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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – HAHAHAHA!!!!!! I DO have lots of oregano AND garlic growing in my garden :D As for being sick, ginger tea, peppermint (tea or rub the essential oil on abdomen – just be sure to dilute in another oil), I would say young coconuts for electrolytes, but you don’t like those, right? I had the flu a few months ago, and I got over it by sipping ginger tea and young coconut water – I had to trade off, though, cuz the coco water wouldn’t stay down well without the ginger tea to settle the nausea. Afterward, all I wanted was greens for a couple of days.

    I’m thinking that ardes really DID mean OUR topics were weak :(

    berry woman must still be partying in Atlanta



    no answer. I guess I’ll try back later?

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I just remembered the funniest thing! I’ve had a thing for this same guy for a long time, & I also like to entertain myself with sillies like garlic breath telling him we’re soul mates, etc…. A couple of years ago I was working in the meat dept. of a grocery store, and I was spraying out the fresh fish case on a Saturday night after closing the butcher block. The hot water was slightly cooking all the bits of fish that were being power-sprayed off the inside of the case, and the smell was not what anyone would call pleasant. I had been missing my friend, and I started to laugh out loud as I pictured myself calling him “I smell like fish…do you want to come over?” I think I’ll archive all these brilliant pick-up tactics! :D HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Berry say it aint so! not hang it up for good right? jsut for the evening? that reminds me of a song…goodbye farewell alvetizen adeiu…boom barum boomboomboomboom boo-oom, boombarumpboomboomboom….(sound of music!)

    angie, i couldnt stomach a green right now if my life depended on it! i am all about the peppermint tea though as its staple anyhow…i ate a potatoe that tasted good but i felt like crap after so this morning it was apiece of toast again with honey …..yes the raw police are coming to get me i know i know, but ugh my stomach is burning!!!! im not really hungy either, i was a bit hungry last night and had some watermelon, wrong answer gas like crazy…im thinking about a berry bannana shake but im really afraid to put any acid in there…...I hate food sometimes.sigh maybe an apple parsley cucumber shake something soothing…..ick nothing sounds good and i have to work today i cant lay around and sleep like i have been doing! sigh…...well gotta run ponys to feed!

    ardes and luna and jen hope you all are hale and hearty…... slainte!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Hey ladies, I’m still kicking it around here… the site’s been a pain in the butt lately, though, and I get frustrated and give up.

    Speaking of frustrated. Last weekend was a family party and yesterday was my birthday, and I’ve been eating crap for DAYS now, it feels like. I feel like a bloated pig. YUCK. Today is day one of an I-don’t-know-how-many-days green smoothie cleanse for me. And I’m telling myself, “This time, for SURE.” Wish me luck, y’all.

    Om, I hope you’re feeling better! Food poisoning is soooo awful. And frightening nowadays with all the unsafe food out there. Take good care of yourself and stay hydrated.

    Angie, how cool is camping in your yard?? Wow, that sounds so great. I love it. I should do that with my son, or at least set up a “campsite” in the back yard for him and his friend… he and Jack have been spending every spare second together since about mid-school year, and I’m becoming pretty good friends with Jack’s mom, which is fun. The boys are going to be in a local production of the Hobbit together… tonight’s the casting call/meet & greet. I think it’s going to be fun.

    Sorry ‘bout the silence lately. I’m with Strawberry on the frustration level with this site. But I’ll keep trying!

    Love to you!


  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – DON’T LEAVE!!!

    om – When kids are sick, they say to feed them a B.R.A.T. diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. Good luck; I hope you feel better soon! :)

    Luna! I’ve been worried, too.

    jen – LUCK! I know how you feel, sorta – for some reason, whenever I have gone back to a lot of cooked food, even for just a week, I forget what to eat when I want to get back to raw, and it’s almost like starting all over!

    I made a strawberry parfait from Ani Phyo’s website, and then I made it again a day later (last night – a double batch this time), and I smeared the creamy goo on my banana nut pancakes & drowned them in strawbery syrup – Wow! I just ate like 2,400 calories for breakfast, and about 2/3 of those from fat – that 80/10/10 guy should be freaking out if he reads this – he’s giving me a bad time about eating fat and keeps reminding me that if I eat more calories than I burn, I will get fat, etc. :) I’m kind of entertained by the whole thing.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Woohoo!!! I found my camera! :) So, sometime I’ll post a new pic

    Jen – you can email me (email address is on my profile) & I’ll be able to send you pics of jewelry now – malachite earrings, perhaps? :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    morning earthlings, im on the mend, i ate real food yesterday which included thai fresh rolls( home made thankyou very much) and a berry bannan shake….this morning im HUNGRY yay!

    wonder what makes this site operational i some parts of the country and not in others, no problemo for me at all right now…hmmmm

    jen how cool your son acts!

    angie hows the camping?

    pony going to his new home today, gotta pack his little suitcase…pip pip and cheerio!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I hope you’re sending someone to carry the pony’s suitcase, unless that is the most talented pony ever! :D

    I waffled on the no computer & only simple food thing, but sleeping & spending time outside is pretty fun! Our tent is pretty well ventilated, too, so I’m loving all the fresh air we breathe all night! :) Superman still gets scared of spiders, the dark, etc. but it’s all good – so far 3 nights in the tent with no catastrophes…

    The garden is growing! I was depressed cuz some of it was dying off or not coming up well (I’m all about the instant gratification thing right now, heehee), but it’s all good, whatever we get, and the raspberry bushes are LOADED with flowers & now little green raspberries starting to form!

  • Oh my gosh, so much to catch up on!! I’m SO GLAD to be back! Detoxing, yes, but back.

    GOod morning, everyone!

    The week before I left to go to Santa Cruz to see my daughter graduate (YAY!!!!! I’m SO PROUD of her!!!!), I couldn’t access this site at all. Looks like it’s back up! Hooray~

    Okay, more later, gotta read ‘n catch up!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Ha, angie your comment about the talented pony cracked me up bigtime! ;o)

    I will email you sometime today, either about jewelry pics or just to say howdy. :o) I think it’s so neat you & Superman are sleeping outdoors. I have really fond memories of doing that as a kid… my sister and I would just pull this rollaway bed we kept in the garage out to the back yard and sleep al fresco… uh, after we made sure all the spiders were out of it first!

    Om, Griffin’s only been in a couple of school productions so far… this will be his first actual PLAY play. It’s a summer-long thing that’s going to teach the kids things like set design & costuming & lighting as well as the acting part.

    I’m pretty excited to be involved, too. It was funny at the meet & greet last night… the director is like ten years younger than me, and it gave me a little shock for a second. My first thought was, “He’s CUTE!” and then I noticed the age thing and I was all, “WTF?” Hahaha! I just turned 38 the day before yesterday, and I swear I keep forgetting I’m that age. I think I’m still in my 20’s most of the time. ;o)

    Welcome back birdie!!! It must be such a fantastic mommy-moment to watch your kid graduate. Good for her! I’ve been watching neices and nephews graduate in the last few years, but my son isn’t there yet. I’ll probably explode with pride.

    Okey-dokey, later gators! :o)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    birdie – glad you’re back!

    jen – Yes, email me! That sounds fun sleeping on just a bed outside – Superman’s scared enough of the dark & animals – raccoons we have out back, a puma was sighted in someone’s yard in Salt Lake City, he watches animal shows & sees a guy with a fake arm because of a spider that bit him, etc. – being protected in a tent is the only thing that makes it okay enough to sleep outside at all – maybe in a few years…That’s so fun that your son is in a play, and even cooler that they get to learn all the lighting & design stuff, too!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Happy sleeping in the back yard! I’m too much of a goneraw junkie, though, so the 1 or 2 days of electricity a week thing isn’t lasting heehee :)Oh, well. Our tent is really well ventilated, so I’m getting all this oxygen while I sleep – amazing! Half the time, I don’t even want to come in the house cuz it feels so good to be out in the fresh air. The back yard is really shaded, too, from the two huge trees, so it’s a pleasant place to hang out, even on really warm days :) Hmmm, maybe I’m becoming more of a fresh air junkie :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    so my raw cheezits recipe made it to the sunny raw kitchen….im so proud! teehee looks like people are having fun with the recipe and enjoying their creations with it! funny as i am making some this am, along with the cooked version of zuccini bread….i managed to grate off half a finger nail and a nice hunk of finger over the weekend trying to make zuccini bread…that batch went into the trash after i picked myself off the floor and stopped screaming!;0) im totally weirded out by fingenail trauma(that and eye trauma…if i ever poke an eye out just shoot me, ill have lost my mind anyhow!) i figured hubby didnt want blood and finger parts in his bread! hahahaha its cooled off here finally and while i know i shouldnt be gripeing about weather when the rest of the country is suffering so….icant help it! it was bloody hot and now its bearable!!! hope all of you are good!

    how goes the camping angie?

    ardes, luna,the berry? miss you guys!

    Jen, nocal fires not near you are they?

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    No matter where I move the tent, there is usually a big lump right under my butt :( And my son got bit by something the other night, and it is a big red area on his leg that is driving him crazy. I keep thinking of all the freaky things I have heard/seen about spider bites that started eating the skin & led to amputation or some weird disease…So I’m watching it like a hawk & putting essential oils on it & freaking out only slightly less :P Other than that, all good :)

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Om, as a matter of fact the fires ARE clost to me. WAY too close for comfort. I live in Ukiah, in Mendocino County, in a bowl-shaped valley that has been completely socked in with smoke for the past 4 days. I mean like, quarter-mile visibility socked in. It’s like thick fog, only it’s brown and smells like a campfire. It’s weird and a little scary, and my head, chest and throat are REALLY starting to hurt. I can’t imagine what people with asthma must be going through… ugh. Also there’s this really weird general feeling of un-realness and lethargy. It’s like being in a movie or something.

    Check it out: http://www.ukiahdailyjournal.com/ci_9683254

    I hope they get them contained soon. Something like 50 homes have already been lost, people living up in the mountains around town. I feel awful for them. I don’t think there’s any risk of fire getting to town, but the smoke is really nasty.

    Anyway, that’s what I’ve been dealing with for the past few days. Angie, I could use some of that fresh, clean oxygen you’ve been breathing at night! ;o)

    Oh, and your thing about Superman’s red spot reminded me… the other morning Griffin said, “Mom, my back REALLY itches!” and turned around and there were three perfectly round, raised, bright red circles on his back. I freaked out! I was thinking oh no, ringworm! Or some horrible deady flesh-eating bacteria, aaaack!

    He fell asleep on top of 3 quarters that were in his bed somehow, and he has a skin allergy to nickel. Can’t wear pants or shorts with metal buttons because he gets the circle red rash on his belly. It was SO funny once we figured it out. ;o)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    yuck! well good luck up there and breathe with care! We are planning a trip to trinidad in sept guess we better double check and see if the house we rented i still standing huh?

    some one explain karma to me please… ive been feeling a bit kicked around lately by our friend karma…i had food poisoning and then i tried to slice my finger off in the food processor. I did a good job of it too, 1/2 a finger nail gone and quite a bit of finger tip with it…., then this morning right before im supposed to show my house to a very hot prospect, i discover a leak in my ceiling in the back bathroom!...OMG, so there was much curseing and freaking needless to say, but then stuff changed, my appointment to show the house cancelled, the plumber actually CAN come out today and i can get my errands done before all this takes place! Yay! but then i just chased jehovahs off my porch….gently chased but still didnt listen to them…. Should I hide?Is Karma comeing back around to get me now?

    anyone else excited to see “the dark knight, batman” this weekend? Im jsut as thrilled at seeing “wall-e”( the robot, “baby movie”) too…grin…. namaste people! bye

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    jen – yikes! I’m hoping the best for you guys with the fire & smoke – I tried to mail you some oxygen, but the guy at the post office said they didn’t have the right kind of box or something… :P Go lie face down in the grass with something covering your head and…what? people looking at you strange? Okay, don’t do it wearing a fancy dress & heels in the middle of the park ;)

    om – I don’t know about karma being responsible for the bad things, unless there’s something you’re not telling us…but maybe it’s just part of being alive that problems like that happen – maybe your grandma told the guy to cancel & the plumber to come? :) It sounds like you needed some good news after all that craziness! As for chasing jehovahs away, if that were ever to bring bad karma, maybe I should hide, too ;) heehee Never seen a batman movie yet, no reason to change now, I suppose :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I made this necklace today, & I was so excited that I put it on & told my mom “Look at what I made!” She gave me a weird look, kinda laughed, and asked “Why?” I told her she just doesn’t get it. She probably thinks the same thing about me :D HAHA

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Where is everybody? ECHOechoechoecho…

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Where is everybody? ECHOechoechoecho…

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – You’re back! On here, at least, if not back home yet. I can’t believe the story about your cousin’s invaders! :D Thanks about the necklace, and yes, the garden is growing – I have flowers on some pea plants and I ate a few baby radishes the other night :)

    Where is everybody?

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Well, today the site is flying…go figure! Hi everybody, does anyone know what has happened to bella luna? first we hear heart prolems then she vanishes…ugh hope all is wellher way!

    Angie, I have three tomaroe buds on my mater plants! im so proud! teehee out side of tht i have to get a few more herbs to flesh out my depleting herb garden maybe ill do that today…the heat wave is back after being so nice the last couple of days…sigh ah desert living!;0)

    well im hopeing my karma is better….i threw salt over my shoulder rubbed a rabbits foot( well the whole rabbit actually he was a rex and felt like velvet!) at the pet store, found a penny and had an article published! (contented sigh) I meet with the publishers of the mag the week of july 12 and hope to wow them enough to get a paid, full time gig! i hope i hope!!!

    If you love baby movies as i do( like shrek, pocohatas, mulan ect ect) you must, MUST see WALL.E OMG loved it, soooooocute…all you with kids can pass it off on them, then enjoy for yourself. we had to go sans kid(all the one we borrow where taken….grumble” she has summer camp” I mean really camp? or a cool new movie! teehee

    The berry! you arose, returned, reappeared, showed up, became present unvanished…...Im so glad! those dang witnesses…i got so tickled actually after i “chsed” them away as this is an all mormon neighborhood( except for me the lone spiritualist)...i wonder if they get invited in and testified to by the latter day saints? ah to be a fly on the wall, one group primly thumping the new testement an the other waving the book of mormon around….bwahahahahaha…oh , (wipes tears of glee) dont know why i find that so amusing, teehee snort, bet im going to get my own wing in hell for sure now! giggle…

    Neighbors had a baby alpaca born yesterday ! cutest little fur ball you ever saw! i love alpaca faces the doe eyes and rediculously long eye lashes….and sooooooffftttt! well, im off to concoct some refreshing foods for this week, ill post any good concoctions on the recipe page…have you all tried my spicey pinapple salad?..my folks served it to their wine club t o rave reviews!gonna run! gotta put in some more cheeezits before it starts to broil out!

    shalom! hasta luego! aloha!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – Hi! wow – congrats on the article! Is it a horse magazine/article? So cool for you :) Funny you said we could go to see WALL.E with kids – my mom & I went to it while my son was sleeping over at his cousins’ house! heehee I didn’t tell him. Glad to hear about your tomatoes :) I got some mint plants from my neighbor who is building a deck over the spot where she had tons of mint growing – I just got a smallish flowerpot of it, but it will be nice :)

    I went to the Gem Faire yesterday, for the first time! I have been hearing about it for a few years now, since I make jewelry, mostly with gemstones, and my dad even went before, but I hadn’t made it yet. Now if I could just go back in September with $25,000 or so, wow! I would have fun :) As it is, I enjoyed it, my dad bought me some fun green beads that I made a necklace out of last night – I’ll post a pic later :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    howDEEE!(said like minnie pearl!) Angie, yep its a horse mag that is new to the usa its from new zealand and australia…they run my articles there in the spring, but hts far have used four or so of them and have asked for more!Im trying not to get to excited but its neat seeing your stuff in print!

    ive been to one gem show and it was great! i dont even make jewelry but had a blast with a friend that did..she paid her way through college making simple barettes and braceletts and necklaces that she sold at the grateful dead shows..she traveled all summer with them and never had to buy one thing for herself…the krishnas fed her and she traded her stuff for other neccesities. she met a gal from florida who bought her out in one show for her gallery , she made orders for the florida lady through out the year! really cool!

    Hey Ardes, are you working? havent seen you here lately just abuzzing around the recipes! hmmmm how are things? well gona cruise youtube for while…check you all tomarrow! night!

  • Angie, I LOVE your new pic! You inspired me to show my face, too. : )

    Hey, I’m excited today! My story, Accidental Joy (you can read it at my old blog at http://blogs.salon.com/0003522/2004/10/16.html), has been picked up by a nationally syndicated NPR show, “51%,” a half-hour long radio program that deals with issues important to women. The show that I’m on is featuring stories and discussion around the topic of Birth.

    Anyway, I’ve been eating GREAT since my big binge-fest when I attended my daughter’s graduation. Yay. Been trying the 811 thing, just as a detox, not as a long-term solution, and it’s been very healing to focus on fruits for a while. I like it.

    omshanti, congrats on your publications!! It’s amazing seeing one’s name in print. I would LOVE to read some of your articles, can they be found online?

    My gosh, I laughed my butt off watching Wall-E! It inspired me to NEVER EAT SAD AGAIN! Talk about your raw foods message!

    Angie, you are so lucky to be able to work with your hands and to create such gorgeous things. I meant to tell you how beautiful your prior avatar was, with the necklace. I love eclectic jewelry and would love to be able to make something beaded, but I am all thumbs.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    mornin glories! angie your necklace is the bomb!!! I love green! i tried jewery making…like birdie im all thumbs too! im also amazed you are still single by the way , unless its a choice of course, you “Rook maaaaahvalous dahling!”

    Birdie, nice to see ya! what are ya 16 ? 17? years old, talk about youthful…do you get carded much? ;0) ive read your stuff and it makes me sigh with satisfaction…unlike my scratchings you have talent! but if you really want to peruse horse topics, i have several on my www.johnlyonssandiego.com website and then i believe american natural equine is gonna be on line soon as well….they have mostly published whats on my site, but the last one i wrote spacifically for them on suppliments…. anyhooo, would love to do this for a living~ right up there with training the little buggers i love to write about them too and of course snuggleing them, smelling of them and looking at them and taking pictures of them my perfect job would be to get paid to ride, care for and write about and look at my own horses…..i need a sponser!!!! teehee any takers?

    Ive got a (looks about secretively, leans in and whispers)a cooked zuccinni bread in the oven…. for the 4th of july picnic wth hubs family on friday,( also gonna take my chopped salad and some fresh lemonade.) the house smells heavenly! yesterday i came home with a mega chocloate craving so i made raw reeces peanut butter cups and threw them in the freezer! yum! i love that i cant eat more than one…why is that? the old days of sad, i had to stop myself from eating the whole pack but raw they are so rich and satisfying, i can hardly eat one whole one!

    Ive taken up a new challenge! Any one want to try too? im trying(on paper at least) to get my belongings down to 100 items my exclusions include pets and pet paraphinalia…once i get it down on paper im gonna see if i can really do it in real life…..ive had this silly house ready sell for months now which meant filling a small storage unit with stuff that made it look cluttered…extra furniiture, nicknacks books ect ect…well i dont miss the stuff! so why am I paying to store it? why do i “need” it…hmmm well ill let you know how it goes…. later maters! have a magnificent day…..

  • omshanti, LOL!!!! You know how to flatter a person, ha ha! I’m 42, alas, and turnin’ 43 this December 7. Yay for the forties!

    I am off to read your horse stories! I LOVE horses! Living in rural New Mexico, I see many horses every day. I’ve always wanted to learn how to ride. My neighbors across the street are rodeo stars. They practice in my street – on horses! Yeah, this is a dinky town, ha ha.

    I love your new challenge, and boy would that be tough. I don’t own a lot of stuff, but I sure own more than 100 things. I’m going to ponder this today, hell, I may join you.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Awwwwwww, you guys are sooooo sweet! Thanks for the compliments :) I LOVE jewelry & anything else I can make with my hands – I also love to crochet, make candles, paint, make food, make cards & home decor stuff, stitch stuff (but not “real” sewing) – I sewed a skirt by hand once just to see if I could do it heehee. I love to learn how to do things, especially “old” things – like crochet, making candles, etc. that seem to be becoming “lost arts”.

    As for being still single, well, I have needed time to work on my life for a while, and I’m not looking for what I used to look for, so it’s an interesting experience to date now :)

    om – I want a sponsor for my interests, too – let me know when you find one & where they’re available :)

    birdie – I agree with om: you DO look like a teen in your pic!

    Thanks for coming back to play this morning! :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    om – When you say 100 things, do you mean 100 of EACH thing? :P

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    i wish a hundred things of each!!! teehee, nah , 100 things…includes clothes dishes shoes bedding furniture towels books nicknacks jewelry( you may watn to exclude beads!) pictures comuters vehicles washing machines and other applieances, make up, soap, shampoo well you get the picture! its freaking amazing to count the things we own! and that own us as well…i once had a spiritual person tell me it takes energy to own things the question is are we sure we want our energy going toward that…what ever it is…. food for thought. my hubby excluded tools ( he is a contractor) and we still are rediculously burdened.( or blessed depends onhow you percieve things)

    I started thinking about this last year when we evacuated due to fire…what would absolutley save….turns out , not much, photos , computer and pets( their gear) all else? BYE! luckily we didnt loose anything. then i read a story on line where this giuy who is running an experiment to see if he can get down to 100 things… i think keanu reeves already does this but he would have to exclude money…teehee i read he lives in a hotel and owns 5 sets of clothes all black and three motorcycles…hey if he can do it well hell why not me? would make moving easier!;0) cool concept though huh? i mean we cant take it with us..and after my good friend passed away 2 years ago at the age of 53 i couldnt believe the stuff she left behind just on my property for her horses! i dont want to leave that much around for people to deal with…why not make it a habit now? what do you guys think? am i crazy?

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