This is a very simple recipe, my first actually. It's a great substitute for vegemite. I got the idea from some other online recipes for vegemite substitions. I usually just mix up a small amount in a mug and spread it on what ever I want. I imagine it would keep in the fridge for a little while, though I've never...
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Recipe Directions

Mix together equal amounts of tahini & miso paste until well combined. Taste and adjust proportions to your liking. (I sometimes like to add a little more tahini.)

That's it. Spread it on whatever you like!

You can also make it into a sauce by putting the tahini-miso mixture into a screw top jar with a little water and shake it until mixed. Can use as a base for dressings by adding in some vinegar/lemon juice and a little sweetener and other seasonings as desired.

Maxie7's Thoughts

By maxie7

This is a very simple recipe, my first actually. It's a great substitute for vegemite. I got the idea from some other online recipes for vegemite substitions. I usually just mix up a small amount in a mug and spread it on what ever I want. I imagine it would keep in the fridge for a little while, though I've never made up enough to store it beyond a few days.

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this sounds great! Thanks for the idea..


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this sounds great! Thanks for the idea..

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