The peaches are perfect in lifting the greens, the color is beautiful, and the blueberries makes this smoothie decadent
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    Makes 6 cups
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Recipe Directions

Soak the carrot tops in cold water while halving the peaches and removing the stones.

Blend peaches and carrot tops with water, when smooth, add blueberries. Add water to reach the consistency you like.

Rawjoy's Thoughts

By rawjoy

The peaches are perfect in lifting the greens, the color is beautiful, and the blueberries makes this smoothie decadent

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21 votes
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I have been throwing away my carrot tops with guilt, feeling that I should be consuming them somehow. I didn't know what to do with them until now. I will enjoy this smoothie as soon as I return form the farmer's market tomorrow. Thanks!


21 votes
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I have been throwing away my carrot tops with guilt, feeling that I should be consuming them somehow. I didn't know what to do with them until now. I will enjoy this smoothie as soon as I return form the farmer's market tomorrow. Thanks!

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