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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Did any of that rambling make sense?!

    I am off to work now, so I will catch all you bunnies later!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Totally made sense – thanks! I told Superman in the same way this morning – that the animals are treated really bad, but that watching it might just make him cry, and I let him throw a fit and cry & yell all he wanted because of not being able to buy eggs, and then I gave him a piece of raw chocolate pie for breakfast. I am going to let him have meat RARELY - maybe once a month at our family dinner or something. But IF I buy meat, it will only be from the farm where I know the cows truly are pasture-raised & organic. I think I just need to focus on giving him lots of attention and good things to keep him busy, and to make lots of yummy vegan foods for him. My mom’s whole-grain molasses muffins are vegan; I may make those a regular thing at least during the summer while I’m not so busy with school, and I’ll just have to keep trying to find things he likes so he won’t miss the meat, eggs, & junk food – at least he loves almond cheese!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Hi everybody! :o)

    OK, so… confession time. It’s good for the soul, right? Hehe. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! While we were on vacation I let things like a lack of options, being tired, convenience, and the general “what the hell, I’m on vacation” attitude derail my raw train, and now I’m having the hardest time getting back on board. To totally overuse the railroad metaphor. ;o)

    The first thing I did on our first day home was make a big, green smoothie. I couldn’t believe how much I was craving green leafies after 2 weeks of barely anything green. Every restaurant we went to, and especially the “restaurants” at the parks like Disneyland and the San Diego zoo, had these anemic, pathetic, iceberg lettuce “salads,” with one token cherry tomato and a couple carrot shreds. Ugh. I took my Vitamineral Green powder with me, but it’s not so fabulous just mixed with water. Make that, rather gag-ifying.

    So. Since I’ve been home I’m doing a green smoothie for breakfast (and one for lunch yesterday), salad for lunch… and then dinner derails me. Again the train metaphor. But I feel like a train wreck! I’m still not completely caught up at work, and definitely not caught up on the laundry & cleaning at home, so by the time I come home from a stressed work day to a messy house and make dinner for my hubby & kid (healthy, mostly organic, home-prepared food, but sad nonetheless) I’m tired and cranky and HUNGRY… and I wind up eating what they’re having.

    Now that I’m done with the whining part, I will say that I was managing to do all that and come home and eat either a raw dinner or at least a vegan dinner before vacation, and I know that I can do it again. I’ve been there. I can get back there. But I wanted to vent a little bit and put this all down in writing so it stops being this beating-myself-up mantra inside my head, and fess up to all my raw friends so you all can send some positive vibes my direction and answer my shameless bid for sympathy & understanding. ;o)

    I am loving reading this thread, and I feel bad that I’m not responding to everyone’s stuff, but I’ve been a stress case since I got home and it just feels like one thing too many. My bad! I wanted you all to know that I feel really connected, though, reading your everyday postings here (usually right before bed, when I take my “leave me alone dammit I’m sitting down now” time ;o). It’s helping me get back into the mindset & the swing of things. Like a runaway train… haha, just kidding, I can’t think of a train metaphor here.

    It’s just amazing to me how quickly new good habits can bite the dust if I don’t stay on top of them!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    jenergy – Love you, girl! I was going to ask where you were, and I got on & here’s your post! I get it! If you’ve been reading all my blah blah blahing, you know I’ve not been eating all raw lately, either, and I ate meat (maybe 3 steaks in a week!?), and I didn’t say it, but I ALWAYS get constipated from eating meat, which doesn’t help my attitude :D Anyway, I have re-boarded the train (actually I feel like I’m hanging on with one hand & one leg is kinda dragging on the ground as the train speeds up…) by having continual access to fresh fruit & chocolate pie. :) No, really – I have been eating fruit, and for a heavier, fill me up kind of meal, I eat raw chocolate pie! Then I started making some other raw stuff, but I am happy to have fruit & pie, & no more constipation – whew! And as for beating yourself up – Be nice to my friend jenergy; she’s doing the best she can :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    angie and jenergy: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<raw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    can i kvetch too? i did a green smoothie feast before surgery and since, ive been a binge aholic! to much of everything and some soda which i never drink but i bought some gingerale( hansons natural but still…) in case i was quesy after the surgery and i wasnt and im drinking it now just because…anyway im trying to get a handle on my munchies…i feel like today i wasnt eating what i needed but god knows what i needed….im not craving jsut munching and feeling unsatisfied! oh well i had a big green salad for lunch and dinner and two smoothies both with coconut milk, and guacamole and lettuce wraps…ect ect ect….ugh im quite literally a cow( all that green maybe i should get to cud chewing!) teehee nayway, thanks for letting me bitch too! later gators! now lets give all of us a big supportive hug!!!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie


    Today’s a new beginning. I love that about days. ;o)

    Angie that dragging behind the train image had me giggling. That’s perfect. And I hear ya on the constipation thing… it’s the first thing that happens to me when I mess around with my diet. Ugh. It was actually that problem that led me down the path to raw… I was nearly convinced I had IBS and was thinking about medication (you know all those ever-so-concerned and helpful pharmaceutical commercials on tv). All I really need to do is up my greens intake like 100% and eat mostly raw, and it goes away. Yay!

    Om, I did that unhappy grazing thing all last weekend. I couldn’t find that elusive “something,” so I just kept stuffing everything in. I was probably dehydrated. Oh, and I’m so glad your surgery went well and you’re up and about! No more lump on the butt, yay!

    OK, so here’s a completely unrelated question outta the blue for you ladies… how do you feel about mammograms? My gram is a breast cancer survivor, and my dad just went through a lung cancer experience, so it’s got me thinking about the big C and how it definitely seems to run in my family. Gram’s been on my case for a couple years to start getting them (I’ll be 38 in a couple weeks), but I’ve been putting it off. It seems so, I dunno, weird to me. I mean, gyn exams are bad enough (sorry for the TMI, Ardes & any other guys here ;o)... do I really need to go get my boobs squished in a radioactive machine when I do self exams all the time? Then again, my gram’s lump was tiny and she didn’t find it with self examination.

    Anyway. Just what’s on my mind this morning.


  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Oh yeah, and I made this fabulous, um, energy bar, cookie dough, uh, stuff last night. Don’t know what to call it, and it’s in a bowl in the fridge instead of formed into balls or bars, so it’s just “stuff.” Heh. It’s good! I threw hazlenuts & brazil nuts, cacao nibs, raw honey, coconut butter, a little salt & lots of cinnamon in the food processor & chopped it all up, then added some goji berries & big, fat flame raisins and a little chia seed that I’d powdered into like a flour. I only had a few tastes last night because I didn’t want to be up all night from the gogis & cacao, but it tasted pretty darn good. I’m going to take some to work with me today for snack attacks.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    jenergy – I just read a post yesterday where someone said that a recent random study of autopsies showed that 80% of people over 40 had some type of cancer in their bodies; even if it hadn’t showed up on tests yet while they were alive or even if it wasn’t the cause of death. I have a ton of cancer in my family, too – both my dad’s parents died of it, his sis & her daughter have both had cancer, and my mom’s mom had skin cancer & my mom’s sis had breast cancer, although she took estrogen for 10 years so that one may not count so much. Anyway, I used to have the mindset that it was inevitable that I would get cancer (having diabetes puts people at a higher risk for cancer, too!), so I thought, “Just sign me up for chemo now!” I don’t think that way any more, but I am very careful still, about how I live – I had a beautiful color of yellow paint that I was using in a lot of my paintings, until I smelled something freaky one day & then read on the label that it is known to cause cancer if you inhale it – Yikes! I threw it away and bought a different yellow. I guess I don’t have the answer for you, because ultimately you have to decide, but I just wanted to share my experience – sorry if it wasn’t the help you’re looking for. Maybe part of the answer depends on what you would do about it if it did show up? Greens are a huge part of natural cancer treatment & prevention, and apricot kernels (the nut out of the apricot pit) have lots of vit. B17, which is used therapeutically to fight cancer, because it turns to a poison only in cells that are cancerous, so it kills cancer cells and leaves the healthy ones alone. Then, of course, there are herbs (essiac, pau d’arco, etc.), and conventional medical treatments, too. Emotionally, cancer is usually related to bitterness & resentment, so working through any of that, if it is an issue, is another part of prevention/treatment. If you do decide to have a mommogram, you can wear malachite afterward to help with the radiation issue. It is a gemstone that absorbs radiation – it is used in nuclear testing to keep the radiation from spreading everywhere.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Wow! That “stuff” sounds GOOD!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Hey Ang, thanks for all the great information. Sounds like you’ve had a lot of experience in the cancer realm… unfortunately, huh? It’s so scary to me! I didn’t know that about malachite, that’s definitely good to know. Plus, it’s just pretty! New malachite pendant, here I come… ;o)

    Hey Strawberry! My dad is doing great. He got really, really lucky with early detection and they got it all. I don’t remember if it’s right or left, but one lung has two lobes and one has three… they took the bottomest lobe from the one with three (bottomest? hehe) and that cancer was the non-spreading kind, didn’t get into his lymph system and they got it all. Followed by a second operation where they went in something-scopically (ortho? lapro? whatever) and zapped a few little tiny spots with a little tiny laser. He’s been recovering for a few weeks and he’s already up and about and back to almost 100%. Not quite back on the harley yet, but he and mom went camping last weekend. I am SO grateful to the universe for sparing my dad… and giving us all a wake-up call. Gives me the heebies to think about how it could’ve turned out. I just found out last week that an acquaintance of mine was diagnosed with lung cancer and died within a month because it was so far gone. It was in his spine, too. It’s all about early detection. Hence my wondering about boob squishing, cancer detecting technology.

    And I just gotta say… ” If they checked for penis cancer every year in a machine like that, I can assure you somebody would come up with something different,”... made me laugh so hard I almost choked on my coffee. OMG, that was funny. ;o)

    I didn’t remember the Romper Room thing until you so generously provided it here (um, thanks… it’s going to be swirling around my head all day), but I could sing you the whole Tootsie Roll commercial song. As for what I wore yesterday… uh… er… yeah. I hear you. Jeans, I think. ;o)

    Have a MAHvelous day, fruity ones!

    Luuuuuna, where aaaaare you?

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – Yeah, that WAs hilarious – and true!!!! Don’t worry; as for us, Superman can’t read THAT well over my shoulder yet, so I just laughed to myself & moved on :) heeheehee

    jenergy – No worries! I’ve had lots of experience with people around me having cancer, as well as a lot of contact with natural health people. I was a nanny for some herbalists when I was younger, and I get a lot of info. from books, as well as being able to get info. from the holostic health lady at the store where I sell my jewelry. I just realized that I’ve never told her the thing about malachite, even though I put the emotional meanings of it on the jewelry tags…duh! I’m sure she has multiple clients with cancer issues! Yeah, it’s fun to have a reason to buy new jewewlry – I think that’s why I chose jewelry – there are so many ways to heal; I just wanted one that’s fun. :) Too much depression & seriousness surrounds illness & emotional issues, so I can do something that lightens it up a bit :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    morning seedlings! you all are crrrrraaazzzzy today, thank god i cant remember romper room or the tootsie roll commercial! big grin! hmm cancers, yeah my family is rife with them too which is why the raw food for me, not to mention the heart issues….im not a fan of xrays of course i was catscaned twice for my butt lump sooo im probobly doomed anyhow! teehee

    why cant they come up with a better way to check our mammorys? what about ultra sound? does anyone know if we can request a different test?

    good for your Dad jen!

    berry i made some icecream last night and got inspired by my left over pulp that i had originally was just going to make into “flour” i mixed it with cocao and agave and mint and made these really yummy crumbles for topping the ice cream i have left over with! yum! well im off to ikea today with a girl friend who is shoping for her kids bedrooms, love that place i always get their lingonberry fizzy drink. its like disney or costco! can you tell i lead a sheltered life on the farm!!!

    hey berry what are your thougts on ‘Bama? ive never been there but have been investigating a 1000 acre conservancy that is selling off some home sites. looks fab! www.dauerwalden.com ive just never been in that state….any insights one southern gal to another?

    ardes and luna you are on my list! what, did you both go off and get lives?....i hate you so much right now! ;9)( that is a fav saying of my fav nephew” i hate you so much right now” said dead pan in any situation you have no come back for…..priceless!!!)OMG just realized that animals might have finally swooped in on poor ardes…i can see him standing there broom in hand towel around his head( you know how he has that protect your hair thing with flying creatures) those crazy sunglasses on, one green checked knee sock sagging around his little ankle… screaming like a little girl….hahahahahahahaha oh man can someone get a picture of that for my avatar? hahahahahah AND luna is in jail for buriying her hubby in the yard after the fence building “accident”( nudge nudge wink wink) that huge mutt of hers dug him up or she would have gotten aways with it..singing under her breath while planting her peas…giggle, snort teehee

    enjoy the day loverlys! till later, adeiu!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – nice visual you gave me of ardes & luna – I was laughing a lot after that!!!!!

    STRAWBERRY If you want an old-school Excalibur dehydrator really cheap, email me: angiesgemstonejewelry@yahoo.com – I got it at a yard sale, thinking of you. The guy said it worked; he just likes his round one better, so if you want to pay for the shipping & pay me back what I paid for it, it’s yours! (If not, I’m sure I can put it to good use) Let me know :)

  • OM= SERIOUSLY you have missed your calling u should write sitcoms i am so serious,,,

    Hello everyone I haven’t been checking in lately because of how crazy my schedule is, fortunately my job decided that they would lay me me off so now I will be able to find something that isn’t so STUPID and BORING as Health Insurance…. UGH…

    Happy Friday all, just went to the LOVn IT Live and me and wife are about to eat a mock jerk pattie and avocado sandwich and have a blockbuster night.


  • Angie = If strawberry isn’t interested and you can’t find a place for the dehydrator I would be interested.


  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – I didn’t realize you don’t have a dehydrator – that would make it easier on your schedule, to be able to make up crackers & stuff ahead of time. Or do you have one & just want another?

  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    OMSHANTI - Yes, you can have your breasts examined using thermography. Conventional medicine recommends both mammography and thermography (no kidding) but I found a doctor who will do the thermography alone. Here is a great link – Mammography vs. Thermography vs. Ultrasound.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Ardes, man a lay off? sorry! at least you’ll have more time to raw!;) glad you like my humor …making people grin is a hobby of mine!

    MED, thanks for the info! i sent it to all my friends with mammarys in need of squishing and a cheer rose up around the land! there is a clinic not to far from my house…gonna call monday and check prices!

    angie a dehydtator at a yard sale really? man i wanna go to your yard sales! mine have crrrrap!

    Berrylicious i just read the book by the poligamy cult girl and gotta say wow, there are some real nut holes out there! interesteing book though and next on the list is “the bell jar” by Sylvia Plath readng right now: ” so many enemies , so little time by elinor burkett about her stay in Kyrgyzstan as a prof. of journalism during 9/11 and after….relaly cool but sometimes a bit heavy with is how that polygamy book got in there! teehee

    Luna blue where are you? im taking a collection for your bail but i think we will have to bring you a special raw cake( wink wink) have to make sure you get your”iorn” wink wink, in the pokey… i know how deficient in “iorn” jail food is….ahem…grin…

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – Yeah, wow! You don’t seem nearly as stressed as I would be just after a layoff. stRAWberry gets the dehydrator – sorry I didn’t find 2 :(

    om – Definitely not a normal yard sale – in fact, I never stop at them, but something told me to stop at this one & look around, so I went back. Guess someone’s watching out for the berry! :) It was inside the guy’s house, & he had the front room & adjoining bedroom set up like a store – I’ve never seen so much glassware in one “yard sale” in my life! He also had a tabletop burner – like stove burners, but you could plug it in & just have it wherever. It was so cool that I almost bought it just cuz it was unique, but luckily a tight budget & a lack of desire for clutter kept me from buying something I knew I would never use. :) I also bought an old-school stamped leather purse for a buck, and Superman got several toys (free) and a Winnie the Pooh wallet. Fun!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    My peas are growing! Just had to share :) The tallest one in the pic is one inch tall :D

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Okay, I have to report – I’ve got one leg off the ground & it’s halfway onto the train platform, and the other leg is now just dragging a few toes. :D I have been eating salads & fruit like a maniac, and some heavier stuff when I want it. I’ve still been eating my cashews, which aren’t really raw, but I bought 200 pounds of them last year super cheap, and I still have 50 pounds left after selling some of them to a friend & some more to my mom. The problem I have is that I don’t really want the cashews, but I don’t have money for the really raw ones yet… I feel a lot better with those than with meat, though; it’s just that I really WANT to eat all raw – which brings me to my garden – I am getting soooooo excited, and I can’t wait to grow more. I’m even having time to re-read some of the biointensive gardening book I have, and I’m thinking ahead to future years so I can feed the soil… I checked out a DVD from the college library this weekend called “How to Save the World” – it’s telling about Peter Proctor helping farmers learn & use bio-dynamic farming in India. He moved there to help the people learn & use this method, which is much more sustainable & healthy, of course, than conventional chemical farming. Very interesting. He teaches them how to play with cow dung :) I’m not doing that, but it did teach me and remind me of some principles of organic gardening :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – How’s the weekend “fertilizer” project? ;) HAHAHAHAHA!!!! :D

    ardes – So are you done working at the job, or did they just give you notice? Any idea what you want to do next? So did you go to the farmers’ market today – and did anyone try to attack you & take away your socks? :) heeheehee How’s your zoo/slaughterhouse?! JUST KIDDING!

    jen – Still haven’t seen a pic of that necklace you talked about several weeks ago – are you gonna post it?

    st – I’ve worn myself out today & haven’t tried out the dehydrator yet – I did get it into the house from the car, though…it’s progress :D Good thing I got in touch with you first – my mom was anxious to have it if you didn’t want it. We have my 9-tray one plus my little round one that I used before that, though, so I think we can manage! ;)

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    angie if i had that many cashews i would make lots of the lemon cookies:

    Lemon cookies

  • Good evening friends..

    Angie = Tee HEee I hated the job anyway and they haven’t given me a date which really sucks, but there are a lot of employees that are acting out and saying things to the guy I support and making him feel really bad for letting me go. I say “who cares” but it’s nice to have friends routing for your cause. Uhmm the flea market was really cool today some guy I guess who see’s me there all the time sat and had a long conversation with me just asking me questions about me which I would have thought to be weird 9 months ago but now I just expect for people to look at me like some science project, but anyways he was intrigued on what I actually do with all the food I buy so of course i obliged.

    OM, Rawberry, Jen and MIA “luna” hope you guys are doing well I guess me and Ang’ will have to hold it down for now.

    Me and the wife are on our way to go bowling..

    PS> love the pic of your garden Ang’, I will have to post my container garden soon it is doing so well.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Hey friends! not much up here in socal….. was busy horsin around yesterday and missed the farmers market today! drat! Angie your peas look fine! my maters are surviving and so are my small batchof herbs but the basil is a no go this year! im jsut buying at the farmers market! something keeps snacking on it in my pot outside so i give up!;(

    Ardes, isnt it great to get into conversations with people on the street? seroiusly i love that stuff, my hubby says in a sad voice ” you know, people used to leave me alone, now when i m with ou all i do is talk to people” hahahah poor old hermitized guy! teehee bowling is cool, im horrible at it but as long as everyone im with gets that we have fun!

    Howdy jen!

    Luna, what do we stink or something? maybe they tossed you into solitary….you probobly raised to much of a fuss over the food….;)

    berry, i go through fazes of not being able to focus on reading stuff…. wonder if its hormonal or environmental? I stoped using cashews for all my creations and almonds too. i stick to macadamias and seeds, it got to complicated to keep track of what was and what wasnt raw…. the macs come in shells and the seeds are defiitley not irratdiated like the almonds..cashews made my stomach a bit wierd too…. hmmmm, i keep all my nuts refrigerated…. to expensive ot loose them to rancidity!

    well gonna run, hubby time!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – Yes, please post your garden! How was bowling? I’m pretty good at it – I think my high score was like 68 :D That’s cool the guy wanted to talk to you about your produce – you’re a science project HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :D That reminded me of an interview I saw on youtube of Sergei Boutenko. The guy asked him if/how/when he knew he was different or “a freak” and Sergei said yeah, he knew in grade school when a kid at school said, “Sergei, you’re a freak.” Totally cracked me up!!!! :D

    st – I told my mom what you said, and she appreciated your willingness to let her have first choice, but she said you can have it, cuz she can use mine – she had just thought it might be nice to have an extra one if we ever were going to dry A LOT of something (I could see that happening MAYBE 3 times a year), so no sweat! Cashews blend up creamy & smooth with water in the blender – no graininess like most nuts & seeds. The ones I have are not the really raw ones, but I’m using them for now – they’re still much healthier than roasted nuts, and I can’t afford to order any more of the really raw ones yet.

    om – I had the same problem trying to grow basil a couple of years ago – I found the culprit: a little green caterpillar that looked EXACTLY LIKE THE STEM so I couldn’t see it for sooooo long! Even after I got rid of that one, though, there must have been at least one more, cuz it kept getting eaten & I could never find another one – oh, well, at least we can buy it, I guess :)

    When I took the pic of the peas, the tallest one was an inch tall. When I went out again 24 hours later, it had grown another half-inch, and there are a lot more plants peeking out!!! :) I took “before” pics of the garden, with just dirt & the little plants we got from the nursery, and I’m going to take “after” pics when stuff is growing :) Maybe I’ll even start a garden scrapbook, heeheehee :) When I was a kid, I made a flower scrapbook – I cut out pictures of flowers from seed/bulb/gardening catalogs & glued them on notebook paper, and then I tied the stack of papers together with red yarn through the holes – I had all kinds of exotic tulips & a bunch of other flowers in there. I remember being fascinated because I didn’t have any clue that there were soooooo many different varieties of tulips! My favorite one was black, with petals that were pointed at the top and fringed on the edges! Aaaaaah, memories :)

  • Wow OM & Angie the world is working in a mysterious way, I went out to my garden this morning and a whole cauliflower plant was gone. I looked on there and there were like 5 little green caterpillars that match the leaf that took it out, for some reason they only like the cauliflower. I do have a problem with these red velvet mites that look like little spiders all over my pots, not so much on my plants. On the brighter side I love to see the butterflies and the dragon flies and must not forget the lady bugs playing in the garden. Also another immaculate conception happen I finally transplanted my goji berry plant to a bigger pot and I came out this morning and it had double in its size, very weird I thought I was seeing things.

    Hope to hear from you guys later, I am at this stupid job watching every employee come over and ask me the same question. Funny thing is I told no one that was being laid off and somehow the whole company knows. I appreciate there concern just wondering if they will get over it so that I can go on with these few days.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    ardes – Yay, goji berry plant! Sorry to hear about your cauliflower. I’ve never grown it, so I don’t know what to tell you on that one. For tomatoes, I know planting onions next to the tomato plants keeps tomato worms away.

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Wow am I jealous of all you guys growing your own food! I didn’t get anything planted this spring and I miss having a garden. I am getting a weekly delivery (well, I go and pick it up) of fresh, organic local produce now, though, starting last week. Yay! It feels so good to eat something glowing and alive.

    I just have a sec this morning, but angie I wanted to respond to your question about the necklace I bragged on a few weeks ago… it broke before I could even wear it! Dang it. I couldn’t find my needlenose pliers for the crimp bead – think hubby “borrowed” them for a computer project – so I tried using a pair of fingernail clippers. Heh… they didn’t quite crimp it tight enough, and the first time I tried putting it on the wire slipped right through it and all the beads went scattering across the floor.

    Have a fabulous Monday everyone! I’m going to try eating ALL raw today. It’s been another crap food weekend. :o(

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    jenergy – How sad about your necklace! I haven’t made any new fun jewelry for a while, & I am feeling the creative spark starting to grow – finally! The stuff I have made is just more of the same kind of stuff, or re-stringing for people; nothing fresh, & I’m starting to feel a need to do something a little funky. :) Good stuff!

    I haven’t been buying very much of my fruit organic because of the money, but I found organic oranges for $1.39 a pound & bought some the other day. Yesterday, when I ate one, it was sooooo good – I started doing a little happy dance in the kitchen as I was eating it! :) heeheehee It’s a good thing I’m growing a garden, cuz I want organic EVERYTHING now!!!! :)

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