My raw imitation of no-bake cookies. These were so good that I ate them all before I remembered to take a picture! These can be made fastest with a food processor. You could, however, make them with no special appliances, and they would still be good.
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    24 balls
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Recipe Directions

1. Simply put all the above ingredients (except water) into a food processor and mix thoroughly. Add water as needed to get consistency for making balls.

2. Place them in a dehydrator for several hours so that they can be nice and warm. They are also good cold in the fridge.

Tamilda's Thoughts

By tamilda

My raw imitation of no-bake cookies.

These were so good that I ate them all before I remembered to take a picture!

These can be made fastest with a food processor.

You could, however, make them with no special appliances, and they would still be good.

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these sound great! i love no bake cookies. i can't wait to try this recipe :-)


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these sound great! i love no bake cookies. i can't wait to try this recipe :-)

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