Recipe Directions

  • 1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until very smooth, like a creamy chocolate shake.
  • 2. Place blended mixture into popsicle molds.
  • 3. Freeze for at least 8 hours.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

These creamy, fudgy popsicles have an excellent, chewy, fudgy texture. They are a perfect summer treat!

For optional extra fudgsicle fun, add cacao nibs, fresh berries, coconut, edible flowers, goji berries etc into the molds while pouring.

Store in freezer.

Note: It's the addition of the cashews that keep this recipe from getting that bad, crystal texture :)

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 92 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe is a good source of Vitamin B6.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein, and Iron.

Amounts per 158 g (6 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 165 7 %
Protein 3 g 6 %
Fat 5 g 7 %
Carbohydrates 30 g 9 %
Dietary Fiber 2.9 g 9 %
Sugars 19 g
Calcium 13 mg 1 %
Iron 1.2 mg 10 %
Sodium 5 mg
Source: USDA, The Rawtarian

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89 votes
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Oooh, black cherries. Excellent addition, Pigwig!

78 votes
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Nina, where do you live?? It's a funny time of year to be making popsicles!! Although, any time is a good time for chocolate anything ;)

74 votes
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Absolutely! I'm jealous of your climate :)


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ninaf's Review

Raw fudgsicles recipe
5 out of 5

Very nice pops! We made them a little sweeter with extra honey and slightly less cocoa and added a touch of vanilla, but could have done all cocoa, maybe extra even. Yum! Filled 5 large popsicle molds.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

78 votes
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Nina, where do you live?? It's a funny time of year to be making popsicles!! Although, any time is a good time for chocolate anything ;)

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64 votes
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Haha! I live in Florida! Anytime is a great time for popsicles here. Any raw food in fact!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

74 votes
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Absolutely! I'm jealous of your climate :)

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67 votes
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Mine are in the freezer I added some fresh black cherries too and left out the sweetener the smoothie tasted great so can't wait to try them when they're frozen :)

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Oooh, black cherries. Excellent addition, Pigwig!

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