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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    littlebirdie – i’ve also had problems getting this site to load for the past 3 days. this happens periodically. ooh, fiesta food is a tough one!! i sympathize completely! my boyfriend has been making mexican dinner for himself this entire week, and i nearly grabbed a corn taco right out of his mouth. i also made zucchini hummus with chopped veggies. i also made raw brownies and strawberry nut-milk shakes to keep away those cravings. good job making it through the smells of grilled food and staying away! wow if i had to grill corn, there would be no holding back.

    angie – you can use the entire scape. they look like this “Scapes”: http://www.mariquita.com/images/photogallery/Ga…

    i made a wonderful salad dressing, as the pesto became too liquidy so i changed tactics. i put in the following: ~1 packed cup basil

    1 cup chopped scapes

    1/2 cup or more of olive oil

    1-2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

    2+ Tbsp honey


    opt: fresh cilantro/parsley

    Make sure to taste the dressing regularly while preparing – the ingredient amounts are VERY approximate. The dressing’s garlic flavor is strong at first – let it tone down overnight in the fridge.so exciting that you’ll be featured in a horse magazine! When you said

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Maybe next year; my scapes are past that point – thanks for the photo link! I actually have a head of garlic already out of the garden today, and a couple more plants look like they’re about ready, too – woohoo! I love garlic, and I have an offer from a health food store here to buy some of it from me to sell in their store. It won’t be much, but I’m like a real farmer – Hey, that means I don’t have to count my hoses & garden tools in my 100 items :D

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    you must have had a nice big crop of garlic! does it keep for a whole year? i wonder if there’s a special way to store it. now i’m craving a big green salad with all this talk of dressings!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    OMG, Im logged on but still not posting successfully! this attempt numero dos! hope everyone is fantastic! birdie i swear ill email u about recording!!!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    angie, thought it was sweet about the horse property near you! i cordially invite you to live at the spinsters ranch…its not how it sounds, this idea was concieved by a friend of mine when we where both newly single! since we know alot of single horse and animal loving women we figured a good way to support each other and save on expenses was to create the spinsters ranch and community for single, widowed or divorcees to come with their critters and be amongst like minded sisters…no men allowed, if we need anything repaired that we couldnt fix we would hire a cute contractor! inicially it was to be a mansion with multiple wings but then we had dog issues( most of us have multiples) so it turned into an actual ranch with cottages and common areas! teehee sons allowed by the way! they dont count as men yet but as a warning some of the gals we have invited are cougars so keep your “of age” boys out! they will dissapear into the grasp of some unscroupulous woman! teehee so far we have all not agreed on a site.( state, or even continent) im all for new zealand or Oz but ill settle for washington state, or oregon, there ar bids for Va and florida too( ewwww) teehee…maybe there will have to be a east and west spinsters ranch, then it will be more like a time share! teehee there is a suggestion of coasta rica( can you imagine the fruit? mmmmmm) too, which everyone oohhed and ahhhed over sooo who knows!!! the berry you are a prime candidate as well and you too birdie( but i fear for your sons!) winona you can come too! it will be a rawvolution!! teehee

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    k, gonna whine some now, tried to put all of this in one long post but no go on the gone raw ” site it seems, they are curbing my creativity! teehee big sad sigh! my inlaws apperently thingk my food is wierd, NOT my raw food, but my regular cooked fare! i overheard a comment at 4th or july that hurt my feelings…sniffle….I was asking my brothers in law about what i could prepare for our upcoming cabin/camping trip to help out with the cooking you knw, its jsut me and his mom everyone else is divorced andhis mom is no cook…..well as i was listening to things like “ive eaten frozen lasagne so long that fresh taste bad to me” and “we can order pizza” i heard ex sister in law( shes around cause the kids)say ot mom,” scott asked beth to bring the salad cause she cant be trusted with the dips…no one eats salad anyway but her…” guys, im a damn fine cook, ive hosted/catered partys, i make food for friends partys, i did my own wedding…im no slouch. so this hurt my feelings and explained the two brothers stumbling over them sleves to keep me from cooking at the cabin…. theyve ben to my house and eaten dinners here, and ate every bite…now i feel mortified and pretty lame…sniffle sniffle…glad im raw, i can jsut stick to my “rabbit” food and let everyone else take care of themselves! tearful sigh… thanks for listening…im trying to move on really just stings is all especially since their prefered meals come from the freezer or can…..

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    lastly, winona, im moving to Az just as soon as my underpriced house finally sells! oh and i mispoke, wine can be organic but not raw i believe..or did ardes say he liked a raw wine? nah, i think we where jsut discussing organic wine….i drw the line there really a slife is to short to drink bad wine/beer or eat bad chocolate!!;)

    birdie, ive done squat on my list, but think on it, im prepared to go to storage and kick ass! i want to feel unencumbered too! ;)

    ardes? berry? miss you….. luna? hugs…...

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    bwaaahahaaahahahahahahaaa….oh my sides, giggle snort! excrement from the farmer and his family aaahahahahahahahahaha…you kill me berry you really do, thanks for the hoot!!!! there is in fact a secret order of the baked potato, they have t shirts and cute hats! that is something i loved baked sweet ‘taties…yumm although i gotta say i made the raw version of my mammaws sweet potato casserole and it was pretty darn tastey! didnt post it as i was a bit turned off by the “pure” raw thingy going on over at recipes…on one hand i get that this is about raw food and recipes really i do! so seeing cooked food there would be off putting but on the other hand if you want to you can certainly substitute for a nondeadfood item…. maple syrup is the only nonraw ingredient inthe casserole and you could use date paste but it changes the flavor significantly..i even added more vanilla to no avail…. oh well, ill keep trying then post it i guess.

    glad you are home in strawberry land. im beginning to think im stuck in Ca for the forseeable future… houseing market such crap right now im so discouraged. realtors really are rats you know, mine never fails to point out that she feels we are overpriced even 30 grand below what i paid! the comps are very close so i hate the niggling she does! two more months on our contract then i may list it myself or jsut sigh and stay put for a while…my horse clients would cheer, my hubby i think would sigh with relief and i will have to find a way to be happy here for a while longer…. i have one foot out the door and its so hard to be still and enjoy my blessings here…. I dont want to leave socal when i hate it like i did with northern VA( ill never go back there it makes my skin crawl)and its pushing the limit at the moment…sigh more meditation i think and yoga…..sorry im a whiner lately, having a bit of a wallow in the pity pond….;) happy raw days folks, im off to improve my mood!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Hey, everyone!

    om – Sorry the fam is so rude about your food & addicted to the taste of death & chemicals :)heehee – I’m used to people not liking my food, too. Last night was really an awesome experience – Superman & I went to a party where the hosts provided hot dogs & the rest was potluck. We took molasses muffins – whole grain & vegan – for Superman, and I made the “Cheese with Spring Onions” from this site & wrapped it up in grape leaves. We created quite a stir – people loved the muffins. Of course we just labeled them “Tummy Yummy Molasses Muffins” & didn’t say whole grain or vegan ;) The grape leaves were a big deal, too – one guy just ahead of me was wondering out loud about them, and when I told him what they were – “Grape Leaves with Green Onion Filling” (so it wouldn’t sound too freaky), he was all astonished to find out you can eat grape leaves. Several people loved those, too, which made me feel good because my mom thought I was weird to take them, thought no one would eat them, thought they were weird, the grape leaves were gross, etc. I just had to realize that she isn’t used to eating grape leaves – she’s never had Greek food.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Drumhil started this website i really like this logo that he uses. : P

    stRAWberry – your melon sounds yummy! i had orange honeydew, and a persian melon – both were outta this world! haha you had to lie to you friend to get her to eat organic produce! first time i’ve ever heard that!! i wish i could be part of the sacred order of that potato – alas no, i have banned from that sacred community for my retched cooking, for good reason! unlike omshanti, who i’m sure can cook beautifully. it’s a good thing i found raw, or i’d be a hungry little bugger.

    om – it’s really weird that they made comments like that! i’ve heard ‘no one eats salad but her’ before. but the comment that they’ve eaten frozen lasagna so long fresh tastes bad? not that is a scathing blast against them – they can only handle chemical plastic food! yipes! she can’t be trusted with the dips? i hope that was a joke, right? WOOOAH. it’s shocking how much of a fee realtors take when they sell the house.

    angie – you’re brave taking grape leaves to the party! i wish i could find some fresh ones, i used to love dolmades. i could make spring cheese and raw tabouli to go inside wowzah! good for you taking the leaves. i got teased in 2nd grade for eating leaves. now i wish i had kept on eating them!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Ohhh, yeah! Raw tabouli salad is sooooooooooooo good in grape leaves! Yummers!!!!!

    st – Gladly I’ll send you my stuff! :D That watermelon DOES sound good :) That cracks me up about your friend’s idea of “organic” AND what you said about not getting distracted by the sound of people’s “arteries slogging & clogging while they pork out” :D You’re hilarious!

    Alas, I know nothing of the “sacred order of the potato,” but I’m sure I should be an honorary member only because we’ve got so many potatoes growing in the garden, we could probably feed the neighborhood for a week! :)heeheehee

    At the party I went to last night, I was sitting by someone I know, & I got distracted by the sound of her arteries “slogging & clogging” as she kept saying how good the chocolate dessert was. I was somehow able to not respond negatively about her choice, but to tell her later about how I make healthy versions of things I love to eat, and it turned out she gave me her email address so I can teach her how to make raw desserts! I guess it was when I told her I make chocolate pie & eat it for breakfast without feeling guilty :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Winona – I just re-read the garlic question. No, garlic doesn’t keep for a year, but it is harvested in July & needs to be planted in fall (I planted in October, but I’m thinking maybe even September would work), so it keeps itself going – you just separate the cloves & 1 clove grows into 1 head of garlic by the next summer. I think I planted 50 or more, and a few didn’t grow, but I have more than I’ll use before it goes bad/starts growing too much. Next time maybe I’ll plant more & sell it from a stand in my front yard? :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Hey fellow carrot crunchers! im feeling more chipper today….. angie , with your grape leaves first of all where did you find them( oh maybe you grew them) and how do you soften them? brine(salt water)? sounds loverly!

    I heart tabooli too in fact im gonna make some for breakfast! its wierd but lately veggies in the morning and fruit at night…. must be why im one gassy gal lately! teehee sorry to much info huh?

    more showings of this dump today, so ill just wander over to the book store and smell the coffee…teehee

    I got my MBT hikers aka new work boots yestrday, oh man they are oooogly but really interesting to walk in! hmmmm, “boingy” is the only word that comes close to describing the feeling! im gonna order a decond pair ( as they are on sale for 90 bucks) and stash them in an angie style store for myself later! after ponys this morning im off to dump three more boxes from storage!!!yay me, ids send them to you berry but the shipping costs would kill me! teehee id rather see some homeless pushing the stuff around in his/her shopping cart! i saw one gal yesterday struggling with two shopping carts full of stuff, she was practically horizontal pushing it up a hill in town… im thinking, if you are homeless, less stuff might be a better idea! i bought her a (gag) milk shake and took it back to her(very warm here yesterday), she was suprised and suspicious but i passed her later and she was sitting under a tree and drinking it! could have opted for water i guess, but thought maybe a milkshake would be something she cant treat herself to…who knows maybe she has a mansion in the hills and jsut likes to push all her favorite things around….;0)

    you all have a blesssed day!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    We have grapevines growing along the fences from both of our neighbors. I didn’t soften them. Just rinsed the dirt off (construction work on our street has made everything super dusty) and patted dry with paper towels, then plopped a little spoonful of cheese in & wrapped them up. :) I left an end open so people could see the filling, and I stabbed them through with toothpicks to keep them closed.

    I want “boingy” shoes – how fun! Yay, store! I love having less stuff in my closet, and I also love having an option to buy extra when I get good deals, like you said! Although I DID get rid of a bunch of clothes that I didn’t wear much.

    I’ve just started babysitting my friend’s daughter, and my friend was really worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle it, so she had me just watch her for four hours yesterday to see how it went. We had fun, but my friend was right – her daughter is a busy little girl! Wow! I’m going to watch her two days a week, and I told my friend I may need the two days in between just to plan enough stuff for her to keep busy with! Yesterday, in four hours, the kids played in a little kiddie pool in the yard, we made muffins, they collected rocks, blew bubbles (and dumped them out on the front porch, which we then had to rinse off), held & petted our new bunny, played with toys in the front room, buried each other with blankets, kept getting wet even after they were dressed & supposed to be away from the pool, which led to changing clothes a couple more times, ate a couple of times…Superman fell asleep earlier last night than he has in quite a while! :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – No, I can’t compare the cheese to anything else; it’s just green oniony, and salty, & good :)

    When I was younger, I used to make funnel cakes at home at least once a week! I ate a lot of them, too. So people can give me all the crap they want about eating “too much” avocados, raw olive oil, raw nuts…it’s waaaay better than where I used to be :) I used to want to try to eat healthy, but I would always lose too much weight if I cut out fried foods; now I realize I just didn’t know what to replace those unhealthy fats with. I am amazed all the time, whenever I think of what my diet used to consist of and all the good stuff I had never tried or even heard of! Woohoo! I feel happy :)

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    st – i wouldn’t worry about our site being tacky. there’s so much worse stuff online… folks on this site are kind, which is VERY unusual for an internet forum.

    i dislike funnel cakes, too much oil. junk food/restaurant food has always made me very sick, so i never could enjoy those things.

    yes, an orange honeydew! it looks like cantaloupe, but it’s very deceiving because you bite and it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever tried. wowzah! watermelon and peaches and cherries and berries are my faves.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I am VERY careful about what I let my son read/hear from this site and every other website out there. I just don’t like reading some of the stuff people put on here, either, and I think it was more fun when I felt safe to have Superman on my lap reading the things along with me. We don’t do that much any more.

    st – You ARE wonderful!

  • Well, my daughter and her partner are here, they arrived this afternoon. Yay! I’m so glad to hang out with them. They want to eat dinner out. I made a huge salad and some vegan soup for all of us (I’m only eating the salad). I’m going to have to take them out for New Mexican food tomorrow. It’s so tough being raw in a heated world.

    My boys don’t read these sites. Thank goddess! They have their own internet haunts. My youngest son has his own website, in fact, for his comics.

    I generally read the threads that are of interest to me. I like keeping positive and finding the good and joy in everything, so if I come across something negative or weird, I just click away. :) Life’s too short! I wanna be a happy birdie!

  • nycgrrlnycgrrl Raw Newbie

    hey all its been a while since i posted here.

    So i have good news: dh is going raw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yes, i am psyched. Totally.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    goober peas!! yum yum ( thats peanuts to all you northern folks!) my grannyused to boil them up and they are sensational! ive eaten a watermelon a week for several weeks now, and cucumbers , like two or three small ones a day! finally got to the farmers market last week am am amazed at how long the greens are staying fresh in thre fridge, my store bought kale would be all wilted by now!

    Am i missing something in particular Berry? which tacky and rude are you refering too? avatars or topics? like birdie i go to the topics of interest..not to many lately…i guess im just a snob for our little corner of the world! ;0)

    ah my house and the move that is not happening! the long and short of it is San Diego will kill you and bankrupt you eventually…my game plan was 3 to 5 years in this house and it looks like 5 years will be the goal! It was an investment.. Im still searching the world for my place in it…poor hubby is trying to understand as he requires so little from his space. I moved every three years my whole life…maryland ( my last home) i lived in one house for 7 years…the longest ive ever lived anywhere and I really miss the old farm house..I see now how special it was to me and how content i was in my space there just not in my marriage( tehee) so ive been looking for a town and a home that i can set down roots in. Maybe in just a gypsey…but i think the best way to describe it is that here i feel that i am treading water furiously an i want to float peacefully! as for relestaate, ive done ok here so if i loose a bit now i can make it up on the otherside especially if opertunities there are a bit better!alas looks like we may be here for the foreseble future….what do you all think 18 months till the houseing market starts to stabalize?

    Birdie, how cool that your daughter is coming to visit, is this the first time or have you all been reconnected for a while now? wasnt sure of the time line on that article that i so enjoyed! have a great time and eat what makes you happy but dont deprive, heck a few tortilla chips and refritos wont kill you…..jsut give you killer gas!!! grin!

    Angie ,still no luna huh? sigh, and ardes has abandoned us as well….men! grin

    new quote of the day:Time is the air love breathes…....contemplateing , mulling, turning it over and over, considering, thinking…....thoughts you all?

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Zooey…. mangers in a mange land? ohhh isums jelouse? poooor baby….join back in the fun you coward! xoxo

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    nycgrrl – Welcome back. Woohoo! I am thrilled for you both :)

    om – about zooey – That’s funny!

    birdie – Have fun – & yes, be a happy birdie :)

    st – I haven’t heard the word “twit” for probably 15 years – my mom used to use it a lot, but never any more…I even heard it on an old cartoon once, which cracked me up, cuz I always thought my mom was the only person who still said “twit” :D heehee

  • My sister uses the word twit all the time, angie and st, and it always cracks me up!!! I think she’s going to go raw, too, she has seen the changes in my attitude and body and is excited to give it a try. Yay!!

    Mangers in a mange land?! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! OMG, that is hilarious. There are definitely days when I feel a bit mangey!

    om – this is the third time she’s come to visit. The boys are SO HAPPY she is here, and so am I. I decided last night not to be a weirdo and just to enjoy our time together. So, yeah, bring on the red and green. I will go back to all raw when she leaves, and I will balance what I eat out with lots of fresh fruit and greens at home. It’s all good. It’s easy to forget the idea of balance, and food is such a social thing for us humans. I may get to the point where I know how to handle a social situation and stay raw, but I’m not there yet. ‘Tis okay, I’m just… a twit! ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    nycgrrl! YAY for both of you! I bet you are so excited! Can’t wait to hear how he’s doing.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    birdie – You decided not to be a weirdo…Hmmm, I never thought of that :D hahaha! That’s cool about your sister wanting to be a happy birdie, too! :)

    My sis will be in town for her birthday next weekend, and she wants us all to get babysitters for the kids & the adults will all go out to dinner. She is choosing Italian. I’m gonna still be a weirdo – eat before I go, and load up on salad with my own dressing & avocado that I bring from home. :) Ahhh, well, my fam knows & expects this kind of weirdo behavior from me – at least my attitude has improved & I’m not complaining like I probably did when I first had this sort of “conflict” hahaha! I want to be a happy birdie, too. ;)

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    that is so exciting NYCgirl. you will also now have an excuse to make lots of fancy food to impress him and then reap the benefits yourself!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Hi, bitt! Love your new pic :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Gotta go make jewelry now – I’m getting ready for a boutique (as part of our city celebration) next weekend! I went to the bank with my mom this morning, wearing the green necklace in my photo. The lady at the bank complimented me on it, and my mom starts telling her how I make all kinds of beautiful jewelry, and I ended up telling her about the boutique, to which she said she wants to come & bring her sisters. Go, Mom! (Guess I’d better make another green necklace, just in case ;)

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    the apple looks yummy bitt. very entertaining. glad your sister is visiting! what are ya’ll doing for fun?

    angie – yay for weirdos! wheee! I grumble in the kitchen when my boyfriend fixes mexican. but it’s hard to complain over a mouthful of chia cereal, so i just start shoveling. glad that you’ve reached a point where you don’t complain – i’m nowhere near it. i get my very own raw restaurant dinner tonight, wooppeee it’s fun to enjoy Jamaican patties with rawsta when i don’t have to uncook it!

    nycgrrl-wow dh, i’m guessing your sig. other, is going raw? how thrilling! why did he choose this? has it been a gradual transition? did you set an example, or was there one thing you said that convinced him?

  • Hey, I took the girls out for brunch. And you know what? I didn’t want anything cooked. It smelled funny to me. It used to smell so yummy in that restaurant. But it smelled funky, cooked, oily, strange. So I ordered… fruit! And it was yummy! And I didn’t make a big deal of it, and I don’t think they girls gave it a second thought. They ate their stuff. I ate mine. It was okay.

    Maybe I am stronger than I think.

  • Angie, congrats on the potential new sale! I would TOTALLY go to your boutique and try on your beautiful jewelry. I need a new piece, something exotic to match my new raw willpower.

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