Quick and tasty way to eat your hemp!

Recipe Directions

1. Process the almonds and Brazil nuts until they are pulverized.

2. Add the dates and cinnamon and process until evenly combined.

3. You can knead the hemp hearts in with your hands, though I’m sure that a quick whir in the machine will be effective as well. I like to knead them in as it gives more texture.

4. With moist hands, roll into uniform balls or roll with dry hands into balls, while covering your hands with the sticky mixture. The moist hands is better—for nicer balls and cleaner hands.

VeganMomma's Thoughts

By VeganMomma

Quick and tasty way to eat your hemp!

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These sound really good! I'm getting sick of maca & cacao balls. I love hemp seeds, I eat them out for the bag!


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These sound really good! I'm getting sick of maca & cacao balls. I love hemp seeds, I eat them out for the bag!

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