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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    bluedolphin – Funny about giving me your extra length :) heehee The dress I got yesterday was supposed to be ankle-length, but it hits me mid-calf :)

  • Angie, I’m so sorry the boutique didn’t work out! Argh, that must have been so frustrating. I’ve researched all of that stuff for you and will be emailing you later today with what I think is a good plan. :)

    Hey, Angie, you should come up with a good list of what every raw foodist should have in her/his storage in the event of emergency. Heck, you could sell that as an e-book. I’d buy one. Seriously. I see a lot of folks selling raw recipes e-books, but this would be much more interesting to me.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    blue! youre back! howdy! whats shakin?

    berry, that bitch! you want i should go poke her in the eye for stealing your avatar? wink wink, and WHERE are all these threads about semen and nipples, im so sheltered here on our little thread! good grief

    Angie not to dispair my dear. one must have the skin of a rhino at these fairs/markets….you selll next to nothing and people make comments like you are a deaf mute…not charging for your time is rediculous and if that gal is just in it for a hobby , bully for her! not to worry, you will do fine your stuff is beautious!

    Birdie,hwo goes the 100 things? ive made a nice dent in my storage unit and feel very proud of myself…course hubby comes home with disposable cat dishes the other day( we feed raw) what the hell man? sigh its like voteing, my vote will be canceled out by his….my thrift and greeness will be over shadowed by his consumerism and waste! sigh…damn republican

    oops did i just let my politics show, well what the heck…now we broke all the rules of polite society havent we, religion ,politics and sex…wild women all of us! ;) giggle

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Thankx om.

    Hey, did the title of this thread change or am I loosing it (even more)?

    stRAWberry~ How much freeze-dried water packets do you suggest for an emergency kit? hehehe

    angie~ Usually dresses that are supposed to be a “fashionable” length are usually ankle or floor length for me. I’m either behind the times or a fashion forerunner… snicker

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    hello. good to see you again bluedolphin. is this where you’ve been hiding out?

    you all got me thinking about an emergency kit. right now i have nothing. if someone major happens, I will have to raid the walgreens up the street for medical supplies and raid the coop for food. we tend to run low on food so chances are I would end up raiding the emergency supply often. especially if it’s got yummy things like dried fruit in it.

    omshanti the semen in the B12 come and get it thread. take a peek.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    yes emergency kit on my mind as well, im with angie, lentils beans and rice and salt then some dried fruits and tomatoes(great idea) i dont do grains really but maybe some kamut or spelt? hmmmm and corn meal nothing like corn bread, and its easy to make over a fire…. my issue is water, how do we store it? plastic??!!!! ugh….

    Bitt…uh…thanks for the semen thread. i think….big grin!

    looking at my grocery bill im thinking of getting a goat agian for milk and cheese(hubby drinks a ton of it…yes i tried nut milks… not gonna happen) and im gonna get my kombucha brewing im craving the stuff again after making some of waterbabys kombucha cheese….by tthe way, that stuff is the bomb im fooling with some bread recipes using the same concept! hubby not sold on the goat idea by the way but heavens its close to 5 bucks a half gallon thats 25 bucks a month on a beverage…geez

    Blue, yeah, zooey ( or his secretary)evil grin, changed the name of the thread what a card huh?;0)

  • Wow, I hadn’t seen the semen thread before now. Hmmmmm, perhaps I should put up an online personals?

    Single raw foods woman, likes parrots, looking for a B-12 donor. Must like banjo music.

    think I’ll get any takers?!

    I got a hair cut a couple of weeks ago, got it cut up to my shoulders. I’m seriously thinking of hacking it all off today, getting it super super short. It’s been hot here, and I feel ready for big changes in my life. Anyone have any good style ideas? I have an oval face and a big nose, LOL.

    I’m doing Richard Blackman’s Fruitarian Fitness Boot Camp. It’s been a LOT of fun so far. I’m using muscles I’m not sure I’ve ever used. It feels good, feels about time this 42-year-old body did something useful.

    I’m feeling a bit lost at the moment. I don’t know what to do with my life. It’s summer, the time between academic years. And I want to write, to write full-time. I want to write all of the stories still locked in my right ventricle. But the boys keep me running, everyone extracts their two pounds of fruit flesh. I just can’t find the emotional space to write. Maybe something will happen. It feels like change is in the air.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    birdie gal! honey i live where you are! writing full time would be a dream i could only hope toto dare to dream…. and finding hte emotional place and space to write( and to train horses) is a never ending battle. seems like once i accomplish all the mundane life tasks( including making a liveing) there is so little time for my “real” stuff! My desk calender has a secret code on it that goes like this: O : for oil pulling, W for writing, H for my own horses,G for gardening, and Y for yoga+ monday:YHO tusday YO wednesday:OH thursday:- Friday: H saturday :H sunday:Y….grin oh and i get up at three thirty or so every day( weekends too)

    sometimes its helpful sometimes it makes me want to cry! as per cutting off all your hair, i had mine short for years and years! over the ears short…. now its half way down my back and has long layers: it lives in a pony tail or a clip most of the summer, when i get ansy and want short hair again, i get it colored, and not jsut high lights or such, i mean colored, red was my last fling! a deep auburn with bright platnum high lights…oh it was heaven for about 4 weeks then my swimming regime changed it to a carroty blonde and my stylist gave me the hairy eyeball! hahaha short is fun… short and colored would be a hoot! oval face big nose huh?( we muct not be looking at the same picture) asemetrical long chin lenghth bangs heavy layers up the back not as boring as victoria beckhams do but like that kicked up a notch!( ill cruise the internet and send you a link) knowing the state of mind you are in though, go for color first then see how ya feel about hairlessness.

    Im hard on 40s heels ( like a month away) my moving plan is out no takers on the homestead here, so i feel dissapointed and freed at the same time…my Ma gave me a great pep talk yesterday and im ready for the next big thing…ill hunkerdown and try some of my great ideas that i wanted for my “real” home on the agenda( learn to knit!! a lettuce /kale garden for september, wind power research and maybe a current pool that i can have here to keep me from going back to the bacteria and chlorine laced pool down in escondido….. dog scootering for the huskies/hubby too and on the business front: huge new glossy brochure for the horse business and to include in all resumes for the mundane part time job i will have to get to stay here…. writing, well i aspire to write more, contact you, birdie, about taping some of the life scratchings and continue writing the little things for the horse rags… hmmmm do you think the new prez will make 36 hour days i could use more time, maybe if i slept less than 6 hours… teehee

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    Birdie, you crack me up on the ad thing. I bet you WOULD get a lot of takers. Oh I hope you have fun with your hair cut. I have hair issues as my dad used to cut mine as punishment when I was a kid. He learned it from his parents. Weird how those thing pass along. So I keep it longer now. But that look omshanti described sounds cute.

    Fruitarian Fitness Boot Camp? I want to do that too! I have been calling this two weeks my “boot camp” because I am less planned than other parts of the summer and I need to get into shape. So an official boot camp would be perfect.

    I hope you don’t mind me hiding in here. I got called a naysayer in another forum (not goneraw) and I am licking my wounds.

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie
  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Damn republican? I don’t know how you live with the man! heheheh. B-12 donor? You’re a riot birdie! What have you written in the past? Mostly articles, or short stories? Poems?

    bluedolfin – i’m the opposite… fashionable dress is knee length or higher, for me. The shorter, the cooler. the sexier. oooh, sexy calves! with biking bruises and dirt? attractive to hippies like me-self!

    omshanti – the horse lady cannot become goat lady! i will not allow it! why do you get up at 3:30 every day? how much do you sleep?

    why did zooey leave? i saw him on GITMR recently. I don’t visit that site anymore, too contentious.

    oh boy you should have seen my hair disaster, om. i dyed my brown hair with blonde highlights at the salon. then at home, dyed it black. Two weeks later, it was dark purple. Then later blue. Then gray. Then finally, the dye left… And I was left with those stupid blonde highlights with brown roots!!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Hi Wi! wondered where your wee flippant piggy went….I get up at the butt crack of dawn out of habit….the only time i can sleep past 3:30 is on vacation..dont ask me why, i sleep 6 hours. more and i feel totally gross, less and i feel loopy. I like to watch the sun rise… it feels sacred some how. hubby asked if we could just tivo the sun rise for later! hahahahahaha…. you see republicans need to eat more green and get up earlier to enjoy lifes simple pleasures…Take Ann Coulter for example, if she went raw she might nicen up a bit . maybe sign her name with a little daisy at the end, you never know…. (after shes ripped some poor sap a new one!) teehee I believe there is an ann coulter wing in hell, two stories up from mine actually…she doesnt get cookies on her level though…I read her religiously, and formulate sausy little retorts in my head, but mostly i laugh till i snort at her devine wit…. the next best thing to jib jab IMO…. now if only she werent so MISINFORMED…poor misguided booch. as per the goatie, I ve had goaties before, like them beter than most dogs actually but they are another mouth to feed and all the mouths with four hooves are on my “list” today ..in fact the “free critter” signs are almost dry out in the garage teehee…seems my electic fence was challenged and it lost! grump! grump, so after the second, yes second, repair of the day im on line ordering 600 feet of a different tape that is better for dry weather…..spend…spend… why not it gets you to bankrupsy sooner!! mwaaaahahahahahahahahahaha. your hair sounds wild! bet my colorist would love you , she has pink hair at the moment…when i met her 6 years ago she had bright blue on black not to mention the tats and pierceings, but i gotta tell ya, anyone who can die their dark brown hair pink and it look naturally pink? well that is the gal i want handleing my color…. so the zoo man is on a contentious site eh, well he seemed to like a good parlay. is he still huntin hisself a womern? hahahahahaha after his whole kimono confetion I took two steps away from the computer screen and only could type with my index finger for a while…i got a bit worried….kimona? man? kimono? man? ow it hurts my eyes just to see it on the same line of type. hahahahahaha poke poke….. i say this all with great love in my heart and serious jest…so none a yous take any offence k? if you do …have a beer… relax! biggest grin …. im off to see if hubby is up for some hiking! wish me luck it has to be done….shhhhhhhhh…out of doors!

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Hi bitt~ I’m not hiding… here I am (and on other threads)... splash splash :0)

    Winona~ Sexy? Sexy? What’s that? hehehe I prefer pants, a loose shirt, flat shoes or no shoes (sexy for the “right” guy, I guess)... guess I’m just a loose woman. I’m an earthmum. :)

    littlebirdie~ My hair grows really fast so it’s a bit challenging to keep it short. Right now it’s down to my butt… usually in a braid or fixed in a clip or chopstick. It annoys me when my hair is in my face… When did that happen? I have so many pictures with my hair all over my face as a young’n. Many times when I have gotten my hair cut, it usually freaks the stylist out at first. I just tell him/her that I want it short, no spikes, and easy to care for. Since I will never look like some model, I figure the stylist is the expert on what would look good on me. I usually get grilled before the first cut… Stylist: “Are you sure you want your hair cut?” Me: “Yes” Stylist: “Are you SURE you want your hair cut?” Me: “YES” Stylist: “Are you SURE you want your hair cut?” Me: “YES” After the first cut and I don’t scream or cry or whatever they were thinking I was going to do, they usually start to breath again. I figure, if I don’t like the cut, it will grow out in a month or two… I usually donate the “tail” to some organization that makes wigs for health challenged kids.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    yes, do go hiking omshanti – take some time to relax! all the critters can wait… they’re probably busy typing away with those hooves, putting themself on craigslist. ann coulter sports some fabulous horns under all that hair. She has a simply devilish fashion sense!

    well if zoo man wants a woman, he’s got the percentages on his side. Few men dare to enter the abode of the loose shoeless women. little joke at your expense bluedolfin!

    bitt he’s so cute. wow. if he was my friend, i’d be in the best shape of my life… my eye muscles would, anyway, from watching him pull up and down. :P

    while you folks were chatting on here, i was actually doing some important work… making this” OH YES that’s right. Mint chocolate chip ice cream. I use fresh mint, none of that mint extract crap.

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Winona~ “watching him pull up and down”? too funny! Not going there… lol Fine!... make a joke at finny’s expense. It’s not like I’m Shoeless Joe… but then again, if I was, might be more attractive? ;) Hey, if you are going to mention something like making mint choco chip ice cream, you bedda bring some to share with us… ...drooling… :p

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    strawberry – remember that seeds can go bad after a couple years. They won’t sprout after 1 to 3 years. Typically – you can look up life length on the seeds. So you’ll want to refresh your emergency stash occasionally. i managed not to eat all the ice cream. :) Yay!

    Back to those 100 things… now i’m wishing I had 100 things. I’m packing everything to move to a teeny tiny apartment. AND a friend is staying in my 2 room place (bedroom, kitchen, bathroom) she’s staying there the night i move in for 5 days! ooph it’ll be tiny. i’ll pretend that i’m back in the dorms!!

    om did you hike?? i did a 4 hour hike yesterday, it was so intense because of the hills. great experience though. we identified neon colored mushrooms, found froggers, and sweated our balls off. should i say ballas, for the feminine version of balls?

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Winona~ An alternative to ballas is ovaries. ;) Did you bring any ice cream to share?

    stRAWberry~ Didn’t you mention the other day you were posting a recipe? Is it taking the scenic route? ;)

  • Bitt – you would LOVE the Fruitarian Fitness boot camp. Richard is amazing as an online boot camp coach. I am learning a TON and getting into shape. I’m just starting the second week, and I can already run 2.5 miles! My goal is to run 5 miles, and to do 15 military style push ups. Being proactive with my fitness feels great.

    bluedolfin – my hair grows fast, too, which is why I don’t mind cutting it all off. It already grew 1/2 inch since I cut it two weeks ago. Are you planning on a cut anytime soon?

    om – we definitely need to connect with our writing. Let’s talk! I already cut bangs into my hair, now I look sorta goth. New Mexican goth, I suppose, with a middle-aged mom twist. Okay, that sounds completely unattractive! What have I done?! ha ha ha! Maybe I’ll just shave it with a number 3 and spike it, that might work.

    I finally finished my 100 things list. I’m mulling it over. I’ll probably post it here in a day or two when I’m sure it has what I think it should have. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m actually getting rid of stuff! LOL!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    birdie – New Mexican goth with a middle-aged mom twist?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I have NO IDEA how that would look, but it has me cracking up! :D Did you email me yesterday? I didn’t get it…I am soooo grateful for your doing this!

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    littlebirdie~ Not planning on cutting/getting it styled short anytime soon. I will probably cut off a good chunk, but keep it long enough to pull it back. Sometimes I feel like that old time Barbie where you could push her stomach and her hair would gets longer… did I just date myself. hehehe Why do you ask?

  • Ha ha ha, blue, I had one of those Barbies! I’m probably older than you. But I cut off ALL of her hair, like I did with all of my Barbie dolls. My parents gave me and my four sisters Barbies one year for Christmas – our first dolls of that sort. We just stood around and stared at them. They looked alien. We honestly didn’t ever play with them once. We just cut off their hair and made them pose in bizarre ways and left them to bake in the sun.

    I was just wondering whether you were getting a cut because you gave such a great description of how you approach The Chair. LOL. In my town, every (and I mean EVERY) woman has long, long hair. I did, too, until a couple of weeks ago. It’s freeing to cut it off. I think hair holds emotion. I somehow felt weirdly better getting rid of the length. I need to take some pics!

    Angie, I’m emailing you this morning! I got caught up with the boys (okay, I actually got caught up trolling the internet, ha ha ha ha ha!). I’m excited about this, too. I have some great ideas.

    In other news: I have been eating only watermelon for an entire week. The first part of the BooT Camp is a juice cleanse, so I’ve been juicing the melon because it’s cheap around these parts right now. It was hard the first couple of days, but now it’s just routine. I feel super clear and energetic.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    hey gals! wi: nope no hike but i did do some gardening, couldnt pry hubby out of the garage…. he was shining his motorcycle…...ballas huh? you might be asufferin’ from hemmoroids! teehe yeah maybe ovaries is a better picture! hahaha

    Berry I second blue on that recipe…muct be taking the slow boat! teehee speaking of recipes, i made that kombucha cheese stuff and honestly it didnt smell spoiled at all but yesterday after eating the crackers i made out of it…ugh! not good!!!! i think ill slam dunk the rest of it anyhoo ive had a messed up stomack for what seems like months now( since the surgery really), and lately ive been craving fruit and cucumbers not greens so much…sooo i think ill join birdie on the fruit cleanse at least eat it till i dont want it anymore!! good luck to you bitt and birdie on that boot camp thingy! i hate that kind of excersize, nothing like what reminds me of gym in high school! i was scarred apperently! and then there was aerobics in colllege…what was i thinking..everytime i hear a pat benetar song i have unpleasant flash backs! teehee

    birdie: new mexican goth, hahahahah it does create a certain picture in my head. cant wait to see your 100 things! im emailing you as soon as i post this, i swear!;)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    st – I store enough water to drink & prepare food for at least two weeks. I figure 2 gallons per day per person – rinsing sprouts takes a lot, though, so I may need to try rinsing with the bottled stuff & see how much I really use. I also have “water purification tablets” which is a pill made of chemicals that will kill whatever’s in your water, and I want to get a pump filter that you can use to filter the algae & stuff out of water from a stream. They sell them in outdoor recreation stores. They also have a little device that will make the chemicals (like what’s in the purification tablets) from salt & water, with a battery charging it. You can keep making the chemicals as long as you have salt, battery power & water. That one is around $150 or more, I think, so it wasn’t high on my priority list yet, but I’m thinking for long-term safe drinking water, I’d rather drink chemicals than to die of dehydration if I can’t get water…I also have extra water for washing.

    om – Yes, unfortunately, it’s all in plastic. I dump it out & refill with fresh water occasionally.

    birdie – An e-book, huh?! I hadn’t thought of that – but I DO have a lot of people curious when I talk about having food storage & they know I eat raw. That could be a good thing for people to have, & you’re right – there are a lot of recipe books out there, but I haven’t seen anything like what I’m working on for myself – hmmmm, maybe I’ll have a new project! I’m soooo excited about selling online! A lady who came to the boutique emailed me already, saying she can’t wait for me to have a website so she can drool over the wire trees I make. :)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Birdie – Oh, yeah – I believe hair holds emotion & represents your history. I cut my hair short back in December as a way to break free from some negative emotions. The emotions were “heavy & dark” so I “lightened” myself – cut my hair super short (not heavy) & lightened the color (not dark). I cut my hair when I get stressed. I have been growing it out lately, but when I got really stressed a week or so ago, I wanted to cut it again.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    I had one of those barbies that grew hair! I dyed her hair pink, then pulled her head off… I returned the head to the body, but her neck was short.. She was never the same after the incident.

    bitt – interesting point about associating bad things with short hair. i cut my hair short during stressful times, so i’m now going for very long hair because i’m doing better emotionally.

    birdie – only watermelon for a week?? oh my! i try to avoid cleanses, cause at the moment there’s no way i could even juicefast for 2 days!

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    I didn’t realize mentioning Barbie would lead to such an interesting conversation. lol The doll I did the “new ‘do” on was my Shirley Temple… so much for the curls…

    Winona~ Sounds like you created a pre-punk/goth Barbie. You are ahead of the times. lol

    LB~ Not sure you win the “older” game… I think I’m older… A play on a Jessica Rabbit quote… I’m not young, it’s just written that way… wink wink… I love ice cold watermelon juice… Oh my, just thinking about it. BTW, great blog!

    angie~ When I have done the drastic ‘do (over), I do feel lighter… I just figured it was the weight of the hair (or lack of it) that created the sensation. Plus getting my hair washed and pampered is always soooooo nice.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Barbies – I loved them! Loved to collect them, that is. When my friends wanted to “play Barbies” I liked to do their hair (brush it shiny & maybe a ponytail or something) and maybe change their clothes. Then I wanted to go outside and climb trees or catch snakes or make a fairy nest in the deep grass or something, but my friends always wanted to do boring stuff with the Barbies, like going to the prom or on some other date with Ken, or get married to Ken & play “house”, or going shopping…so I put up with that stuff for a little while & then went to play outside. Funny, I just remembered that as you guys started talking about Barbies. I’ve never really connected to my sister and two sisters-in-law as far as interests go, because they get together and talk about movies and shopping and I want to go live outside in a yurt. :) heehee

  • These Barbie stories are cracking me up!

    We’re having a huge storm with hail and thunder right now, I love it.

  • <- the haircut I gave myself two weeks ago. Hacked off six inches and added bangs. I think I really DO want to go super short. Om, I LOVE those suggestions!

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