around at the moment trying to get some stuff done before a late docs appointment at 6:30….keep feeling good! later!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – yeah, I bought some manna bread, which felt pretty good to me, because I didn’t have energy to make anything and I could get a good filling meal out of some manna bread with veggies on it. Then I ate some other cooked foods the last couple of days, and I’m not super-sick, just tired and wanting raw foods so I don’t become sick and more tired :) This afternoon, I made an orange-vanilla shake, and it was awesome (Superman’s inspiration for me)! I had to put out another big tray in the kitchen next to my fruit bowl, and they are both full – HAPPY!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Far too busy! I don’t have a secretary to srepond, so it’s up to me!:)

    Still no fence!! BUT, I did tear up the patch of greass behind the garage to extend my veg. patch!! I am going to get more soil to top it up this week. Whcih means turning the soil and mixing it all in there. This weekend we are going to put up the little fence. If not, I will become a widow. and a murderess!

    I boutght four little cayene pepper plants!! Can’t wait to make my own raw cayenne powder. Gonna need a gas mask when i am nundertaking that one!! Also got a mint plant too. I love fresh mint!! I will have the afore mentioned plants in the garden plus, zucs. cucs, yellow bell peps, tomatoes, bean, carrots, beets, lettuce, peas!! Also to climb up the littlence the little edible nastertiums. CAN”T WAIT!

    ang – Glad you are feeling better .

    Om – I usually trade for hair cuts, with my stylist, but I have decided to grow my hair long…. again!! God, it was soooo long last year!! DUH!! Well, I had dreads and they drove me nuts, so I painstakingly picked them out. 12 hours it took! My hair was thinner than usuall, and I got really bummed about that. I should of just sat tight and new growth woud have started and I would have had my nice thick mop back! Shoulda, woulda, Prada. Again… DUH!

    I am not feeling great, because i have had far too many run ins with cooked food these past few days. Bleh. WHAT was i thinking? Well, it’s green smoothies for the rest of the week for me. Gotta bring back that nutrition.

    i don’t know what has gotten into me. I feel suddenly overwhelms by raw and unhappy!!. I need a good slap upside the head i think to get me back on track. HEEEELP MEeeeee!!!

    Well i see ardes is not yet in the belly of that Condor that was higing out in his chimney.

  • Sorry you guys its the last week of school and I am in the kitchen going mad, trying to figure out a menu for the next 3 months while my daughter will be doing her summer thing, staying with parents on and off.

    Plus for some reason work has been really busy so I have no time to chat while there, and you all know once you get home I would rather not sit in front of another screen for one more minute.

    Oh yeah really quick did I mention the bird died .. OK that’s all see you guys later…... ARDESMOND2 quickly logs off…... FLAT LINE
  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – That’s how I was feeling, then I ate manna bread and started adding in more cooked foods, and I’m happy to have fruit again, but I don’t know – I may probably keep the manna bread and/or vary the cooked foods I eat and how much? Or maybe I’ll be happy with all raw again very soon, I don’t know. I know that for now, raw is good. 100% seemed too much for me unless I get a personal chef and unlimited budget… :) You’ll figure it out.

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ARDES - AWWWWW poor birdy. Now go out and get a screen for your chimney so you don’t get anyone else… dropping by!! Btw, I just love that jeep! It screams ‘funmobile’!!

    om – forgot to mention, cute…rooster? i can’t see it that well, but it looks like a rooster. Apparently, according to my dad, you can have chichens in town. Only a few, and no roosters! Why do you have them? Are they just pets? I would love to have some of the more exotic fluffy ones. I suppose I can feed my husband the eggs. I would certainly have to do a mountain of reasearch on how to care for them. We get pretty brutal winters up here, and i would hate to see them die if I wasn’t taking proper care of them!!

    Watched the movie Vanhelsing last night. For the third time! What a crappy movie! if it were not for Hugh Jackman, and getting to see him shirtless near the end, i would not have sat trhough it again. MMMm, that’s the best part of the movie!!

  • Yeah I have got to get a screen soon ….

    ??? Do you think the little critters will eat up my garden if I don’t put any chicken wire around it.

    THanks for the compliment… I don’t know if you guys have ever heard of this but its really big in the SOUTH.. but it’s called the JEEP WAVE… it’s so cool its like being apart of a fraternity. You simply just wave when you see another “old school style Jeep Wrangler”. We do the two fingers over the steering wheel if the top is up … one hand wave outside the car when the doors and top is down.. YESS I love it… I got like 5 waves on the way home ” I LOVE IT” I know this is such a guy thing but I had to share with you ladies….

    Oops tornado hitting my area must go move veggies in doors .. PEACE

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – oh sorry, I missed your post! Wow, i gotta get back to all raw man. i think my problem is the cooked foods. So I am going to lay off of it and hopefully i can get back to being my usual looney self!! is the manna bread like that Ezeikiel bread or Genesis bread?

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – oh sorry, I missed your post! Wow, i gotta get back to all raw man. i think my problem is the cooked foods. So I am going to lay off of it and hopefully i can get back to being my usual looney self!! is the manna bread like that Ezeikiel bread or Genesis bread?

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ardes – i would put some chicken wire around your veg. just to be safe, other wise it could turn into ‘bunny buffet’! HMMM i am jelous of the old style Jeep wave. That would be cool. i have a new one, and there is no such ‘brotherhood of the Jeep’ with the owners of the new Jeeps. :(

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – glad you survived the bird! The Jeep wave sounds fun :)

    Luna – Manna bread is sprouted grains, mushed up and baked at low temperatures. It is dense & sticky inside, and the loaves are super-short because of no yeast, baking powder, etc. – so not really like Ezekiel bread, but it is just sprouted grains and feels so good to my body that I ate it for months and months thinking it was raw until someone told me otherwise. That’s why I went back to that – it felt good when my body wanted good stuff.

    I think I keep thinking that cooked food should work for me, if I just re-introduce it slowly, or one thing at a time, or something, that somehow I will be able to eat a lot more cooked food and feel just as healthy…SIGHHHHHHH. I guess I partly just want something easier – oh, well, there’s always fruit – not much preparation required there :)

    Peas are in the garden! My mom raked the dirt level, Superman & I scattered the soaked peas out on the ground, and Mom covered them up with more dirt… She rocks! She is going to water them for me, too. :) I am really grateful for all she is doing for me. I am sooooo looking forward to the garden peas & other produce, yummy! I don’t think I would ever have a problem staying happily raw if I had a year-round garden like this and plenty of fresh fruit & young coconuts :) Last summer, I ate fresh peas for breakfast almost every day for weeks! This year I planted maybe 3 times the amount of peas as last year, so I’m super-excited :)

  • Okay yeah I don’t want to have to kill thumper. I have enough blood on my hands with the bird and the squirrel. We have decided instead of getting the VITAmix we are going to buy a green house. PRICE 798.00 can’t wait we should be purchasing it in 2 months.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Wow, a greenhouse! Cool choice :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Goodmorning all!!

    ardes – GREENHOUSE?! Oh that is too great!! I would LOVE a GH!!! Speaking of green, I am turning it with envy!! Intead of a Vitamix, try the Braun powermax. I like mine for G smoothies!! It was only about 80 bucks too!

    ang – cooked foods are just killing me. I have been feeling awful since I binged on them this past weekend. Clearly they are not for me. So this morning started wiht 3 tablespoons of E3 live, and a very green smoothie. Blast out that cooked food!! Bleh.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Mornin! Ardes you better move and change your name, maybe even dye your hair and grow a beard . all that bad dead animal karma! hahahaha my hubby, the spider slayer, got his comeupance when the spiders sent the scorpians! he got stung on the finger when one hid in his laundry and then we found 4 more on his closet shelves and closet ceiling! It hasnt stopped him though he actually told the last poor scorpion as he flushed it down the toilet: “BRING IT, ARACHNIDS!!!!” I remember the jeep wave! very fun, we wave at motorcyclist from our bike, the bad ass bikers are the worst( the ones withthe ape hangers and chopper style bikes), never get a wave back from them! but everyone else is pretty cool! waht kind of green house? those things are super easy to build cheaply, go to the junk yard or check craigs list and garage sales for old windows build a simple frame and build yourself a window house, mine cost less than 300 bucks to make in maryland!

    Angie, ive never tried manna bread, hmm ill have to look for it…..your garden is gonna be so much fun, keep mending!

    Luna thats no rooster thats coco, my wellsummer hen. she is a beauty, i only have her and sister left out of my flock of 9 last year, i gave 4 away though and then the bob cat grabbed buffy and house chicken,an owl got gigi but that silly thing liked to roost in trees and would never coop up! chickens are easy, and great pets, with your giant mutt being the biggest threat to them if you had them, but check out this site www.omlet.com or jsut google eglu chicken houses, super cool and easy resource for “town” chickens. I have them cause i love them and i dont want hubby eating store eggs where the poor chickens live horrid lives….besides free range organic eggs are so much better than store eggs your hubby will never be able to eat breakfast out again! mine sit in my lap and come when i call it is hard to loose them to wild poaching but the alternative is to keep them penned up or have a chickn tractor like had on the east coast. as for keeping them warm thats easy to do with any good heat lamp and some half way decent insulation due to all your snow you may needa big covered chicken run for winter, i remember mine wher none to keen to be out in snow back east!

    gotta slurp down my cilantro shake and feed horses! two more days till surgery! AAAACCCKKK!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – do peas prefer to climb? I have drawn out my garden and have placed the peas besidethe shed so i can sting up some mesh for them to climb on. Hoping to use some verticle space!! i know beans like to climb, so when the chicken wire fence is up they will be planted there!! Climb away you little buddies!!! :) (You probably think I am anal drawing out my veg patch, but space is a bit of a premium and i just need to see it on paper before i get all the rows ready!!)

  • nycgrrlnycgrrl Raw Newbie

    Just wanted to introduce myself to this thread-I live in nyc and have been high raw (90%) for a month. I am decreasing my coffee consumption and still have manna bread once a week. Hi everyone!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Om – thanks for the chicken info! :) It’s a hen eh? Shows you how much i know! My mutt would probably want to play with the poor chickens…squash! :(

    Hi there nycgirl! :)

    A new playmate everyone!!!

  • nycgrrlnycgrrl Raw Newbie

    Ha! right now i am sitting here trying to figure out what to make for lunch. I just had banana-blackberry pancakes with vanilla cashew butter for breakfast, and my green smoothie of course…..lunch will probably be my usual tomato-avo-walnut salad…yummmmmmm.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    nycgrrl – welcome! banana-blackberry pancakes? My mouth is watering :) Yum! I have lots of fruit right now: 1 pineapple, 3 mangoes, 3 pears, 6 oranges, half a pound of strawberries, a cup or so of raspberries, 6 bananas, 1 small peach & some lemons & limes. I am going to eat fruit for breakfast, and I’m going to make banana-nut pancakes for tomorrow. I am almost out of my raw chocolate pie, so I’ll have to make some kind of dessert soon, too :) It’s really helpful for me to have a pie waiting in the fridge or freezer so I can fill out my meals without huge effort when I’m already hungry. I also have stuff to make my marinated cauliflower salad, and lots of salad greens, besides the Manna Bread and a little raw goat cheese – today it should be a breeze to eat. :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – hey thanks for the inventory! ;)

    nyc – those pancakes do sound nice. Are they raw?!! How do you make them?

    Ijust got back from the HFS, and picked up 3 bunches of curly kale, 1 dino kale 3 lemons, 3 avos, hemp seeds, raw org tahini, 3 oranges 14 bananas and a big red pepper. All organic!! I am going to make ardes’s famous kale salad for lunch and I’ll take some for dinner to work. YUMMMMY

    Looking at the bounty I have gotten from the HFS is making me feel better already!!

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