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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • om, I have been thinking about this ALL DAY. I started several conversations with folks about it too, and each of them thinks I am nuts for even wanting to discuss it! It’s amazing how attached we are to stuff. I am going to formulate a list of 100 things. I don’t know if I can actually achieve it as a real goal (being one of the culturally brainwashed, alas), but I will make the list. It’s a real mind-opener.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – Yeah, you have really got me thinking, too! That’s funny you said that about it taking energy to own things, because similar thoughts have been going through my mind for months! Yeah, I would have to exclude beads, heehee it often takes more than 100 beads to make one necklace ;) I think it is overwhelming to me right now, but it has motivated me to make a goal: I just thought today, what if I GOT RID OF 10 things a day? That may be easier right now than trying to figure out KEEPING 100 things. Plus, that way, I may get down to even LESS than 100? I’m a slow one sometimes, though, so I’ll start with just getting rid of 10 things once, and maybe that will eventually lead to 10 things per day. I think I could do it if I also excluded art/craft/hobby items: I have a lot of stuff for making cards, candle molds, paints, brushes, canvases, yarn, crochet hooks, fabric, etc. – besides thousands of beads and some wire & tools :) I just have tons of STUFF that is in storage because I’m living with my parents, and I don’t know what is even in some of the boxes. I have thought & talked about getting rid of stuff from the basement, and I’ve even given away and sold a bunch of stuff – this is really getting me thinking again about how much simpler life could/would/will be without so much STUFF! I recently went to a class on getting organized, and the first thing the woman said is that the main reason we have clutter & disorganization is that we have too much stuff! She is right, and I didn’t listen to very many things she said after that, because I decided that’s what I want to work on – getting rid of the stuff I don’t need. I think I would also have to exclude food items, though, because I probably have easily more than 100 food items at any given time. If Keanu Reeves lives in a hotel, he has to eat at restaurants where they have appliances, dishes and food items – he’s a cheater :D I’m going to think more about this… I’m intrigued & challenged :)

    Birdie – I LOVED your story! You have an amazing talent for writing – I linked to a couple of other things you had written, and I am ASTOUNDED!!!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Angie, i wonder if food should count… i was thinking about that but then medicine shouldnt count cause its consumable too as is shampoo ect ect…soooo, im still on my kitchen list trying to keep it under 25 items…..hmmmmm. One thing i did think of as im clutching my several sets of dishes to my chest was think, you know when i have more than 4 people over i can rent dishes like we did for my wedding! then my other little voice kicks in” yes but this set is so cuuuuuuuteeee!” sigh, the easiest thing was my closet no problem getting the clothes pared down….

    Birdie how you doing on your list? I went cruising around “gather” too reading other peoples stuff, there is some good stuff there but you are still a stand out! you are amazingly talented….i emailed you a long time ago off site ,from your old website actally, asking for a info on your town…i was just curious, small towns have always intrigued me… im wanting to find a place to put roots, to feel at home in…..funny how after traveling my whole life im still trying to find”that ” place!oh yeah how did npr find you? did you solicit or are they looking?

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    This is insane! I made a list of 100 items, and it doesn’t include food, only has one of each dish (or does pplate, bowl, cup & silverware count as one thing?), four outfits, blender & dehydrator (I forgot the juicer), one towel for bath, one kitchen towel, one blanket, etc. – 2 cleaning products…did I say that this is insane?! I would have to do laundry every day, and then – oh, crap! I didn’t write down washer & dryer :P I think I need to look at this list again. The less items I have, the more I need to pay other people to do things & use more electricity. I didn’t even count the items IN my wallet; just one wallet, just one set of papers (birth certificate, Soc. Sec. card, business papers, etc.) Do shelves count as items? I’m thinking I could do 1,000 items…maybe…if I have to…I guess…Yikes!

  • Awww, you two are TOO KIND! I’m so glad you enjoyed my story. I wrote it just a couple days after meeting my daughter. I still tear up thinking about it. : )

    I sent in a few recordings of some of my stories to NPR and all of them were picked up, but this is the first nationally syndicated show that took one of my stories. If you are interested in recording your stuff, I can help, just email me!

    I love my small town. I used to live in So Cal, and the hustle and bustle just wore me down. My boys are so much happier here, too. It’s been a great move. This summer makes three years in New Mexico.

    I am struggling with The List. It’s an incredible exercise. Yeah, Angie, my list is looking like yours! How can I part with all these clothes! (And I’m not much of a clotheshorse to start with!) It is really making me consider all of the junk I’ve collected along the way. Do I need three pairs of flip-flops? I do not. Yet I’ve got ‘em.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I didn’t even put one pair of flip-flops on my list – just sneakers & dressy shoes, one of each. Maybe I’ll trade socks (I think those are on my list?) for flip-flops…Part of my problem with clothes is that I am 5’11” tall & I can never find shirts long enough, so I buy men’s undershirts to cover what shirts don’t…I think maybe I should count a shirt & undershirt as one because of that? My sis-in law who is 5’2” doesn’t have to worry about such things :)

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Ooo I want to make a list!!! This is the perfect time, as I’ve memorized everything I own because I’m trying to decide what to get rid of for when I move in 1 month. Here’s what I have: clothes 40 items shoes 6 pairs dishes 2 sets bedding set sheets furniture 1 mattress towels 2 books 5 nicknacks jewelry 3 pictures 7 albums computers 1 appliances 2 make up 1 soap 1 kitchen 20 + utensils sports 5 items cleaning products 5 wallet, keys, papers guinea pigs 2

    Woah – littlebirdie – your story is amazing! Wow!! You met your daughter for the first time 4 years ago. Have you been able to spend time with her since then? Things like this make me think of postsecret.com.. the guy who started this blog spoke at our university. He said we should have compassion for others, as every one of us has a secret that would break your heart. When folks start sharing these secrets, the whole gathering of 1,000+ people changed… they became more intimate, lighthearted, kind, and happy. It seems to be a relief to go on stage and share a secret with this huge group of strangers. So, thank you for the story!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    winona definetly dump the guinnea pigs…..hahahhahahaha of course im just kidding! im a pet- ophile my self(THATS PET-ophile NOT KID FANCIER! ;0) you sound very pared down! hmmm good for you heres. the only successful part of my list so far jewelry: two pairs ear rings, one ring, one necklace. shoes, 1 pair of flip flops two pairs of clogs, one pair of sneakers, one pair of snow boots(dont ask me why in socal) one pair of jeans, two pair of capris,two pair of shorts, one bathing suit,two bras,2 pairs of socks. two hats, one wrap, two yoga pants,two scarves.4 shirts two sweaters,two jackets. thats 3 more items than i had planned for that catagory! ugh…thinking of kissing the bras goodbye! teehee anyhow my work clothes( three britches 8 shirts(long sleeve and short), three jackets(different wieghts) one sun hat and boots) dont count ive lumped them in with “pet stuff” as its work related. isnt this hard? i cant get over it! really but im having a darn good time trying to make it work..

    birdie ive got nonhorse related short storys ive written and some other junk about travel family storys and what not, id love some help in the recording department! is your email the one on your profile page? thanks

    angie, keep at it… its crazy isnt it? how much crap we accumulate! wonder if ardes could do it….the gauntlet is down ardes…join the fun! Strawberry couldnt be bothered im sure (kiss kiss);)

    back to the list !

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Mhwhaha i love pets – i want more piggies!

    So lucky that you work with horses omshanti – that’s what I want to do!

    While trying to get rid of stuff, I also wish I could buy clothing that is more sustainable. Rawganique.com has good stuff, but I like to try things on. I might investigate the hemp clothing store downtown, and a sustainable style (recycling, vintage, and organic clothing) store. Perhaps I can incorporate some green practices, even if I can’t afford all sustainable items. Still it’s best to own as little as possible! Clothes is my weakest link. I love to replace the entire wardrobe every two years. Not a smart move!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I am counting one Rubbermaid bin as one item of craft stuff, and I’m thinking of counting anything useful made of craft items as part of the original item. So one bin of yarn might make 10 dishcloths, 1 dress, 1 blanket, 2 hats, a scarf – and they still count as one item :D I’m thinking this is ridiculous, and yet I’m still thinking! Oh, well, maybe someday…

    Winona – “green” ideas, for me, include using my craft talents to make useful stuff as described above, instead of making things like table runners & wall hangings, and I’m saving all my son’s holey kneed jeans – in my “fabric” bin ;) – to cut up and make a picnic/camping blanket or a denim skirt or something. I HATE to spend money to buy what everyone else is already wearing, & I love to make & wear unique things. So clothes are hard for me in a different way – I want to MAKE a whole wardrobe, and yet I would only have room for a few things, and if they’re too unique, well, then everyone notices that you only have 3 shirts :)

    om – I guess I just need to start selling one of everything I know how to make, and then it’s all excluded because it’s business-related (advertising) when I make/use/wear something? Soooo…

    Does anyone want to buy a croheted dress, scarf, hat, blanket, dishcloth…heehee I know you want more stuff to decide from ;)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Angie1 hahahaah smarty pants! guess this is just a really good excersize in seeing what is really important and what we really need….i kept 6 plates, 2 sizes 6 bowls and one set of silverware…6 mugs one can opener(manual) 6 pairs of chopsticks , one set of knives ect ect i decided one set=one….it helped tremedously in the kitchen! teehee with wine glasses and all good grief..if i where a pioneer id have one plate for me and one for hubby with a knife and a pair of chopsticks each that would be it besides my cast iorn pot to cook his stuff in! teehee but im not sooooo, gotta stay realitic ….i did toda make a giant trip to good will, all hextra dishes some clothes and 1/4 of what was in storage, i reckon i can get to 1/2 of what is in storage in another trip! its very liberating…its stuff that i dont need for heavens sake! keep me posted on your alls progress!

    Winona, what type of riding/ training do you do? horses are fabulous arent they…sigh ;0)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I have been reading “Little House in the Big Woods” (first of Little House on the Prairie series) with my son, and yes, those were simpler times, but when settled in a house, they still had multiple pans, pails, rags, knives, clothes, blankets, equipment for making butter & cheese, etc. They also had guns, stuff to make their own bullets, traps for animals, etc. where we have computers & telephones & blenders and garden hoses. I’ve been wanting to simplify for a long time, more since reading the book, and even though this is just someone else’s idea, I’m not getting paid for it, no one is checking on me, etc. – it is getting me going! Today I filled a big laundry basket with clothes to get rid of (stuff I never wear & stuff that’s too little for my son)! I think I’m going to go with one set=1 too, so now I have to decide what one set is. I’m still not counting food, though, or I’d end up malnourished living on sunflower seeds & chocolate. :) heehee I may not get down to 100 items (and my mom thinks I’m crazy for even thinking about it), but my life will be much simpler, very quickly :) Thanks, omshanti! The way I’ve decided to handle the stuff I’ll not be using any more, without wasting money when I don’t have it, is that I’ll keep all the extra clothes, towels, etc. in the basement, but treat it like a store – I don’t own the clothes unless I buy them by getting rid of something else. That way, I know I’ll have clothes available (four or five shirts worn all the time will wear out quicker than 20 that are worn less frequently) without having to buy new clothes often after getting rid of perfectly good clothes. Reality, eh? This is getting more fun all the time!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – When you say one set, what is one set for you? one set of plates? one place setting? one set of everything for six people? I realized that I didn’t have any jacket or coat on my list, so I need to add both – it’s cold here in winter! Also no pjs :(

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – Hi again! You crack me up :) You like stuff, huh? (whispered) Hey! Do you want to buy some of my stuff, so I can keep more by calling it business? :) heeheehee :D Okay, fine, I’ll budget it into my 100 or 250 or 1,000 or whatever items – whatever I end up with. No, sadly, no trace of Luna whatsoever. It makes me want to cry. :(

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    the berry! or should i call you scarlet o’berry?(as god as my witness!) teeheee stuff is good i have to admit and after the good will guy pryed my sets of dishes from my hands as i stood in the parking lot hyperventilating…. i felt much better! big grin! heres what ive been asking myself 1)do i LOVE this item? if someone hid it tomarrow would i notice it gone? would i miss it unbearabley? 2)am i holding on to this stuff because i will use it eventually( like a replacement?)or am i hoping to use it in the future because ill grow back into it?( like clothes that dont fit)3) is this something that is nostalgic to me AND do i look at it regularily and feel warm and fuzzy?( the kicker is regularly…yearbooks, old fotos..i never look at these things unless im moving!)4) is it uselful in everyday life and do i have more than one of it?( three can openers people!!! and dishes!!!! woooweeee, overboard!)5) is it something that my family would want if i die tomarrow or is it going into the box to good will without even a thought.( i expect clothes and stuff to go but im refering to knick nacks and pictures ect ect)6) is it used in my house today or sitting in a box in the garage/storage? and last but not least …..do i want my energy spent on owning “blank”.....

    Angie I love your idea about having a store!!! one of the skills a very organized friend of mine has is when she buys something new for her house, an item of equal size and worth has to go…..her place is very well decorated and clean feeling!! as for my one = one…one set of dishes= a the 6 place settings…as for food and medicine i simply went through and threw out spices and or condiments that i havent use in the last 6 months( there where many!) and medicines im not fond of anyway so all i really had was ginger chews and some arnica, hubby had many bottles of antacid and aspirin type things so i threw out all the old ones…he hypervetilated about that! teehee. as for my pjs i sleep au natural( even in cold weather i love big heavy blankets!), but wear my yoga pants around the house. i also have a spa robe i forgot about( it almost went to the good will but then i desided that a good fuzzy robe is used often in the winter over yoga pants!!! I did ditch the bras as most of my summer tops at least have shelf bras in them already…so what is the point? storage is harder but with my nostalgia rule in place im going to throw out boxes with out opening them!!!YIKES wish me luck!!!!

    poor luna blue will we ever hear from her again? happy thoughts and love vibes her way((((((()))))

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    oops here is my furniture list: two beds, three night stands, two benches. four bookshelves(two of which are not going with me if and when we move) one coffee table, one dresser( which is not desided upon yet, one big oversized chair. two ikea smaller chairs, three barstools( also not going but being used at the moment) two computer desks and chairs. 6 lamps( to may!) two filing cabinets…. i have no sofa as i have a loveryly window seat that works as a sofa in this house not sure what we shall do in a new house. but thats it! not to shabby on that front! its the pitures and paintings for the walls that im tackling today after work!!! aaaargh!! my mom rotates hers, she changes all the paintings in her house form hr collection that is stored in the garage evry 6 months or so…its an idea….

    oh and angie I love the little house series, i still have it in my box of books…now im motivated to reread them as well this summer!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Quick look in the kitchen, & I have 19 items just of nuts/seeds/beans/grains, 18 spices I use ALL THE TIME, plus 5 oils, nori sheets, agave, honey…no way am I counting food – I may quit counting all together & just start organizing & chucking stuff – or have a yard sale if I get that ambitious; I could use some cash so I can buy more stuff to make me stop hyperventilating…HEEHEEHEE :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Here’s a link to the song my son requested the other night just after I read about this challenge:


    Makes me think of Scarlet O’Berry :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Okay, I forgot to tell you guys what happened last night. I went walking with my son riding a scooter & we stopped to talk to some neighbors down the street. The lady grows a garden & now fruit trees in the little (usually grass) space between the sidewalk & the street. So she’s out there weeding it, and since I have been interested in learning about edible weeds, I asked her if she knew you can eat this weed I saw her ripping out. She knew it, but said she sprays poison on the weeds & it wouldn’t be a good idea to eat them. I then remembered she is trained in agriculture & asked her if she knew of any other weeds that were edible. She told me dandelion, but kept saying that it isn’t recommended to eat weeds because of the stuff people spray. I told her I just wanted to know for my garden where we don’t spray. She looked straight at me and said, “Well, that’s why we grow a garden, so we don’t have to eat the weeds.” HAHAHAHA! She must think I’m the slowest thing crawling down her street :D

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    omshanti – I actually don’t ride or train horses yet. I work as a secretary, but I take animal science classes in my spare time. I will be taking a Horses class at the university this fall. I’m thrilled!! great point about “do i want my energy spent on owning

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    My rule about not counting food came because I realized that the only way a person could live on 100 or less items is if #1: food is lumped all together as one item, or #2: you buy only what you’re going to eat at that meal, and then eat it – but then I realized that a lot of recipes have 5 to 20 ingredients, soooo…that led to option #3: You would have to eat only at restaurants, because then you eat the food before you pay for it, and therefore you never actually own it! Tricky stuff, food. I keep herbs & food-sourced supplements in the same category – they’re food.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    My rule about not counting food came because I realized that the only way a person could live on 100 or less items is if #1: food is lumped all together as one item, or #2: you buy only what you’re going to eat at that meal, and then eat it – but then I realized that a lot of recipes have 5 to 20 ingredients, soooo…that led to option #3: You would have to eat only at restaurants, because then you eat the food before you pay for it, and therefore you never actually own it! Tricky stuff, food. I keep herbs & food-sourced supplements in the same category – they’re food.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    winona, girlfriend…may i reccomend, spending some money on clinics as well as your animal science classes… i have a degree in animal science and its done squat for my horse career however all the clinics and certifications i attended and accumulated have done wonders for my knowledge base and horse training business! If you are adventursome and wouldnt mind living over seas for a year or two attend the riding academy in iceland(holgar? or something like that) its a very comprehensive program and they can sure ride there! not to mention icelandics are great little horses very similar to our american mustang!

    Yurt living…ill have one some day too! (check out yurtpeople.com) i go there and dream! my hubby is not so much sharing that vision at all but once i pry his uptight butt outta CA and get him used to the real wilderness of AZ maybe then we can have a “vacation” yurt in OR or WA like i would like…. hopefully one day….. otherwise i may have to construct a straw bale one on my property in az as a “studio” my other dream is a strawbale yurt barn…not sure if its doable but im thinking of it….hubby asks if i was raised in an ewok village! hahahahaha what a card! i WISH i was raised in an ewok village!;0)

    Angie, i went to storage today but unfortunately i broke a rule and opened a box…well that was it, i sat there for an hour going over old books and pictures ect ect…sadly only came away with one and half boxes for donation….grrrrr this weekend after a beer or two ill jsut go pitch boxes and not open them!!!!

    whats everyone doing for the 4th? we go to familys house..im bringing a salad( the cenote chopped salad on my recipe page) i figure i dont care if they would rather have an iceburg salad with carrot shreds and some ranch dressing, its my meal so ill bring what i like! “they” will have meat and nachos anyhow…ugh..oh and cake! im planning on taking some raw fudge with me…and maybe some watermelon! i wanted to make that beautiful watermelon bluberry thingy thats on the recipe forum but hubby nixed that…i do hate to waste food….. but for heavens sake there has t be some fresh good fr you stuff there! tehee

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Funny; I went through some storage stuff today and I felt really good about getting one and a half boxes ready for yard sale – but then, I want to really know what I’m keeping. I got sidetracked looking through a photo album I didn’t know I still had, but over all, it wasn’t nearly as hard as it sometimes has been, going through boxes – I just looked at each item & if it was on my list, it could stay. If not, it went – either to yard sale or trash or recycle. I threw away/recycled about a box worth of stuff besides the yard sale stuff.

    Tomorrow, we’re having a barbecue here mid-day, and I’ll take my son somewhere we can have a good view of fireworks tomorrow night. I was going to try to take him to the hot air balloon festival tomorrow morning, but I don’t think we’ll get up that early – we’d have to leave the house before 6 am to get there & watch the balloons filling up. If you guys ever get the chance for something like that, though, I highly recommend it. Empty field…rolled out flat fabric…balloons filling up all around you…it’s pretty awe inspiring! My mom is liking to eat healthier than she used to, so with her helping organize lunch tomorrow there will be a green salad coming, and my mom bringing watermelon & strawberries, and juice instead of soda. She even asked me about making raw lemonade for everyone to drink, until she found out she’d have to pay about $10 for a gallon of it. :P I agree about having to have some fresh good for you stuff there – my goal is always to have enough fresh stuff available that people don’t want to fill up on chips & soda. I’ll let you know if I ever meet that goal :) heeheehee

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    angie – agreed about food not counting as one of the 100 things. tommorow i’m going to tackle my stuff, box some and get rid of some in prep for the move. i am buying a few things right now, but trying to keep it to a minimum – i’m getting winter clothes out of season now, because they get so expensive in winter. today i ordered a ski jacket (500 down to 100), fleece (200 down to 80), and two pairs of boots (250 down to 110). at least i’ll finally be warm this year… i froze my cute butt this past winter!

    omshanti – excellent advice about clinics! if i definitely decide on horses, I will pursue certifications and clinics – there are likely to be some nearby. I live in upstate NY, plenty of horses. i can attend school for free (since i work at a college) and hopefully i’m accepted, so then i can get an ansci degree for free. clinics cost money, so i’ll have to put it off till later. i suppose i haven’t decided on training horses, as i’ve never worked with them… i may decide on farm animals or exotics. I guess we’ll have to see where my courses and hands on experience takes me. : ) i’d love to hear more about horse training though!

    glad you like yurts too! they are incredible. it would be my haven, a nightly retreat from all things modern- i could go to the garden and graze, pick fruits from the tree and enjoy – amazing things. yurts are beautiful – there’s something about a round structure that is incredible.

    you mentioned a straw bale as a studio – do you do art?

    for the 4th i’m kayaking with folks on a lake nearby. for the watermelon, you could use a cookie cutter to make cool shapes, or make watermelon balls and cut another melon or pineapple into box-like shapes then put them all on little skewers. it does cost more – sometime i want to treat myself and make a pretty arrangement like that for me. have a good fourth of july! i’m thrilled to have a day off from work. sunny and beautiful.

    tonight i made some garlic scape pesto. scapes came from our farm share this week – they’re the tops of garlics. i’ll add the recipe to goneraw. omshanti do you get a farm share? i was talking with angie about ordering produce in bulk, by the box. i’m calling distributors but haven’t reached anyone yet – perhaps on monday i’ll find out more. it’d be delightful to get a box of oranges and another of watermelon! wonderful orange juice every day? i’d be in heaven!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Winona – could you possibly email me a pic of the garlic scape? I want to use some, but I’m not sure which part of the garlic plants to use – leaves, long skinny curved green thing, or round white part that looks like super miniature garlic enclosed in a skin? Also, do you have a recipe for the pesto? That sounds good.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Angie your fourth sounds like a gas! Tim took me ballooning for my birthday the year we met! we flew over wine country in temecula, fantastic! but loud when they have that flame thingy on and the landing …well that was interesting! we got dragged along a field and thumped into a hill! i did enjoy it though!very pretty…..

    winona, i love upstate new york, are you from there? as per my studio, id use it fr writing, im not artistic although i do crafts for gifts at christmas! htis year i plan on raw food for everyone like fudge or crackers and cheese baskets with wine( not”pure” raw withte wine but heck the people im gifting arent raw anyhow! check out my horse website for more info about what i do, and i check ouramerican natural equine magazine, they are publishing my articles….ill be launching a utube training series by the end of july too ill pos tthat on my web page when its up and running. I got my love of chickens and goats in ansci….. my favorite most eye opening class was feeds and feed production…should have made me a vegan then but strangely no….

    im not a member of any coop since i live socal the fresh produce is abundant and affordaable…in AZ though ill have to join one! happy fourth people have tremendous day!!!!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Angie your fourth sounds like a gas! Tim took me ballooning for my birthday the year we met! we flew over wine country in temecula, fantastic! but loud when they have that flame thingy on and the landing …well that was interesting! we got dragged along a field and thumped into a hill! i did enjoy it though!very pretty…..

    winona, i love upstate new york, are you from there? as per my studio, id use it fr writing, im not artistic although i do crafts for gifts at christmas! htis year i plan on raw food for everyone like fudge or crackers and cheese baskets with wine( not”pure” raw withte wine but heck the people im gifting arent raw anyhow! check out my horse website for more info about what i do, and i check ouramerican natural equine magazine, they are publishing my articles….ill be launching a utube training series by the end of july too ill pos tthat on my web page when its up and running. I got my love of chickens and goats in ansci….. my favorite most eye opening class was feeds and feed production…should have made me a vegan then but strangely no….

    im not a member of any coop since i live socal the fresh produce is abundant and affordaable…in AZ though ill have to join one! happy fourth people have tremendous day!!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – a gas, heehee – yeah, that’s what balloons run on, I guess :D I would LOVE to ride in one someday – never done that part! The festival has games that the balloon pilots play – popping balloons that are strung up to 100 feet by flying by & poking at them with long sharp-pointed sticks, throwing beanbags at a target on the ground that has been secretly placed by the first pilot who leaves maybe 15 minutes before everyone else, etc. But…it’s 7:30 am now, I just got up, and Superman is still sleeping, so we’re not going to the balloons – went to bed waaaay too late last night. Maybe next time, with better planning. I’m excited for our party today, though, cuz my sis will be here (she lives in Cedar City, three hours away, and I miss having her around). The back yard will be full of kids, too, and that’s always fun!

    I have banana nut pancakes in the dehydrator for my breakfast – or lunch; I put them in pretty late last night. I have been making variations of Ani Phyo’s Strawberry Parfait at least once a week – last night I made the Kream (cashew) and a blueberry topping, and I’ll have those on my pancakes. I also made a breakfast last weekend from the Kream with cut-up bananas and then the blueberry topping poured over it all. I was thinking today, I may try to layer it with strawberries to make it red, white & blue (I’m really into fun holiday color stuff), but the blueberry stuff is purple instead of blue like fresh blueberries, so I may just try it next year with fresh blueberries, fresh cut-up strawberries, and make the creamy part sweet instead of making a fruit syrup for it. That is, assuming I even remember it by then!

    I have to say, I separated my clothes, and I LOVE how fast I can choose from four shirts. I also thought it would be a pain to do laundry more often, but, duh – I don’t have as much to do at a time, so that feels good, too – to be able to get all the laundry done with a much smaller amount of time & effort put into it. This challenge is the best thing for me right now, to get me thinking & moving, getting rid of what I don’t really need and being organized with the things I am using. Lots of work, but it’s good work – Woohoo!!!!!!

    om – I saw a house for sale up the street where the people have horses, and I was wishing you could move here, like daydreaming of having a litte playmate up the street :)heehee

  • Man oh man, I have had a heckuva time trying to get this site to load! I’ve been having Gone Raw withdrawal!!! Eeek! Anyone having trouble? I wasn’t able to access the site for three days. Maybe it’s on my end? I don’t seem to have trouble with any other sites.

    I’m almost done with my list of 100 things to keep. I even started putting things in big boxes, things that won’t make that list. I think the boys and I might have a big yard sale next weekend and start getting rid of things. Om, I’m so glad you started this discussion, it’s making me move and stretch in uncomfortable ways. Angie, sounds like you are feeling more free! That’s how I want to feel!

    I had a difficult 4th. My boys wanted a cookout, baaaaaad. So I fired up the little grill and made them burgers and dogs and roasted corn. I didn’t eat any of it, but it smelled amazing. I know that a “good” raw mom would just make her kids raw versions of these things. Oh well. They loved it, they made these yummy yummy noises while eating – been a long time since I made them something so illicit.

    It’s my town’s annual Fiestas, which means TONS of yummy bad for you food EVERYWHERE. I live close to the action and all I can smell is red and green chile, Navajo tacos, tamales, funnel cakes. Argh!!! I just made some zucchini hummus, raw, at 7 a.m. because I’m craving something rich and filling. It’s good, but it isn’t cutting my cravings.

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