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  • Have you tried eating more often so that you're not waiting until you're "ravenous"? If you want something quick, how about bananas, apples, grapes, pears, peaches, plums, etc? Just wash and eat. If you eat them throughout the day instead of at two …
  • My husband and I eat different meals, also, but we almost always did before I ate raw because I ate mostly salads that he didn't love. We prepare and eat our food together, so that time spent together is what's most important to me, not eating the s…
  • Raisins, dried apple slices- you can make your own if you have a dehydrator. I love cucumbers or carrots dipped in avocado, mixed w/ homemade salsa (tomato, onion, spices, basically whatever you want to throw in)
  • I second sv3's advice. Find what you like, not just what you "should" eat, is essential for sticking with it. This seems obvious but don't bring the chips, etc into the house. That way you can't eat it on impulse, but if you are really having a hard…
  • On some weekends I cut up 4-5 days worth of veggies for salad and keep them in the fridge. They are fine- carrots, cucumber, corn, onion, and tomato all keep well. Then all I have to do is throw in the lettuce, the cut up veggies, and add some dress…
  • You said you occasionally eat cooked, so I'm wondering how often. I have to eat maybe 90% raw or more in order to lose much weight. It seems crazy, eating so much healthy food, but 80/85% just doesn't do it for me, even when the other 10-15% percent…
  • I see your point, rawlizard, and I was not insulted by vagabond's post, but just pointing out that this is an issue that has come up before, and that many people on this site have been very clear in stating that they don't approve of, or appreciate,…
    in Meat Comment by grapefruit.fanatic
  • "I was vegetarian once, and over the course of 2 years vegetarian I grew severely depressed and fatigued.... So I am convinced that I am the type of person who needs the occasional morsel of meat" ---I don't think it's possible that lack of meat cou…
    in Meat Comment by grapefruit.fanatic
  • Yes, I'd say it's definitely okay, especially because you've been struggling with it. If you're worried about too many calories, maybe have carrots, melon, celery or something low-cal on hand. I ate more too when I started out (although I didn't hav…
  • I don't know if we *need* them, but I know that my hair and skin look a lot better when I eat at least some fat.
  • Sweet: "Im guessing just eat what you like"----- You hit the nail on the head!! Try to push away the thoughts of "What *should** I be eating?" You will drive yourself crazy. Food is supposed to be enjoyable- eat what your body is asking for! As for …
  • Pittsburgh, PA East Carson St. in the Southside. Tuesday, 3-6pm Penn Ave, Strip DIstrict, Saturday mornings until 12 or 1 I believe. A good map of the rest, with days and times: http://www.city.pittsburgh.pa.us/parks/html/farmers_market_map.html
  • I have the Nesco 700 watt one with 5 trays and it's $75.00 at Target. It fits my needs (banana and apple chips, dried tomatoes, etc) and I'm happy with it, so I wouldn't pay more. It's expandable, so if you find out you need more trays, you can buy …
  • Sometimes I use turbinado sugar (brand is "Sugar in the Raw"). It's not really raw, since from what I understand heat is used to evaporate the juice from the sugar cane, but it's definitely better and less processed than white sugar or standard brow…
  • Could be stress-related. Stress can make you gain weight, even if you're eating the same amount of calories as before. Or maybe a hormonal change?
  • I never soak mine in the fridge. I use a ceramic bowl, cover it with a paper towel, and leave it on the counter away from sunlight.
  • I don't agree with completely cutting out all oils, seeds and nuts if you've had skin problems. When I do that, my skin gets very dry. Then I have to put lotion on it, which always causes a breakout. Then I have to use more drying treatments to trea…
  • I crave sweets during that time, and I also tend to want to eat alllll the time!! I try to keep a bunch of low-cal fruit around (like watermelon or other melons), so even if I do overdo it, I'm not downing 2000 extra calories. Sometimes I'll buy a m…
  • My skin and hair also get dry, even in warm weather. Like camihearts said, eating avocado, olive oil in salads, and for me sometimes almonds or sunflower seeds, makes the dryness go away. You don't need a ton of fat, but I believe you do need some. …
  • I've heard 80% or more. Although from my own experience, I don't get the "full effect" as far as noticeable benefits unless I'm maybe 95% raw. I also gain weight if I go below 80-90%.
  • Raisins, bananas chips (sliced very thin and soaked in a bit of honey), apple chips (coated w/ cinnamon, soaked in a little lemon juice) Enjoy :-)
  • In the winter there are no farmers' markets where I live, so Costco is a good place to go (aldi's too, as mentioned). Even though there's a $50 annual membership for Costco, it's well worth it because it is SO much cheaper than grocery stores. They …
  • 1. Yes, 1-2 glasses of wine a month at most (many months, nothing) 2. I love the taste, enjoy having a drink with friends once in a while, and it has some health benefits. Plus, I don't think wine is that bad for you in moderation- it is natural. I …
  • Lentils. The taste is a little strong to eat them on their own, but I like them in a salad. Also, they are cheap and couldn't be easier to sprout!
  • Since you're eating only juices and the dip you make, is it a "meal" that you're craving? I know that juices and dips can fill you up, but sometimes I just really want a nice plate of food instead of having something here and there-- it feels more s…
  • I didn't know about Arm and Hammer testing on animals- thank you for the info! I'll have to buy another brand.
  • I'll never understand the fuss about biblical diets. Does it really matter what they ate in Biblical times? Should we also try to dress like Jesus dressed, speak the same languages he spoke, live in the same type of dwellings, renounce all modern te…
  • Yes, food and water will definitely make you weigh several pounds more right after eating. For the most accurate results, weigh yourself right after you wake up, after you've peed. If you're someone who is very concerned about your weight, and would…
  • I've lived in Ohio and I hear you, Mangosister. Since it seems that you're not moving immediately, is switching houses or apartments an option until you make a decision? You mentioned needing light- perhaps a different place with a lot more natural …
  • I haven't tried that yet, good question. I've tried making green smoothies and just don't enjoy the taste. I'd love to get a juicer. I'm a student, so I'll have to save up the money, but I can't wait to try different juices.