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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    YUMMY! Just finished my living tacos. My God, Taco Bell tastes like poison compared to those!! I used like Taco Bell. GAG! Gross!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    wow you guys have been busy little bees! ARDES, make green chips outa your green pulp like the recipe for kale chips on this site I usually add cumin and sea salt or sometimes salt and vinegar., you can also make any bread with the pulp of carrots, turnips, parsnips ect ect add flax and some seasonings and viola!:... bread! as for your fruit pulp, i tried fruit leathers but ended up with fruit chips not bad but eh not my fav, i say save it it thicken up smoothies. keep it in the in the freezer.

    SUPERMAN how cool you rode a horse! make sure you always a wear a helmet though, even your bike helmet will do!

    ANGIE: how cool you rode a horse too! im a day late getting your order started! i had some folks pop in for a showing of my home as i was trying to get out the door to the kitchen….drat now its to late so tomarrow i promise to spend all afternoon knocking out the order and getting in the mail as promised thursday…quick question , i know superman is not totally raw, do you want me to use almond butter(raw that i make myself) or a almond butter roasted organic peanut butter mix that i use for non raw hubby as he likes the taste better( more peanuty) i used to use the raw jungle peanuts but they became cost prohibitive so for myself i use a mix of ground pepitas raw and almond butter raw to make them kinda peanutty…..

    LUNA: im making a raw mexican feast for cinco de mayo for my hubby and i. he loves the raw mexican stuff… ive secretly rented us an ocean front room at a hotel on the beach where he asked me to marry him….he has no idea! ill whip up dinner and margaritas and light some candles and pack him a bag…he will get the map on email at work…im so proud of myself!!! teeheee

    The BERRY: i think the granny on a motorbike with a side car full of carrots would be a kick ass tattoo….you should go for it!! have i put on our shoulder it hurts less there and can be hidden easily…or do the low back tattoo but that hurts like an sob! my next one will be a fun daisy chain around my ankle or upper arm havent desided yet…;)

    TO ALL: i have made a spectacular find… its called amazing grass , green superfood and its chocolate flavored. and its claiming to be raw however there is chocolate”flavoring ” in it! i was bumming the fact that my beautiful green smoothies where left to molder in my hubby s car after in his words” i drank all i could stand” and thus wasted…with the price of greens and the horror of the cup after its cooked in the sun all day with smoothie residue…ugh!( just like the gravy bowl my dad would intentionally break as a kid so he wouldnt have to wash it! hahah) so i found this stuff on the sale table at the market i can mix it with his precious milk, it claims to give him 5 servings of veggies, which is …oh…4 1/2 more than he is eating now! hahaha and the best thing is he liked it!!!!! so no residue, no wasted yummy greens…..check her out!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – Superman doesn’t eat a whole lot of raw stuff; I usually settle for fairly healthy – regular roasted peanut butter would be best if you have it – or the almond/peanut butter – he loves the real roasted peanut butter taste. As long as it’s not Jif or something with sugar, peanut butter is great! (It may be the only thing he ends up eating from what we are ordering.) Also, he is super excited about trying anything raw with chocolate chips, so if those are sweet and chocolatey (in the bars and cookies), he’ll be happy. I have to say, I’m getting pretty excited about the stuff, too. I am thinking of my raw “egg salad” on the tomato bread? Mmmm, yummy :)

    I made my barbecue pizzas tonight – YUM! Several years ago I worked near a pizza place, but I liked to eat healthy (as much as I knew/could back then). So I would sometimes get a pizza with all the veggies and no cheese. The pizza tonight was like a repeat from back then, but I was amazed looking at my plate and realizing how much more nutrient-dense my meals are now compared to then, even though back then I was still eating healthier than everyone around me. It made me so happy to see what I am putting into my body. :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    om – aren’t you the romantic!! Good for you, sounds nice!!

    I was wondering where everyone went. Musta been a busy day for everyone! I usually have Mondays off, but today I worked for a little bit. Did them a favour!

    Well I gotta go, my cat is howling for his bedtime snack! Sheesh spoiled animals! Nite nite!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Good morning, everyone!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Good morning, Angie-flower! I love your picture! :o)

    Well I did it again! I’m so far behind I can’t catch up on everything. Man, when I get back from vacation I’ll have like a novel to read here to catch up! ;o)

    Luna I love how goofy and hyper you were yesterday, really fun to read! As far as DW goes… er… bleh. He just doesn’t do it for me. I do like the rugged look, though. My guy is around 6’2” and big – solid big, not fat – with long, reddish-blond hair and a red beard. He’s a Leo and to me he has always looked like a big ol’ lion. I tell him he’d be devastating in a kilt getup ala Braveheart, and he does that Pffft! noise at me and raises an eyebrow. But he would. Be devastating, I mean. We’ve been married for 18 and a half years and I’ve gone through the whole range of emotions about him from blindly in love to resentment and anger and back to love, and now it’s like this deep, bottomless river of love that feels like an essential part of who I am. We have this bedrock that can’t be shaken.

    Huh. Where’d that come from? Hehehe… guess I love my husband a little bit. ;o)

    Strawberry, yes, I have three tattoos. I’ve got a dolphin riding a wave on my right boobage area, some roses on my left shoulder, and a celtic knot style butterfly on my right ankle. I have plans for two more, and I also want to get the roses either just re-done (they’re 19 years old, and what was red is now pinkish & blurry) or covered up with a celtic tree of life design I have picked out. The idea is to have a tatto that signifies each of the four elements (butterfly = air, dolphin = water, roses or tree = earth), so I also want one that symbolises fire, on my lower back of course. Don’t have that one picked out yet. And then I have a celtic zoomorph of a griffin picked out that I want to get, because my son’s name is Griffin. And yeah, the celtic thing is a recurring theme… my heritage, all the way.

    Liam Neeson, now… THERE’S a famous man I could go for! ;o)

    Jeez, I forget now what else I wanted to respond to here. I’ll have to go back and read up and write a list! Ha!

    Love to all. :o)


  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Oh, I remember something now! Om, where abouts is the yurt village you’re going to? I don’t know of one right nearby to where I live, but let me know and I can give you a rundown of where the redwoods are from there and spas nearby.

    OK, gotta run & get ready for work & the kid ready for school.


  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    jen – Hi! Thanks for posting your feelings for your husband – I always need to hear good stuff like that. I have a guy who wants to see me at a dance this Friday, and I am scared to death to even go (and he didn’t even ask me out!) He is a guy I used to see at dances a lot 3 years ago, then 2 years ago we saw each other again and went out once, and I haven’t seen him since until a dance last weekend. I am such a wimp!

  • GOOD MORNING EVERYONE… I don’t know if it’s all the green juice or just LIFE but I feel “DAMN” good I mean seriously I just stare at the wall and start smiling…

    My mother bought me a rocket yesterday which is similar to a bullet(mini blenders) , so that was awesome of her… she still doesn’t get my families lifestyle as she bought a can of red kidney beans “organic” , some maple syrup and some kind of organic cereal…. I love her for trying, but now I have to find something to do with the food she bought.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Stare at the wall and start smiling – I know the feeling – awesome! :) What a nice mom you have!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    jen – So I am not the only one who is gaa gaa over their hubby! Good, that is wonderful that after 18 years you still adore him!! I have yet to go through all those other emotions. My guy is my best best freind. I am not like other girls, i am very guyish in the things I like. I like baseball and hockey, I like Sci Fi. I read comic books, (when I have time) I don’t nag. (not saying you guys nag!) I like really stupid humour, I like to shoot BB guns (have a beer and a puff of his cigar) Those nasty things go together, guns beer and cigars!. I do it RARELY. God it’s soooooo bad for you!! He does it rarely as well, thank God, talk about bad breath!!!! My hubby is in to all of these things, so we get along famously. He is my BFF! Hee hee hee!

    ang. GOOOO! Don’t you dare stay home from that dance!!!!

    I don’t know why, but the song ‘Kung Fu Fighting’ has been in my head for 3 days!!!! ‘EVERYBODY WAS KUNG FU FIGHTING… THOSE CATS WERE FAST AS LIGHTNING….IT WAS A LITTLE BIT FRIGHTENING…. Just thought I would inflict that apon you guys. Ha Ha, (kid from the Smpsons laugh) now it’s in your heads!!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ardes – You posted while i was feverishly typing my post!! Good morning to you too!! Ya, walls do that to me too!! Take it to the food bank. You have food banks in the states right? I am talking about the food your mom bought you, not the wall.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    luna – you crack me up!

    ardes – I say if you can get the wall to the food bank, go for it! :D heeheehee

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Heee hee hee hee heeeeeeeee!!!

    I am going for a pedicure this afternoon. I have no bookings today as of yet, so I thought I would go to my work and give THEM money instead!. Actually the pedi is 55 buckaroos, and as staff we get 60%! off!!! Great deal!

    Oh I almost forgot, it’s my doggies 1st birthday today!!!! One yea of driving me mental!;)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Ooh, a pedicure; how fun! I am going to get a massage this afternoon. I make and sell jewelry, and I traded with a massage therapist – hooray!

  • LOL at LUNA and angie… about the wall …. ” I love this thread”

    Thanks for telling me a place to take the food… makes me feel bad because the last time she did this it was a horrible amount of food and I woke up at 2am and threw it all in the trash as I just couldn’t sleep having velvetta cheese and george forman grill and some other blasphemy food she bought when we first went raw… Excellent idea to take it to the food bank…..

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Oh cool! I make jewelery as well. I used to be more active with making my own glass beads. (lampwork) but I haven’t for a little while now. I used to sell the stuff as well! Now i just make things for myself. Gotta get back into making it for sale!!!!!!

    Much better than chucking it in the trash ARDES! Velveeta belongs in the trash though!!!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    I changed my pic! This is my number one crush!!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – nice pic & explanation :) I haven’t ever made glass beads before – cool! I make a lot of gemstone bead jewelry, for the meanings & energy of the stones. I also play a lot with color & style. The only beads I have ever made were polymer clay, just for fun.

  • UHMMM Luna people are going to start thinking you are a man >TEE hee… wouldn’t that be funny…. while reading I have a crush on DW..

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Ha ha ha. I actually put a post on that thread stating that the pic is my hubby. Untill they get to that post they are going to be quite amuzed!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! The crush on DW thing made me laugh so hard I couldn’t breathe, or type, and I almost fell off the chair! Words just can’t express how funny that was… :D

  • Kale salad tip… 1/4 cup of olive olil 1/4 cup Agave, 1 tsp of curry .. massage kale with lemon top with pine nuts , green onions, red peppers, and raisins… It’s insanely good I am eating it now and my daughter is addicted to it she ate a whole bag of kale and this dressing by herself yesterday…

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    How many servings will that make? How much kale? I don’t have any lemons still! No red pep. or pine nuts! Any subs?

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Hey, I make jewelry too! Mostly just beading, necklaces & bracelets & stuff, for myself and for gifts. I took some necklaces to a local hippie store here a couple years ago and sold I think 3 out of 7. But then it felt like work instead of fun and I didn’t make anything for like a year! I just made a necklace last Sunday that turned out really nice (in my humble opinion, hehe), maybe I’ll try taking a picture of it tonight to post here.

    Speaking of pictures… nice looking man you got there, Luna!

    Mmmmmm, kale salad… sounds like dinner to me!

    And Angie – GO. TO. THE. DANCE!!

  • I use a a whole bag or two heads … you want to chiffonade that really nice so that you can massage the kale and let it marinate….


    PINE NUTS - sun flower, hemp seed, pumpkin

    lemons- orange or grapefruit but these will make it more sweet “

    Red peppers- cucumbers or some squash.. just put some type of veggie

    I would add some avocado to this to make it all stick.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Oh my goodness; I think I’m high on cinnamon! I just made the cinnamon rolls from this site, and they are so cinnamony it makes me zingy-happy :) I didn’t want to waste the cinnamon paste that was stuck in the vitamix, so I put some young coconut meat in with some water and a LITTLE agave and mixed it up into a creamy coconut-cinnamon drink – Yum! :) HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    jen – thankyou! I certainly think so!!!

    ardes – Thanks for the subs! I may make it tomorrow, so I will go out and get the originals, but it’s nice to have subs too!

    ang – I am back from my pedi. my toes are a shocking purple! Very fun!!. I got a facial as well. I am spoiled. it’s the only time I put ‘un natuaral’ stuff on my face. my skin looks so good after!!! CINNAMON? It doesn’t affect me like that!! i adore cinnamon, I use it alot, maybe i am immune to it!!:)

    I finally had the crazy meal from the book Naked Chocolate. 1/2 a durian, coconut water to drink and about 15 cocoa beans. Wow. It was nuts. I didn’t know what to feel. Cocoa is energizing, durian is mellowing, and cocnut water… well it just rocks! I shared some durian with the pooch. She loves it. She wanted some cocnut water…. BACK OFF mutt!! That’s mine!!!!;) Hee hee hee. i am in a very mellow mood from my time at the spa, but still crazy!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Mmmmm… angie that sounds scrumptious! I got inspired to make a kale salad for dinner tonight (thanks, ardes!) and went to the store on my lunch hour today, and discovered big, fat, beautiful mangos on sale for 38 CENTS EACH! Woo! I bought twelve. And also 4 thai coconuts, some dates and some black mission figs. So now I have kale salad made and marinating in the fridge, dates and figs soaking to make some kind of something sweet later tonight. Any suggestions? I’m not eating nuts because they hurt my tummy, but I was thinking of some kind of thick, sweet smoothie. Ang, maybe I’ll dump in a bunch of cinnamon and copy your treat! I was also thinking about cardamom… mmmmm. I want dessert NOW.

    CAN you get high from cinnamon? I’ve heard you can hallucinate if you eat enough nutmeg… or was it by smoking it? Or was that banana peels? HAHAHA… ;o)

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Luna, we were talking at the same time. Jinx! ;o)

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