By The Rawtarian

It's going to be my 30th birthday next month (born in 1982), and I have to say that I feel great about it!

My husband tells me that I look better now than in years gone by, and I choose to believe him :) Losing those extra pounds through raw foods has certainly helped define my face and let the real me shine through. I've been 100% raw for about 5 years now, and I feel fabulous. Clear skin, high energy, at my ideal weight, no mood swings, etc. I feel like a different person now.

And let me tell you, exercise actually turns into FUN when you are not lugging around extra pounds. It's so much easier to move and be active when you're lighter. So it's kind of a catch 22 when you are heavy though.

Accepting You Today, But At Your Best

Now, I doubt that I will look as good as Mimi Kirk at 72 but she sure is setting a fabulous example to strive toward. Long hair looks great at any age when done right. I am not convinced that she hasn't had work done, but who knows? Who cares? She looks great :)

I hope to age gracefully and accept the changes that occur, but also to do my best to look my best, like keep off extra pounds and keep my mental health well too by taking care of myself both mentally and physically. Plus, I am trying to be a little trendier with fashion lately since I've been stuck in a rut living in the past with my clothing for the past decade.

I've also gotten clear, removable braces on my teeth (called Invisalign) this year to straighten them--I am about halfway through the dental treatment. I've always wanted to have straighter teeth and I thought, "Why not?" I thought I would feel weird as an "adult" with braces, but most people don't notice and/or couldn't be bothered to care.

What Other People Think

One of the most useful truths in life that I've learned is that everyone is so wrapped up in their own lives that they actually don't take much time to think about what other people are wearing or doing. Think about it. When you are at a party wondering, "Who should I talk to? Is my dress okay? Is my pimple noticeable?" Well, everyone else is thinking the same thing about themselves. So very few people are actually paying attention to other people in the same way that we pay attention to ourselves. :)

How do you feel about your age and how you look in it? Have raw foods helped you feel younger? Or do you really want to make a change to help you feel better about yourself?


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Fantastic, you look Amazing and I totally believe age is just a number, it's all in your mind and cleansing the body from any toxins! Time is an illusion! But even if one chooses organic, I believe in sending Light & Love to yourself, others and your food! I totally trust and use this extraterrestrial method: And please tell if it works for you too ♥ White Time Healing has given me so much JOY and is actually All time, past, present and even future, in one Ray of Healing Light from the Universe ♥

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My pleasure Karina. Sounds like you are off to an amazing start. I lost approx. 25 pounds I feel/look like a different person. I am sure you will too :)

Impressive that you have got the cravings under control. What's your secret?

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I have been 90% raw for the past 3 weeks because I was sick of feeling life crap and eating crap (you are what you eat, right!) and lugging around 25 extra pounds. And I have felt so much better! Physically, and also mentally, because now I am eating right and my relationship with food has improved 100%. I have lost some weight already but I'm trying to avoid the scale because scales are depressing :) I'm also telling everyone about my new raw lifestyle and there are people interested in learning how to make these delicious recipes. In fact, yesterday I taught a friend how to make almond cheese and she loved it. Your site was the first site I came across on raw eating and it's my favorite! Thanks for sharing your recipes!!! xoxox


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I am just winding down day 6 of going raw and feel pretty good. I want to thank you for this site It has been a great help and look forward to trying the casserole tomorrow as well as a few others after I go to the store :) my birthday is a day after yours :) I was wondering what you do for lunches I am getting a little board and no I need to try some new things. Looking forwad to looking a bit younger since I have been feeling I am starting to look old and I am only 36

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Glad you're feeling pretty good on day 6! It gets easier from here on out!

Happy belated bday!

Re: lunches, I really like salads with sliced avocado. I am also addicted to a sprouted quinoa salad with cucumber and tomato and olive oil, lemon juice. I will need to post that recipe some time soon too!

Enjoy 37! You are as young as you are ever going to be so WORK IT GIRL! :)

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your site was forwarded to me by a friend. I'm trying to eat 85% raw, and my body is loving it, but I'm running out of ideas for food. before I switched over, I was an adventurous eater, always looking for new flavors and combinations. I've been trying to do that with the raw food diet, but have felt like a rut was setting in, especially as I have to spend more time eating than I used too. Your site has set my creative juices flowing again! thanks for all the fabulous ideas!

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Glad to help get your juices flowing! If you make any good discoveries please keep me posted :) And share recipes please :)

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As an older Raw foody, I say it again "You are what you eat." My husband and I have been raw foodies and I we both feel young & my husband just got invisible braces this past year & he's looking hot for 59!!!

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Also, Happy Birthday!

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Hello! I've just watched some of your videos on YouTube, then came to your website. Very inspiring! I used to be vegetarian for 4 years, vegan for about 1, and then somehow it all came apart. Something about pregnancy, breastfeeding and now chasing a toddler... but really about me not being able to stay committed to a healthier diet. I really want to get back to feeling as amazing, light, calm and energetic as I used to. I live in South Korea, and there are so many delicious foods in the markets here. I made cabbage kimchi this year for the first time, which I just realized... is raw! I did use anchovies, but that's not a necessary ingredient. Have you ever eaten kimchi? It's supposed to be a wonder food. Anyways, it tastes wonderful! ^^ Also, I wanted to ask you... do you have a "tofu" recipe? Thanks for lighting a little fire in me, I'll be back!

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i'm going to turn 33 next month and had someone at the grocery store last week say, "You don't look old enough to have a 7 year old!" Made my day :o)
My husband has also commented that I seem much more even keeled over the course of a month then I used to be....
And I'm still pretty new to all of this so I will only get better with time, right?

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Fantastic, you look Amazing and I totally believe age is just a number, it's all in your mind and cleansing the body from any toxins! Time is an illusion! But even if one chooses organic, I believe in sending Light & Love to yourself, others and your food! I totally trust and use this extraterrestrial method: And please tell if it works for you too ♥ White Time Healing has given me so much JOY and is actually All time, past, present and even future, in one Ray of Healing Light from the Universe ♥

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♥ Michel...

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I too am in my first couple weeks of raw diet training. Your site is by far my fav because you cater to the "simple" recipes. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to cook (or "uncook') and I enjoy the prep work that goes into the raw lifestyle, but as a newbee, it can be a bit intimidating. I can't thank you enough for making this site available to the public and sharing you experiences and recipes. The greatest thing about raw eating?? NO cravings! That in itself is weird, and no one believes me when I say that. 2 weeks in, 6 pounds down. Its time for dessert. Thanks so much!

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Awesome Andrea!

I too love the simplicity. Sometimes complex is fun, but we all need some simple recipes that we can pull together in a flash at the end of a busy day.

Keep us posted on your progress

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I have been 90% raw for the past 3 weeks because I was sick of feeling life crap and eating crap (you are what you eat, right!) and lugging around 25 extra pounds. And I have felt so much better! Physically, and also mentally, because now I am eating right and my relationship with food has improved 100%. I have lost some weight already but I'm trying to avoid the scale because scales are depressing :) I'm also telling everyone about my new raw lifestyle and there are people interested in learning how to make these delicious recipes. In fact, yesterday I taught a friend how to make almond cheese and she loved it. Your site was the first site I came across on raw eating and it's my favorite! Thanks for sharing your recipes!!! xoxox

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My pleasure Karina. Sounds like you are off to an amazing start. I lost approx. 25 pounds I feel/look like a different person. I am sure you will too :)

Impressive that you have got the cravings under control. What's your secret?

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I guess my cravings for junk food went away because now my body is being nourished by wholesome foods. I've read online that junk food won't nourish you, so you always feel hungry and you end up eating just junk. Which is the cycle I had fallen into. Now I crave healthy food! I crave fruits now, which I never did. And those raw brownies and truffles! mmmmm and the nut pate! :)
Plus, knowing that salt, sugar, fat and refined products have no nutrients and just fill you up and make you sick, acts to turn me off. I'm surprised at how much more health-conscious I have gotten, and I am enjoying it! Also, by keeping on the raw regimen for long enough, you retrain your tastebuds to new textures and tastes, and that will help to make processed food taste terrible after a while! I have always been a chocoholic and I ate chocolate nearly every day. Since going raw I have tried to eat a chocolate bar and had to spit it out because it was so horrible -- and it was something I used to love. Now, when I want chocolate, i make either the truffles or brownies (on the weekends) or the fudge (on the weekdays) -- your recipes saved me!

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LOVE IT!!!!! Such awesome insights Karina

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