Recipe Directions

  • 1. Wash carrots. Chop off ends. (Do not peel.)
  • 2. Juice all ingredients in your juicer.
  • 3. Wash your juicer immediately.
  • 4. Consume immediately!

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

Carrot juice is one of the easiest, least expensive and sweetest juices to make fresh at home.

Do wash your carrots, but you don't have to peel them.

2 large bags of carrots usually weighs about 4 pounds. 25-to-30 average-sized carrots maybe!

The juicer that I use is the Breville Juice Fountain.

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 100 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, and Fat.
  • This recipe is low in Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe provides you with 100% of your daily Vitamin A.
  • This recipe is an amazing source of Vitamin B6, and Vitamin K.
  • This recipe is a good source of Vitamin C, Riboflavin, and Vitamin E.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein, Dietary Fiber, Calcium, and Iron.

Amounts per 472 g (17 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 189 8 %
Protein 4 g 8 %
Fat 0.71 g 1 %
Carbohydrates 44 g 13 %
Dietary Fiber 4 g 12 %
Sugars 18 g
Calcium 113 mg 11 %
Iron 2.2 mg 17 %
Sodium 312 mg 14 %
Source: USDA

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83 votes
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Why would I take two large bags of carrots and turn them into juice? Think of all of the fiber that is lost. Carrots are so wonderful as a vegetable. I realize that carrot juice is very nutritious. However, this recipe requires a lot of carrots for a minimal amount of juice.

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can you use a blender for this recipe if one doesn't have a juicer


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can you use a blender for this recipe if one doesn't have a juicer

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83 votes
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Why would I take two large bags of carrots and turn them into juice? Think of all of the fiber that is lost. Carrots are so wonderful as a vegetable. I realize that carrot juice is very nutritious. However, this recipe requires a lot of carrots for a minimal amount of juice.

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