Recipe Directions

1. Sprinkle banana with orange juice.

2. Roll in coconut. You may find it a little easier and neater to use a zip top bag for this step if the little ones are making these.

3. Gently press in currant eyes.

4. Place on popsicle stick.

Evergreen's Thoughts

By evergreen

A simple snack for Halloween!

Can be frozen if the kiddies like them that way. :)

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39 votes
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Wow, another cool recipe!!!

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Has anyone told you that you are brilliant?! You are!!! Thanks for all the BRILLIANT Halloween ideas!!!

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wow so creative!!!


21 votes
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LOL! They look so cute! I bet they taste great but I'd feel sorry eating them...they look adorable!

24 votes
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Oh my gosh, this is so adorable! I am so saving this for next Halloween. :)


34 votes
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wow so creative!!!

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so glad you are enjoying this ..Aziah, made me blush:)

23 votes
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We failed!!!!! Didnt use a ziplock... perhaps that was it. Super yummy though... will def end up in a blender.

34 votes
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Has anyone told you that you are brilliant?! You are!!! Thanks for all the BRILLIANT Halloween ideas!!!

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23 votes
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I'm so going to make these with my daughter! Thanks

18 votes
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My sons made them today and had fun eating them...Me too!

24 votes
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What a wonderful creative treat - I love the name, too!

22 votes
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My daughter loves them........Thanks

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this looks kind of like an adult snack to me . . .

23 votes
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So cute. :)

20 votes
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thanks everyone!...really this is so easy to do, it's scary...hehe:)

22 votes
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Just love all these Halloween treats!

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Love it!

24 votes
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i just know these will be absolutely deelish! awesome idea!! :))

39 votes
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Wow, another cool recipe!!!

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17 votes
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What a cute idea! :)

18 votes
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Well done!

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