Recipe Directions

1. Drain the noodles.

2. Put in all the flavors: chili, onion, ginger, chopped cilantro.

3. Drizzle flax oil, or sesame oil can be a substitute. A bit of raw honey can go in if you like the sweet sour tang. Mix it up.

4. Season to your liking. Squeeze in kaffir lime to your taste.

Ilikenuts's Thoughts

By ilikenuts

Like chef Landria (look forward to your recipes all the time!), I was craving some noodles since its Chinese New Year at the moment.

It's a tradition in my family to have stir fried glass noodles on a Sunday.

They are so aromatic. One whiff, and a gallon of drool comes out. It's quite a clean flavor though, so do adjust to your liking.

I'm kinda glad there are so many Asian recipes that make you feel light and clean!

I kinda altered it to make it authentic…hmm. If you can't find kaffir lime (Asian store), then quarter lemon mixed with half lime will do.

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Yes it does! What are "opf kelp noodles"?

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I think she meant "of kelp noodles"

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excellent! happy new year! that looks yummy, have to try that


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the brand is sea tangle noodle products!

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The noodles are Raw. You can order them online or you can get them at some Whole Foods stores (in refrigerated section). I found them at Rainbow Grocery (for those of you that live in San Francisco).

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Ahh sorry people, no such thing as opf noodles, its just "of" with a typo error! i got them from a local health store, they are 100% raw. i will deffo check out the brand next time, i threw out the packet too fast. :)

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Where did you order them Pam?

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I ordered Sea Tangle kelp noodles online. ou have to order a whole case, though. They are raw.

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no its defintely opf noodles. theyre special noodles you can only get in taiwan

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excellent! happy new year! that looks yummy, have to try that

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Are the noodles raw?

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where do you find kelp noodles? I have never heard of them before!

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I think she meant "of kelp noodles"

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Yes it does! What are "opf kelp noodles"?

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that looks fantastic!-i'm definitely going to try this soon.

beautiful picture.

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