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this is my first day on a raw vegan trial
im really excited and i hope it goes well
Breakfast: fruit salad consisting of 2 bananas and about a cup all together of blackberries and strawberries
Snack:an apple
Lunch: salad with mixed greens and grated carrot, and a raspberry popsicle from this organic juice and smoothie bar i found today
snack: 2 tangerines
Dinner: Haven't decided yet probably more salad cause im in a salad mood and a banana smoothie
breakfast: green smoothie of 2 bananas, 5 cups spinach, 4 strawberries, 1 1/2 cups blueberries.
lunch: smoothie of 4 bananas and 2 cups of grapes (red and green)- this is delicious
no dinner yet. i'm not too hungry. i ordered a CRAPLOAD of different kinds of dates after we talked about it on here. they should be here by tomorrow and will come in handy while i'm in ocean city next week. i got medjool, honey, and khadrawi. i can't wait to make your mustard-herb dressing, superfood. hopefully, that will be on my salad tomorrow.
I think I ate waay too much this weekend - BUT, it was about 80% raw! We went to Chicago and my wonderful husband went with me to TWO raw restaurants!!! Both were all-you-can-eat buffets, so of course I had to try everything. It was fabulous.
But, so far this week I don't have much of an appetite, which I guess is OK to make up for the weekend.
Yesterday I ate:
Banana banana smoothie (I was low on groceries): 4 bananas and 2 tbs maca powder mix. It was delish!
Kombucha (store bought)
1 cup watermelon
Veggie soup (inspired by what I had in Chicago) - 1 tiny avocado, 1/2 cucumber, 1/2 yellow squash, 1 head spinach, 1 green apple, some savoye cabbage, cumin and cayenne, nutritional yeast. It was much better than previous attempts at soup because I added some un-blended bits at the end. MUCH more soup-like!
1 date
For me that is like nothing. I feel a lot better though, by Sunday night I was getting pretty bogged down. The gourmet, restaurant raw is soo tasty, but a little hard on the digestion eh?
Breakfast- 20 oz green smoothie (one banana, handful of blueberries, handful of mango chunks, parsley)
Lunch- A cup of blender soup (spinach, zucchini, carrot, garlic, onion, tomato, pea pods)
Dinner- Going out to eat...hopefully somewhere that has good salads :)
Didn't eat too much because I'm coming off the Master Cleanse so I'm not hungry for it/I need to take it easy
coffee with hemp milk and agave
green smoothie of black raspberries, black grapes, pluot, spinach, parsley & spirulina
smoothie of blueberries, strawberries, banana, green tea & spirutine
carrot & cashew soup
hemp brownies!
i'm going to go buy a kombucha and maybe later eat a salad?
today is a long day, i've been up since 5:30. rode my bike to work, worked from 6:30 to 3 (on feet all day), rode home, yoga (20 mins) and pilaties abs work out (10 min) and it's only 5:45!
i feel like i maybe ate way too many hemp brownies, i feel like i'm buzzing from cacao!
7 nanas
2 mangos
2 c. grapes
1 watermelon
1/2 head lettuce
Hey Joannabanana, I'm so jealous of your dates! Would love to try some of those varieties. Hope they're tasty!
Today so far..
Green smoothie of banana, 2 kiwi, 3 big handfuls of spinach, apple juice and frozen berries.
2 apples
Lunch will be a lettuce & tom salad with the mediterranean style bean pate I made last night.
3 c. strawberries
4.5 c. blueberries
8 c. cherries
about 24 bananas
4 dates
I don't know what I'm eating later.....greens aren't calling to me right now. I have LOTS of bananas and oranges. Farmers' market hopefully tomorrow from 3p to 7p. I can't wait!
I was going to eat the last peach in my fruit bowl, but this morning I found that it had went moldy on me. I just ate an apple instead.
2 mangos
a grapefruit
an avocado
a banana
a huge salad
half a personal water melon
I don't know what I'll have later for dinner maybe a smoothie or some more salad or just fruit
4 clementines
FANTASTIC smoothie; with 1 green apple, 3 nectarines, handful goji berries, 1/2 head romaine, and ginger! I was a little afraid of putting so much ginger in, but it was really delicious. Oh also, about 1 tbs chia seeds.
3 more clementines
Kale and yellow squash marinated in Italian herb dressing, along with the other 1/2 romaine and 1/2 tomatoe
1 fuji apple and 2 cups blueberries
Some dark chocolate...aah I was so good up until this one, but sometimes I just feel like I need something to finish up my eating for the day!
Green smoothie- banana, orange juice and kale
pineapple and key lime larabar
some cashews
tonight i'm making the raw chefs pomegranate cheesecake with clementine gelato except it's going to be rasberry cheesecake with orange gelato because pomegranates and clementines aren't in season.
Smoothie: (2) bananas, (2) plums, chard
Sunshine (orange) watermelon (most of it.)
Huge salad: red & green bibb, mixed baby greens, avocado, mango, & hemp seeds
Humus (not raw)
I think I may be finally over the humus. I used to make a big batch of it at least once a week. When I started going raw I backed down to about once a month, then less. Up to today I hadn't made it in months. I still had a can of chickpeas in the cabinet, so I decided to make it up tonight. ...Not really impressed. Ate very little. Funny how the taste buds change... Two years ago I would have told ya that chocolate and humus were my two fav foods. Now I couldn't care less for either.
breakfast: frozen bananas, cacao, & hempseed smoothie
lunch: pureed cauliflower with sundried tomato and garlic; spiralized veggie noodles with pesto, & carrot and beet juice.
Dinner: undecided as of yet!
Your lunch sounds interesting Mariposa, whats the pureed cauliflower with sundried tomato and garlic like? Did you have that on the noodles as a sauce?
Today I've had:
Melon smoothie
fresh orange juice
apple and handful of raisins
salad of lettuce, toms, cucumber, sun dried toms and sweetcorn
tomato crisps
have a banana for later too..
for breakfast- green smoothie of 4 cups spinach, 2 bananas, 2.5 peaches, and 1.5 cups grapes.
this was very good. i've noticed peaches are tart in smoothies so i always have to add bananas.
i put carob powder in my smoothie yesterday and felt jittery all morning! it was the weirdest feeling. has anyone else felt this way?? it was the first time i had raw carob and i don't want it to be the last (i have a 2 lb bag- eeek)
yesterday I had:
green smoothie of banana, strawberries, kiwi, spinach, parsley & spirulina
a banana
an orange
a mango peach ginger smoothie w/ spirutien (not raw)
carrot & cashew soup
a banana, blueberry, strawberry smoothie w/ more spiro
a green raw revolution bar
a peach
and a bag of dried mangos! mmmmmm.
pixx, I had the same experience with hummus and fallafel. I used to LOVE both of these. I tried them last year after almost an entire year without them...yuck, so dry and salty.
joannabanana, I've never had carob powder myself, but I've heard other people describing that exact same reaction.
pixx, I had the same experience you did with chips. Potato chips, corn chips, and popcorn. I loved these foods SO much and ate a TON of them whenever I could. Last time I tried any of them they tasted like salty cardboard, bleck!
joannabanana, I love raw carob! The first time I had it I got that jittery feeling you described, but it never happened again. Don't know what that could be since carob has absolutely caffeine. Hmmm. . . .
swayze, I checked out your website and I love it! I completely agree with eating a low-fat high-fruit vegan diet. I have been experimenting with the raw food diet for almost two years. I enjoyed it, but still had all sorts of digestive issues that made day to day living uncomfortable and all the time spent of dehydrating and marinating all these gourmet raw foods left little time for actually LIVING. For almost a month I've done 100% raw with most of my calories coming from fruit, and some from greens, and an occasional avocado (although I find don't crave it much anymore). I feel so much better!! Your blog is wonderful and I hop it reaches many people.
What I had today:
1/2 papaya (4 cups chopped) drizzled with lime juice and agave
2 cups of sweet cherries
20 oz green juice (lemon, apple, ginger, kale)
6 cups of watermelon
~A banana
~smoothie of watermelon & chard. This was sooooo much more tasty than I expected it to be. I had about 40 oz of it!
~Marcona almond butter on a half of an Ezekiel muffin (not raw)
Wanting more of that watermelon and chard smoothie.....likely to go make more...
Make that 4 more cups of watermelon! :-D
leftover raspberry cheesecake
black coffee
banana mango and coconut water smoothie
key lime larabar
I'm with ya, Rawaholic! I'm chowing down on watermelon these days. I just juiced the rinds of three of them, this evening. Yummy juice. :~)
I never thought much of watermelon growing up, but last summer, and this one-- I just can't seem to get enough! I discovered yellow and orange ones-- oh, my, they are good!! The "sunshine" orange ones are my fav!
well, it's painfully early and i'm going to be having 6 green plums and a few bananas for breakfast. i found the plums at the farmers market. they are actually sweeter than regular purple/red plums.
my family and i are driving to ocean city, maryland this morning!! i'm gonna miss all you guys!
enjoy a delicious raw week!! i'll be thinking about you while i'm eating a papaya on the beach : )
Today I haven't eaten as much as usual. My appetite is down !!! :o :)
About 2 oranges
32 oz. orange juice
2 c. kale
2 c. red russian kale
14 or so bananas
Pre-Breakfast: 1 quart lemon water
Breakfast: 1 pineapple (4 cups chopped)
Snack: 1 banana
Lunch: Smoothie (4 bananas, 1 tbs. raw cacao powder, 1/2 tbs. maca powder, stevia, vanilla, ice)
Juice: 20 oz. green juice (kale, apple, lemon, ginger)
Snack: 2 Early Girl tomatoes
Dinner: 1 batch of Tropical Acai Spice (recipe can be found on my blog at
Snack: 3 Early Girl tomatoes
Some friends of our gave us a BIG batch of organic Early Girl tomatoes. The smell themselves are positevely MOUTH WATERING. We also have a bunch of organic tomatoes growing in our backyard garden so I have a feeling my family and I will be eating LOADS of tomato! :D
Been busy making lots of raw goodies over the weekend and yesterday I ate like a raw queen!
Melon smoothie
Salad with lettuce, cucumber, toms, onions and peppers, dollop of cashew sour cream dip.
Carrot + hummus
Raw pizza and sweetcorn
Raw apple crumble and ice cream....Soooooo good!
Today so far I've just had my usual melon smoothie for breakfast....I have left over raw pizza for lunch....
Cheerios with blueberries and soy milk
Spinach salad with 1 cup marinara dressing
2 Kiwis
2 Cups Energy Soup (OMG...I am stuffed)
Making a mixed greens salad for dinner wtih a delicious dressing comprised of dates, pine nuts, avocado, lemon juice, garlic and apple cider vinegar and topped with some halved cherry tomatoes.
I had two huge green smoothies yesterday and I'm smoothied out at least until tomorrow...hence the Cheerios this morning.
rawaholic (love the name), thanks so much! Yea, I did the gourmet raw thing for about 2 weeks...until I actually calculated how much fat I was eating (600-800 calories per day). That did it for me.
blueberries and strawberries
black coffee
4 peaches
tomato and corn salad with crumbled macadamia feta