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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – HAHA! I was going to ask for suggestions of what to make, but then I just wanted to eat the fruit plain, so I didn’t ask – but looking at all of it made me feel better just like you said it did for you, so I guess I was trying to share the joy :) Your inventory reminded me of hemp seeds; maybe I’ll go buy some for my salads… Thanks!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Oh, yeah, luna – I forgot your ? about peas. It depends; there are bush peas and pole peas, so if you have pole peas they need to climb, but bush peas just kinda hang out on their own :) It wouldn’t hurt to try putting them onto the support you have for them if they get the little curly things that wrap around wires and other pea plants. My mom plans the garden space, too, and she drew it out the other night before we started doing anything – nothing wrong with being organized and planning.

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – cool new pic!! I will have to see what type of peas i ended up getting! Hemp seeds are so great. it says on my package that 2 tbsp. has 11 grams of protien. Wow, and they are sooooo yum. The salad i had was so great. i had a kale apple juice with it. I feel much better alredy!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – I like your pic, too! Thanks for being my inspiration today – your kale apple juice has really got me wanting to go to the HFS now!

    nycgrrl – Do you have a recipe for those blackberry-banana pancakes?

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Yeah no kiddin, where is that pancake recipe?!

    Thanks about the new pic. That’s my niece, my mutt, me and my nephew. We were posed really nicely and then his mom hands him a hot dog. ICK. Then…mayhem, as my dog tries to get it from him. So much for the nice picture. It’s a fun one anyway I am glad I could be an inspiration to you!! It makes me feel good, especially after the past few days!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Funny pic story – thanks for that :D

    I went to the HFS and bought hemp seeds and kale :) My breakfast today was mostly fruit. Lunch now is a big spring mix salad with sweet basil dressing, cauliflower, lots of hemp seeds, lemon juice, microgreens…Anyway, it is really good. I also had young coconut juice and I’ll probably finish with raw chocolate pie… :) Happy food :)

  • OKAY you guys will never believe this, I came home and in the same living room where the bird and the squirrel had there last wishes …. WAIT no LET ME paint the picture for you.

    Ardes Comes home, first thing I do is take off this silly tie and change into my comfy clothes….. Hmmm now it’s time for ALMOND butter and Agave mix… love this stuff, it’s like coming home and eating SAD cereal and watching cartoons after school in the old days… OKAY sorry back to the story.. I get my almond butter and I hear this faint BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ noise .. I continue to eat and pay it no mine…. I turn the corner to go into the living room to watch a little food NETwork and HOLY SHIT.. there are like a million termites feasting on my wooden floor and I freaked out… if you remember I hate things that fly. I wish I could post a pic for you the way it looked.. So what do I do I wrap my head like I am something coming out of saudi arabia and I grab the broom and start sweeping them out the front door….. What happens next… like 15 birds swarm the front yard snacking on dead termites. talk about bad animal KARMA….. I shut the door and scream like some school girl and run to the back of the house… END of STORY

  • OKAY you guys will never believe this, I came home and in the same living room where the bird and the squirrel had there last wishes …. WAIT no LET ME paint the picture for you.

    Ardes Comes home, first thing I do is take off this silly tie and change into my comfy clothes….. Hmmm now it’s time for ALMOND butter and Agave mix… love this stuff, it’s like coming home and eating SAD cereal and watching cartoons after school in the old days… OKAY sorry back to the story.. I get my almond butter and I hear this faint BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ noise .. I continue to eat and pay it no mine…. I turn the corner to go into the living room to watch a little food NETwork and HOLY SHIT.. there are like a million termites feasting on my wooden floor and I freaked out… if you remember I hate things that fly. I wish I could post a pic for you the way it looked.. So what do I do I wrap my head like I am something coming out of saudi arabia and I grab the broom and start sweeping them out the front door….. What happens next… like 15 birds swarm the front yard snacking on dead termites. talk about bad animal KARMA….. I shut the door and scream like some school girl and run to the back of the house… END of STORY

  • OKAY you guys will never believe this, I came home and in the same living room where the bird and the squirrel had there last wishes …. WAIT no LET ME paint the picture for you.

    Ardes Comes home, first thing I do is take off this silly tie and change into my comfy clothes….. Hmmm now it’s time for ALMOND butter and Agave mix… love this stuff, it’s like coming home and eating SAD cereal and watching cartoons after school in the old days… OKAY sorry back to the story.. I get my almond butter and I hear this faint BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ noise .. I continue to eat and pay it no mine…. I turn the corner to go into the living room to watch a little food NETwork and HOLY SHIT.. there are like a million termites feasting on my wooden floor and I freaked out… if you remember I hate things that fly. I wish I could post a pic for you the way it looked.. So what do I do I wrap my head like I am something coming out of saudi arabia and I grab the broom and start sweeping them out the front door….. What happens next… like 15 birds swarm the front yard snacking on dead termites. talk about bad animal KARMA….. I shut the door and scream like some school girl and run to the back of the house… END of STORY

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    SEE! i told you that dead animal karma is the worst! heehee you better work on that new identity!

    angie nice new pic! have you thought of selling your art/jewelry ot etsy.com? a friend of mine jsut turned me on to it, very cool! im getting a necklace made to memorialize my dog( that passed two years ago)

    Luna cool new pic also cute relatives you have….but a hot dog in that childs hands? oh lordy!!!!

    nycgirl welcome! pancakes sound good, are ou gonna share or do we have to come over there?;0)

    Wheres the Berry?

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ardes – YUK! I would scream too! How did all of them get in?!! Do you have SCREENS on your windows down there or what?

    om – I did not give that hot dog to my nephyew!! The mom was the culprit. It was ‘raw’ no less. EWWWWWWWWWWW! I wish she would feed them better!!! ps. they aren’t actually related, just our very best friends kids, and for ease we call them niece and nephew. Love them like they were blood related! Actually maybe more!! You don’t choose family, you usually get stuck with em! How is the G smoothie feast going?

    Me want pancakes, me want pancakes! PANCAKES!!!!

  • nycgrrlnycgrrl Raw Newbie

    hey ya’ll yep the pancakes are raw….blend a banana and some berries in a blender…add a bit of water. if you add too much and it’s too watery, then add some flax seeds (blended) in to the mix to thicken it up. It should be pretty thin, so the pancakes are more like thick-ish crepes. Pour the batter onto your teflex sheet, and dehydrate overnight.

    I put cashew butter inside and roll them up—YUM…

    so i bought some e3live and it arrived yesterday. Trying it for the first time—tastes surprisingly good!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – your story had me laughing and wanting to cry for you at the same time – you poor schoolgirl :) heeheehee Actually, it made me laugh so much that my mom kept asking what was so funny & I told her your animal adventures & then read this one to her and my dad. So now you have all our sympathy – and curiosity about how all these things keep finding their way in?! Maybe think of last night as feeding the birds to make up for the one that got into your fireplace? Maybe you’re turning that karma around :D HAHAHAHA!!!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    nyc – thanks for the recipe. I do those already!! Thought you stubled apon something difreent. E3 live is great. Take it easy at first or you could get the poops!

    I am making seed cheeze filled ‘Zuc’cotti with marinara souce for lunch!! ( you know it’s like manicotti, but with zucchini as the noodles) Then dinner will be ‘Zuc’etti with marinara sauce! I haven’t made anything special for a while, and i think I need to have some fun in the kitchen.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    nycgrrl – thanks for the recipe; that sounds really good, and easy, which I also love :) I am going to be making banana nut pancakes today and have lots of overripe bananas, so maybe I’ll try some banana-berry ones, too. Yay, pancake day! :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – banana nut pancakes? Raw right? Just bananas and ground almonds?

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    2 cups of Brazil nuts, soak for 6 hours to overnight. Rinse & drain the Brazil nuts & put in the blender with 3 bananas, a pinch of sea salt, and just enough water to get them to blend up. pour the batter onto Teflex or parchment paper and dehydrate overnight-ish. If you dehydrate them during the day, you can check them to see how you want the consistency, cuz it depends on how thick the batter is. Yummy! I eat them with fresh fruit, or a tiny bit of agave, or all by themselves made thin & crispy like a cookie, or with fruit & some kind of nut cream, or once I ate them stacked, with raspberries and chocolate sauce on each layer, and it was like one of the most decadent chocolate layer cake/desserts I’ve ever eaten! Maybe I’ll make chocolate sauce today, too… Mmmmmm!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – I just saw your post about the seed cheese ‘zuc’cotti – yum! How do you make it? That sounds so good!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – I just saw your post about the seed cheese ‘zuc’cotti – yum! How do you make it? That sounds so good!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – welllllll. The recipe is a friend of mines, and she has her own raw classes and worshops business. So I don’t feel comfortable giving you the exact recipe. But you slice the zuc as thin as you can, ( I use my mandoline slicer) Then make up your fave marianara sauce, and nut or seed cheese. Roll up the cheese into the zuc slices and top with marianara! MMM…mmm…MMMMMMM!!!! I peel my zucs, and it fools everyone at work all the time. ‘Oh, your eating pasta now?!’ hee hee hee. Nope!

    Well, I suppose I can give you the seed cheeze cos. hers is originally a cashew cheeze, so maybe it’s different enough!

    1 cup pumkin seeds (Papitas) soak for two hours

    1/2 cup sunflowr seeds soak for two hours

    2 tbsp tahini

    3 tbsp lemon juice

    2 tbsp cashew butter

    2 or 3 cloves garlic

    enough water to get it to blend if you don’t have a vitamix!

    The marinara sauce is to die for, but i am sure hers is similar to others on this site.

    i just finished some and oh my, they were nice!!! i think tonight i will make a blush sauce by mixing up some marainara and some of the seed cheeze. Can’t wait!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    luna – thanks! I make a pretty mean marinara, so no worries on that, but I lack experience with seed cheeses… The Brazil nut pancakes are from Hooked on Raw by Rhio, but hers had cinnamon and no salt – but I see similar recipes other places, too. That’s awesome your coworkers can’t tell the difference ;) I have been craving some “heavier” meals since getting out of the hospital, but I haven’t had much energy/strength to make them. This one sounds like I can make the parts at different times and then put it together when I want to eat it – I may warm it in the dehydrator. Sounds good!

    om – Is your surgery tomorrow? How’s the prep. going? And how are you feeling about it – settled yet, or still nervous?

    ardes – creature of the day report, please? ;)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    oh yeah, ang – thanks for the banana nut pancake recipe. Are they a little fluffier with the nuts than just with banana? Do you think using almond flour (ground almonds) would work? They sound like this Sundays breakfast to me!! Hubby would love em!!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Oh yeah, i just made some apple, kale, lemon juice. Nice.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I haven’t done “pancakes” with just banana, but the banana-nut ones are pretty dense – they can be thicker if you don’t use much water, cuz the runnier the batter is, the more it spreads out… They are surprisingly like a dense, thin pancake as far as a raw version could be. I just went and bought more bananas so I can make more in a couple of days – I think these are going to be a staple around here for a while, or at least until I run out of Brazil nuts :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – Thanks :)

    I just had my dinner, and i now have this aura of garlic around me. My hubby will be thrilled.

    my ma-in-law dropped off 4 tomatoe plants, 8 carrot plants, a Boston and red lettuce plants! Wow 8 whole carrots! Easy now i amy turn orange eating that many! ;) I will be planting seeds as well!! So this Monday is planting day. I get to chill in the garden with my little green friends. Little do they know, I am going to eat them later on. (Whispered) Hee hee hee!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    hey guys lat post from me for a few days! smoothie feast going well, i did suppliment with a few whole cukes and some chermoyas….but otherwise pretty good! hmmm, i am planning on two more before bed and one at midnight then nothin till after the surgery… wish me well, have fun!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    hey guys lat post from me for a few days! smoothie feast going well, i did suppliment with a few whole cukes and some chermoyas….but otherwise pretty good! hmmm, i am planning on two more before bed and one at midnight then nothin till after the surgery… wish me well, have fun!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    heehee :) luna, you crack me up – I thought the same thing last year, nurturing my baby plants…

    About the pancakes, I don’t know how it would be with almond meal – I would imagine it should still hold together well enough. I just love the flavor when I use Brazil nuts, but let me know if you try it that way.

    Last night for dinner I made marinated cauliflower and asparagus, and I added some pears and served it over salad greens – YUMMY! I had put extra cayenne in the marinade, though, and it was too much for me, so I couldn’t eat as much as I had planned, and now the greens are soggy/wilty bleh. I made my banana-nut pancakes and I have now eaten half of the batch out of the dehydrator and they weren’t ready yet (I used a spatula and scraped the goo off the parchment paper). I also am in the process of making a berry pie – yum!

    I have edema swelling my feet, ankles, halfway up my lower legs! The doc in the hospital told me I had sloughed off some kidney cells, but that kidneys are pretty resilient. I went today and bought an herbal combination supplement to help my kidneys, and I am grateful I have access to good medical care AND good natural health care. Yay!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – paint your toenails! Okay, maybe you don’t need it, but my orange toenails have helped me during recovery, especially while in the hospital room. :) (((((((((((((((LOVE)))))))))))))))

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – Good to hear from you again! No, I don’t know a lot about herbs yet, although I have studied a lot about nutrition & food. So, thanks for the info. about dandelion root tea. I tried calling the doc’s office Wed. to find out about the edema, but the nurse never returned my call. Then I remembered my doc doesn’t work on Wed., but she didn’t call back yesterday, either, so that’s when I called my friends at the herb store. I have an appt. with my doc today to follow up after the hospital, so I’m going to ask him about it, and to tell him no one ever called me back – even though it was on the “urgent” message line! HELLOOOOOOO?! I even called my sis who is a medical assistant to ask if she knew about it, but she didn’t know. She used to work at a urology clinic, but it’s been years, and now she works for an OB/GYN, so edema there is maybe related to toxemia in pregnancy, etc. She was helpful in encouraging me to write down all my questions and to not be afraid to keep asking the doc if I don’t get answers that satisfy me. :) As for the pancakes, they weren’t soggy any more, just kinda gooey enough that they wouldn’t peel off. I think my body is still crying for phosphorous, cuz I ate the rest of the pancakes for dinner when they were done – the whole recipe has about two days’ worth of phosphorous :) I bought a cheap dehydrator first ($40 at Wal-Mart, I think) a couple of years ago, but I had super-little income, and it would have been that or no dehydrator indefinitely. The only reason I was able to get an Excalibur is I am living on student financial aid (grants & loans), and I decided I had to do it and just work out the rest of my budget – so glad I did! Although, if I knew how tight money would be this summer, I never would have done it – good thing I didn’t know ;) I don’t regret it!

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