Recipe Directions

1. Pulse all ingredients together in a food processor, except the optional chopped nuts or raisins.

2. Stir optional ingredients into the mixture by hand after everything else has been well incorporated in the processor.

3. Put cookie-sized dollops onto a dehydrator sheet.

4. Dehydrate for 6-8 hours at 105-110 Fahrenheit, or 1-3 hours in an oven at the lowest setting with the oven door ajar.


Bellasera's Thoughts

By bellasera

I’m constantly amazed at how many places I find Raw Living Recipes. This one came from Backhome Magazine.

A great way to use up overripe pears.

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21 votes
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i wish this was posted yesterday! i had a pear that i just had to use up and i ended up making pear muffins instead. these cookies sound amazing.

19 votes
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Thanks for the pear recipe. I will be getting a box of them soon and this recipe will fit right in with my plans.

15 votes
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Your most welcome beany, I know they fit right in with my eat'n plans. *grin*


13 votes
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how bad do you think it is to leave an oven door open like that for hours? or how bad is it to leave an oven on for that long? it seems wasteful and dangerous, is it really?

11 votes
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raw pear muffins? that sounds good!

21 votes
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i wish this was posted yesterday! i had a pear that i just had to use up and i ended up making pear muffins instead. these cookies sound amazing.

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15 votes
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Your most welcome beany, I know they fit right in with my eat'n plans. *grin*

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19 votes
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Thanks for the pear recipe. I will be getting a box of them soon and this recipe will fit right in with my plans.

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