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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    concrete residue you say? hmmm, well the labor intensive thing to do would be to hand wipe each plant with a vinegar and water mix or you can do the least labor intensive way which is to blast the little suckers with a hose! you know I bet that guy didnt even recognize those plants a food! Do you guys have the orange oil treatment out there for termites? Out here is a company that spot treats your home with nontoxic orange oil to get rid of the little buggars…I had never heard of that but used it on the house im in now….Liked the fact that i wasnt poisoning myself and the environment. Oh I loved that movie chicago, even have the sound track…. we might be the only ones playing today as it seems angie and berry have gone….maybe jen and luna will be around…wishing you all broccoli kisses and cauliflower dreams! later..

    ps thought id post morning smoothies in hope you guys would share so i could branch out…today i made the leap from sarmas cilantro smoothie that im addicted to to a spinach, parsley, apple seasoned if you will , with cinnamon, lemon and carrot juice for sweetness…its good but im trying not to miss my cilantro one! my face has been really broken out lately and im not sure if its the after effects of the surgery and the drugs that went along with it or an allergy to something im eating…ideas?

  • I tried that Sarma cilantro smoothie and I just was not a fan. Hmmm the breaking out maybe your body is getting rid of something from the surgery. Speaking of break-outs I have this really weird thing going on with my hands, and it seems that the cutting board is the culprit, but I get these really weird bumps on my middle and index finger, and they take forever to go away.

    Oh yeah OM thanks for the VITAMin E tip we are all using it. TEE HEE>

    ps is it just me or are the topics on the forum really getting weak or what…

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Yeah, weak topics – I thought it was just me!

    Yesterday did laundry, went grocery shopping AGAIN, made a ton of food, now leaving!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Om, you could try mint or basil in your smoothie instead of cilantro for a change. I put basil in mine this morning and it added a really intriguing note. My smoothie was half a pineapple, a handful of frozen peach slices, water, fresh grated ginger, a few basil leaves and a bunch of spinach. It turned out a super bright, vibrant kinda grassy-green color and tasted sparkling fresh and delicious.

    Hope that’s not too weak for you all. ;o)

    P.S. Angie, hope you and Superman have a blast at the cabin! Watch out for poison oak! And bears! Mountain lions? Mosquitos? Hehehehe!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    thanks for the new smoothie jen, ill give it a try…im back to sarmas shake, have no idea why its my fav no one who has tried it over here likes it, i think my hubby said it tasted like three asses with toe jam undertones…teehee

    jen , i think angie and ardes meant the OTHER threads on the forum our weak…they couldnt have meant our witty, hugely cerebral,jaw dropping repartee on this thread! hahaahahhaha this site does go through its cycles…..

    I have been a pill about new recipes lately, just sticking to what i know works for me…must be a summer mentality here a bit early! well you all have a great day, tallyho and away. ps safe trip angie, what natural insect repepllent do you use? im looking to shield myself from skeeters. was wondering what works the best?

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Hi, guys! I’m baaaack! Fun at the cabin – no wild creatures in sight. But a puma was spotted in the Salt Lake City area last week, in someone’s back yard (about 30 minutes from our house)! Vitamin B1 at the skin level (eat lots or wear a patch) is supposed to help repel bugs, but I’ve never tried it… It was sooooo windy when I was outside, that the bugs were probably halfway across the lake, lol. Insect repellant = doors! Heeheehee.

  • Glad to c u made it back safely Angie….

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    hey guys! angie! welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaaaaack!( there from welcome back carter, may be well before everyones time!) evryones garden sounds great ive only got maters and some herbs but i have plans, oh yes i have plans…mwaahahahahahahahaha

    jen and luna a tip on keeping unwanted guests in the garden out and its nontoxic and VERY effective i bought one for my lousy neighbor to keep him off my side of the fence( he has a habit of heckling and hanging his old shitty forearms into my air space on my side of the fence. If i only had a pit bull…..( is this bad karma or what?) anyhow i digress…. i bought a motion sensor water gun/sprinkler it shoots a stream of water, (over three cups) worth at whatever triggers it . when i first hooked it up i saw it drench a bunny and the thing grew wings getting the heck outa dodge! we used them for deer in Md, to keep them outa my blueberrys! I didnt get to see my neighbor get his, but i heard some serious cussing one day when i was cleaning stalls and i gotta say, i felt this warm tingly satisfaction…. i still smile thinking about it… anyhow you can mount it like i did on a 4 foot “t” post midgarden and nothing will get your shoots! plus your plants get extra water! you have to keep the sensor clean as dirt effects its detection abilities. just google motion sensor sprinkler…

    jen you shake sounds yummy and i just bought mangos! i feel breakfast coming on!

    I just watched Le vie en rose” last night with hubby wow! fabulous movie with subtitles ill have to get the sound track or some of her albums man….sad story , but great music! makes me want to polish up my french….

    prince caspian is a babe…not orlando bloom or johnny dep style babe but a babe none the less! fun movie not true to the book but fun movie!

    im gonna post this under other stuff and probobly get flamed for it but im tryin to help out a friend and promote his art on etsy, check him out… www.nthegroove.etsy.com

    have a glorious day greenlings, im off to play with new horsey( they are like potatoe chips you know, cant have just one, or three as in my case!!!)xoxo
  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Just popping in to let you know that the raw police are going to be beating down my door & taking me away…I said, right here on goneraw, that there is something good & necessary about an animal product! (Because of diabetes, my body can’t convert carotenoids into vitamin A, so I have to get ready to use vitamin A from fish oil) Aaaaaaaack! So I have committed the unpardonable raw food sin by saying that my body can’t get everything it needs from raw plant foods, and I’m sure they’ll be taking me away anytime now so I can’t spread my heretic ideas any longer…:) heeheehee

    om – I’ll be needing some of that raw cake with lots of iron in it! :D

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – hi! Good to hear from you :)

    Luuuuuuna! Ardeeees! Miss Shaaaanti! jeeeeenergy! Come on, where are you guys?! I have some funny stuff to post later, so come & play :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    welcome back the berry!! had to dig up a smoothie recipe myslef, off to have a very busy day but watned to send out big sloppy kisses to you all!

    Angie, no porblemo on theat cake…teehee cute that superman wanted to see the third one…. i feel the same way, they shouldnt release a series until all are filmed and produced!! teehee

    till later ya'll....
  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – Thanks for the link to etsy :) How fun that you’re promoting him. Yes, Prince Caspian=babe. Definitely! I don’t remember the book very well; I’ll have to read it again. Superman got a little scared a couple of times with all the fighting & chasing, but he loved it in the end & he wants to go again! He wants to see the third one & didn’t understand why we have to wait for it -after all, we saw the first one & then watched the second one a week later, so he was thinking that next week we could see the third one…:)

    Where IS everyone? Helloooooo?!? Okay, so I got back from my trip and we have 3 little tiny tomatoes growing on the tomato plants, one remaining watermelon plant (the other one is missing!), one pumpkin plant growing, zucchini & yellow squash plants growing, four potato plants up, maybe radishes up unless they’re weeds that look similar, flowers on the raspberry bushes, a few corn plants starting to grow, edible flowers coming up, and of course my pea plants are a little taller! I lost my camera, though, so I can’t take pics :( Yesterday I planted more corn. I also looked at the packet from the edible flower seeds I had planted, and it says the packet should plant 1,000 square feet – I planted the whole packet in about 16 square feet! heeheehee I guess it might help to read that stuff BEFORE planting :P

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Hi all. I have been dealing with a COLD! Thanks to my huby bringing a bad one home and sharing it with me!! ICK. Started Thurs, apart from the coupghing I am pretty much feeling better now.

    Fence is done!! Garden is planted!! Which I did while I was sick! not fun! I have decided that I am going to pretty much make the whole entire back portion of my backyard into a veg garden. I want to grow corn and pumkins and watermelon and more of the tomato and usual stuff!! So next spring I will be moving all my perenials intot he front yard and doing a huge garden (probably will end up being the entire front yard!!) instead of grass!! It will be hard work, but it will look fantastic!!!!!

    Once the garden getts a little more mature I will post a pic. Right now it only has a few plants it it as the seeds haven’t geminated yet. Should be soon as it has been HOT here! Can’t wait!!!

    Ang – No critters? If ardes was there he would probably have had to fight them off!! He seems to be a magnet for them. Dr. Doolittle!!!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Oh yeah, had a pedicure last Wed, and my toes are a fantastic orange! I am pretty sure you can see it from space!! Hee hee!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Yeah, ardes – can I hire you to be my “critter killer” when I go camping? heeheehee :D

    Luna – Bummer being sick! I’m excited for your gardens (this one & the one for next year), and I wish more people would rip up their grass so they could grow veggies! :) Orange toenails are THE BOMB!!!!!

    Today is a MAAAASSIVE laundry day, and this week will be lots of major cleaning & organizing. I get to take Superman to see Prince Caspian today, and I’m teaching a jewelry-making class on Thursday, though, so it’s not all work :) heehee I just realized that I don’t think of jewelry stuff as work – happy hobby that I get paid to do :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Or, ardes, you could set up your tent a little ways away from ours, so they’d leave us alone cuz they would be so anxious to come & see you!!! :D

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Luna, orange? How fabulously obnoxious, I love it. I got mine done purple last week and I felt all shocking and bright. Heh… I’m usually a bare nails kinda girl. But I was in a mood. ;o) I’m jealous of your garden, too… I’ve been dreaming of rototilling up my entire front yard (back yard’s too shady and acidic from all the fir trees) and planting a giant garden. My hubby says people would steal our produce. Cynic.

    Ang, glad you made it back from your wilderness adventure. Your comment about bug repellant = doors cracked me up! Heehee!

    Om, I tried a cilantro shake this morning and WOW. I love it! I looked up sarma’s recipe and didn’t have all the ingredients, so I tweaked it a little. Instead of grapefruit I used a mango, then put in a cuke (peeled & seeded), 3 stalks of celery, half a bunch of cilantro, the juice from 3 oranges (they were dinky) and a lime, water, a little agave, vanilla and about a teaspoon of cinnamon. It was a little on the thin side, so I bulked it up with spinach. What an interesting flavor! Honestly, I expected it to be gross, but I loved it. Will do it again for sure.

    Have a lovely day, everyone. :o)

    P.S. Luna it’s finally warming up here, too, and I’m a happy camper now. SUNSHINE! Yay!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    jen – So, let ‘em steal your produce & just consider it a gift :) Or, build a huge electric fence with barbed wire, or get a watchdog or two… :) heeheehee

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Okay, here’s the funny stuff I promised to post – I left out some of the introduction & put the list in a different order, but this was it:

    From The Times of Trenton, NJ: Amazing excuses for, and descriptions of, accidents compiled by the Omaha Property & Casualty Insurance Company and State Farm Insurance Companies in Bloomington, Ill.

    “The telephone pole was approaching. I was attempting to swerve out of the way when it struck my front end.”

    “The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him.”

    “I was on my way to the doctor with rear end trouble when my universal joint gave way, causing me to have an accident.”

    “I had been shopping for plants all day and was on my way home. As I reached an intersection, a hedge sprung up, obscuring my vision.”

    “Coming home, I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don’t have.”

    “My car was legally parked as it backed into the other vehicle.”

    “An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my vehicle and vanished.”

    “I drove my truck under a bridge, and it didn’t fit.”

    ” I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother in law, and headed over the embankment.”

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Haha! Angie those are hilarious. I like the one with the tree they didn’t have. Heehee!!

    Hi everybody! I don’t have anything new or exciting or even remotely interesting to talk about, but I just wanted to say howdy.


    Oh, I know… try this, it’s DELICIOUS. Take one of those small, round watermelons and blend it (sans rind, of course) with a bunch of cilantro. Holy crap. Heaven.

    OK, that’s all I got.



  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    watermelon cilantro? you rock jen!

    Angie those are great!!! i like the guy was all over the road one!

    can i vent a little? took old cat to the vet against my better judgement but there was a fast growing cist on her back i wanted to make sure was a a cist and she was plucking out more hair than usual. Well after two hours there, most of it waiting, we get to see the vet. sigh! the cat has renal problems which we knew shes freaking 19 years old!! they want me to take her off the raw diet as they say its the worse thing for her kidneys which are not functioning normally due to high thyroid levels which they cant really correct as her liver and kidneys are not functioning normally since shes 1000 years old! She loves her raw food, eats every scrap and begs for more, she doesnt throw up anymore, she has put on three pounds, for a 7 pound cat that is huge! taking away her one pleasure in life would be like telling a 97 year old granny not to have chocolate as her sugars are high…eat bland goop for the last few months of life its better for you…sigh! can you believe the vet wanted to prescrbe scince diet canned food?(have you ever smelled that stuff?) I asked her if she would eat that stuff and she said no as she is not a cat, and i said well i wont feed my animals stuff i wouldnt eat….she looked at her assistent with a ” oh brother” then said ” well humans differ greatly from common house pets” no! really?...I was livid! I could feel the blood rushing up my neck, which caused my eyebrows to shoot up and my chin to jut out..and i say sweetly” yes, humans have the common sence and intellegence to learn about nutrition for themselves and still choose to feed themselves and their pet garbage!” they exited the room rather quickly….all i wanted to do is make the cat comfortable for the last bit of her life and the vet is all about treating (with side effects mind you) issues that are going to kill the cat anyway…It makes me fearful of old age. I dont want to be treated by doctors more intent on prolonging my life at a level that is resembles the living dead. ugh!

    sorry for the rant, i wasnt able to see my usual vet, they have new vets in practice there and they are pulling the old”Dr so and so cant see you for two weeks but we have the new vet who can see you tomarrow” well homey dont play that! big email was fired off to my regular vet( of 6 years by the way) slamming the wait, the condesention and the switch-eroo tactic…double sigh..

    thanks guys for reading, this has bummed me out a little…it harshed my mellow dude! teehee

    helping Brother in law move today, family fun! teeheee ive been having a great week with my ponys and even picked up a new client or two! maybe i wont starve after all!

    take care fellow enlightened beings…..grin…...adieu

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    jen – thanks for saying hi! I think you should post that recipe with the title “Holy crap. Heaven” heeheehee ;)

    om – Your response to the vet is hilarious! I’m going to remember that one – Yes, humans have the common sense & intelligence to learn about nutrition for themselves & still choose to feed themselves & their pet garbage!” HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :D Way to go, sista!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – Hi! Funny you asked about jewelry – that’s what I did yesterday :) I made 11 pair of earrings – nothing too exotic, but a nice variety – and started 3 necklaces. I don’t have enough of all the beads to finish the necklaces, so at first I was disappointed. I wanted to get a bunch of jewelry made during summer to keep my display stocked at the store during the coming school semester, but I can’t afford to do a big bead order now… Then I realized that if I make up the designs & start on the stuff now, I will know exactly what to order later on, and it won’t be hard to just finish what I started, even when I’m back in school! Superman helped me a lot by picking out beads that he liked together, so one of the necklaces is made of a combination he chose, and I never would have thought of it. He’s pretty artistic & creative – some of the coolest earrings I have are the ones I’ve let him make for me. Too bad he’s only 6 and there are child labor laws, cuz he’d make a great work partner – maybe when he’s 16 he’ll still be interested… :)

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Hi Strawberry! Root canal(s)? As in plural? Oh, UGH! You poor dear. I hope you’re not adverse to vicodin. ;o)

    No new creations yet, but yesterday I did go through all my jewelry and supplies (huge, huge, sprawling across the dining room table job) and organized everything. I got several ideas along the way.

    Ang, I’ve been wanting to branch out from necklaces & bracelets and make earrings. I’d love to see your creations somehow… maybe even buy some? I’m kinda like an earring junkie. Hehehe…

    And there’s nothing against the law about selling your kid’s “art projects,” is there? Hmmmm? Have you ever sold anything on etsy or ebay? I’ve listed stuff on ebay before and it was a colossal pain in the keister, as I remember, but that was a long time ago so maybe it’s better now.

    Happy dad’s day today… we’re going to a family barbecue/potluck/swim party, whee! I’m bringing a giganto salad with shredded cabbage, carrots, broccoli slaw, etc. and a raw gado-gado dressing. (I’m too lazy to go retrieve the link, but if you google “raw gado gado” you’ll find it. It’s YUM.)

    LOve! Jen

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    happy dads everyone! im fixing my childless husband9 unless you count our critters) a frittata with shrooms and kale and green onions….ive tried every old quiche style recipe on the site and notheing comes close to the real thing!(notice i call hubbys creation a FRITTATA not a QUICHE) teehee so i made up some mac cheese and rolled it with shrooms and onions into a kale leaf for myself also wanted to suggest a shake i had for dinner last night.it had strawberries basil and grapefruit( the sweet oro blanco kind) yum yum!

    got a call from my “real” vet after the old email, he was great at smoothing things over…thats why he earns the big bucks i guess…anyhow kitty is taking antibiotics for the kidney infection,staying on her raw food, and taking thyroid meds in the form of some chewable treat…i was promised no switcheroo and a shorter wait…heres to hopein!

    Angie did you get to see prince caspian yet?

    strawberry, ive been humming “padam” since seeing le vie en rose which undoubtably is a tad more cultured than “welcome back” but equally as maddening! glad i could share! grin…

    hey quick question for all you moms: i caught 16 year old neice refering to her grandma as a bitch ,( tempers where apperently running high on moving day) I gave her that raised eyebrow look but said nothing…she ran to her room and slammed her door…i told my hubby ,her uncle, later on the drive home….eh is this usual 16 year old snot nosed behavior and in future should i just stay out of it?

    have a wonderous day folks and here is the quote i have been pondering lately ” your breath is the voice of your soul” reminds me to breathe deeply!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    jen – I lost my camera! So, yes I would love to show you my jewelry – just not possible at the moment… If I don’t find it by end of August I will have to buy a new one as I need it for some of my classes – not what I wanted to spend a few hundred dollars on – I’m thinking one of my nieces or nephews got a hold of it & it is in some bush now, ruined by the rain…either that or I’m a complete forgetter-head and put it some odd place that I’ve never looked at again even though I’ve been searching the house since two weeks ago?

    om – Glad to hear about your vet, don’t know for sure about the teenager thing, but a little loving auntie eyebrow raising might be helpful? Prince Caspian – I WISH I had seen him…SIGH… Oh, uh, did you mean the movie? I guess I was busy daydreaming heeheehee :) Yeah, I liked the movie, too. :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – So, I was pondering your quote, too, and I’m a bit perplexed. Maybe you could help me – When I’m blowing garlic breath on everyone around me, what does that say about my soul? :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    angie, that your soul is italian? grin

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Hey, guys! I just thought I’d pop in & say hi, since the site’s actually working today. Superman & I are going to “live” in a tent in the backyard. Which means we’ll sleep there & spend time there during the day and only use the computer & TV once or twice a week, and I told him we could eat things that we don’t have to use electricity for, which for me means lots of fresh fruits, veggies & simple salad dressings, and for him means things like fruit leather, crackers, dry cereal, peanut butter & honey sandwiches, etc. – I’m thinking maybe the times we use computer/TV can also be days to make things (cook him some beans or make myself some kind of blender/dehydrator recipe). I’m thinking that food part of it is going to last like two days, but we’ll see… I’m hoping he’ll get sick enough of crackers & dry cereal that he’ll be more excited about fresh fruit & salads :) We have a book out there that we’re reading, and he wants to bring out some games. Good times! He’d never slept outdoors/in a tent until last night, and it was his idea to live out there (although I had thought it would be fun) once he saw how cool it was to be in a tent outside :)

    om – Italian, huh? I know a great, single, good-looking guy who SPEAKS Italian…Do you think I should breathe garlic on him so he’ll know we’re soul mates? :D

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    omg it is working, not that i would have noticed anyhow, been sick as a dog for two days. food poisoning, grabbed some veggie sushi at the market after work on monday and was layed out almost immediatley….so far ive been able to keep down some gatorade and a half a baked potato. With all the green that came up and out( if you get my drift)i cant face any kind of salad or wrap….fruit, i may try but otherwise OMG not sure what a raw food person is to do when violently ill….. wish me luck…

    luna and berry and ardes and jen, where are you all?

    angie id breathe garlic and organo all over that man, then invite him home to your tent! teehee

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