Recipe Directions

1. To make the ketchup, combine sun-dried tomato ingredients in a blender until mixture is slightly smooth, yet chunky.

2. To make the meatloaf, place spinach, olive oil, lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon sea salt in a Ziploc bag and marinate for 1 hour.

3. In a food processor, combine walnuts, almonds, sun-dried tomatoes, 1/2 cup reserved tomato water, parsley, onion, garlic, and celery. Add the remaining 1/2 cup water one tablespoon at a time to moisten the meat loaf. Be careful not to over moisten.

4. Place meatloaf mixture in a large bowl. Add poultry seasoning, pepper, and 1 teaspoon sea salt. Mix well.

5. Spread meatloaf mixture on a Teflex sheet into a shape into a 3×9 inch rectangle. Place spinach mixture on top. Roll up the rectangle carefully, beginning at the short side and using the sheet to lift.

6. Transfer loaf to a second Teflex sheet. You should have enough meat to create three mini loaves.

7. Cover with sun-dried tomato ketchup. Place in dehydrator at 115 Fahrenheit for an hour.

8. Make 1 inch slices of meat and arrange on the Teflex.

9. Dehydrate at 115 Fahrenheit for an hour. Turn over slices, spread sun-dried tomato ketchup, and dehydrate an additional hour.

Thedailyraw's Thoughts

By thedailyraw

Comfort food in the raw.

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sounds complicated... how long it took to prepair?

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One word: DINNER!

But I've stopped being surprised at the great recipes you turn out! ;-)

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This looks beautiful AND good. If it doesn't take so long to prepare, I'm in!


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Zibouline's Review

Spinach-Stuffed Meatloaf
4 out of 5

Very good meatless meatloaf....

Thanks you....Mmmmm Good!

13 votes
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i really have to make this. i just bought a dehydrator last week because of all these great recipes i've seen on here. i'll let you know when i make it!!

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OMG, this is so dinner tonight. I can't wait!

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Was this hard to roll? I've tried making cinnamon rolls and i'm not the best roller - hard to keep things together i guess... I'm gonna give this a try maybe next week. I saw this on your blog and now here - looks amazing!!!

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this is one of my favorite recipes. It's so good that I served it for dh's b-day meal. Everyone loved it-including my 4 dc. I plan to make it for thanksgiving this year!

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MADE it LOVE it.

its a keeper :) thanks

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This was soooo good - I was amazed at how much it really tasted like meatloaf, and how much I really liked it (I was never a big fan of meatloaf). I made half of it this way, and saved the other half intending to do something else. I later discovered the filling makes an amazing substitute for tuna salad (funny, I never liked tuna very often, either). Just put it on your favorite "bread" or cracker - delish!

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This looks beautiful AND good. If it doesn't take so long to prepare, I'm in!

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I've been causing people trouble around the State, and waiting for my muse to raise their ugly head. The full moon tends to mess with the celestial vibes. But then I was waiting for this recipe so that I could put the link in my blog too! :-)

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You are a genius, no a food god!!! i made the meat loaf, huge , huge hit. so the next night i made sheppards pie out of the meat mixture, then, stuffed peppers( chnaged the spiceing a wee bit to give different flavors) thank you and your blog is awesome~!

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Where are you hiding? I'm waiting for another post. I've have been visiting since Sunday and all I feel is sinful, you have to post something to get past Sunday.

You and the missus are going to love this meatloaf.

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One word: DINNER!

But I've stopped being surprised at the great recipes you turn out! ;-)

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I saw this on your blog today -Woweee! can'r wait to try it. It is gorgeous looking.Thanks for posting it.

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Oops I couldn't roll the meat loaf I was waiting for the spinach, duh.

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Don't let it intimidate you. It's super easy. I usually have a batch of sun-dried tomato ketchup ready for other recipes and I always have nuts soaking.

In the hour that it took to marinate the spinach, I chopped the needed ingredients, processed the meat loaf, rolled the meat loaf, took some photos for the Daily Raw blog and played with the kids.

It's all about the preparation. The only downside for me was the dehydrating, I'm too impatient. Although three hours isn't too bad for dehydrating. I did make meatballs out of the leftover meatloaf mixture. But I ate them as I made them.

I try to make my recipes user-friendly, give it a try and if something is hanky, let me know.

27 votes
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sounds complicated... how long it took to prepair?

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That looks really great!

23 votes
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wow that looks great.

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