All of The Rawtarian's smoothie recipes are raw, vegan and easy to make. A blender is required for each smoothie recipe. Remember, when making your raw smoothie place the soft ingredients (like bananas or sliced peaches) in first, and add the hard ingredients (ice, frozen fruit, etc) last. This way your blender will be the least likely to jam up. And remember the golden rule: Always rinse your blender immediately after using, and never store leftovers in the blender itself. This way you won't have a dirty blender on your hands!
Raw Smoothies
Other Smoothie, Juice And Breakfast Recipes
The Rawtarian's smoothie, juice and breakfast recipes use easy-to-find ingredients and require very few steps to make. If you're looking to make a healthy change, just changing your breakfast every day on a consistent basis is a top tip for making lasting change. Tip: Get into a morning routine with your favorite breakfast recipe and make it consistently every morning. That way you don't have to make decisions in your busy morning! I recommend a green smoothie.
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New Year Nineteen ChallengeAugust 25, 2024 -
Low-Fat Raw CleanseAugust 22, 2019 -
The Rawtarian
7-Day Raw Summer ChallengeAugust 18, 2015 -
7-Day Raw Summer ChallengeJuly 29, 2015
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