Recipe Directions

1. Process the heck out of the asparagus until it is smooth and creamy.

2. Stir in the rest of the ingredients and season with salt and pepper. If you are not concerned about fat intake, add half an avocado or a few tablespoons of nut butter or nut mylk for extra creaminess.

Juleskess's Thoughts

By juleskess

This is a delicious fat-free alternative to guacamole.

I could eat my own weight in guacamole if left to my own devices and this is a lighter alternative.

This also makes a great salad dressing if you increase the lime juice to make it a liquid.

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52 votes
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very creative, sounds delicious!

48 votes
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Mmmmmm...not exactly guac tasting but a nice, lite, summery change! THANKS!

41 votes
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Great! I love raw aspargus and this would help w/ my guacamole cravings but not wanting the calories/fat. Thanks for thinking of this!!!


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i want to eat this SO BAD! =D gleeeee

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Process the heck out of the asparagus '

This made me laugh out loud- I'd love to see your raw cook book and the wording in it!

26 votes
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Thanks for posting this. I've been looking for more raw asparagus ideas and I'm on the line about avocado. Some days i love it and other days it's borderline yucky to me. i guess my body's needs are still adjusting.

32 votes
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This is absolutely wonderful. I have been looking long and hard for a fat free guacamole/avacado dip. I looked up "avacado powder" and you can only buy it in 50 pound boxes! Not good for a single/widowed person! I will definitely try this recipe in the next few days. I wonder how different it might be if you cooked the asparagus first?

30 votes
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I didn't know you can eat asparagus raw! Mmmm sounds good!

48 votes
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Mmmmmm...not exactly guac tasting but a nice, lite, summery change! THANKS!

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22 votes
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I am going to try this! I make a similar one with broccoli stems, and it's pretty good, but broc isn't as creamy textured as asparagus. Thank you.

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Hey Juleskess. I tried searching the dipping sauce recipe you recommended but it said no recipe found. i assume it has to do with the work that is being done on the site. i will continue to search it. the pesto idea sounds great. i can't wait to try it when i can get some fresh basil. i don't use nutritional yeast but i will see how it comes out without it.

Have you ever used zucchini or chia seeds to replace fat ingredients in recipes? I don't have much time to experiment, but i would love to find a thick and creamy salad dressing that is flavorful and delicious.

41 votes
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Great! I love raw aspargus and this would help w/ my guacamole cravings but not wanting the calories/fat. Thanks for thinking of this!!!

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26 votes
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RCBAlive, I think you would love the "Marriage Proposal Tamarind Dipping Sauce" from this site. If you were to replace the nuts with the pureed asparagus, it would be deliciously Caribbean and tangy AND low fat. As for pesto, I'd say puree the asparagus, garlic, scallions, basil and add a few pine nuts for flavor and a bit of nutritional yeast (if you eat it) to add the cheesy flavor of pesto.

25 votes
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Glad you like the idea juleskess. Any ideas for actually making it? By the way,i would definitely add this recipe to the light and low fat categories. I am so looking for delicious light and lowfat raw food!

27 votes
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Oh, and YES, it would make a wicked base for a pesto. Stellar idea.

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Yes, add the tops, I meant the whole stalk. I love corn in my salsa and guac so I always add it, but if you are not the corn type, leave it out, it is not necessary (though if you add half of the ear's corn in the food processor when you are blending it adds a creamy thickness that is nice). It does end up tasting like guac. The asparagus taste is mild and gets overshadowed by the salsa-y flavor of the tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and lime. End up being guac-a-licious.

22 votes
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This looks great!

23 votes
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Ok, so i have another question. Does the recipe end up really tasting like guac, or does it just taste good? Do you taste the asparagus? I was wondering if you might be able to use this as a basis for fat free pesto. What do you think? I don't know, maybe i'm dreaming. . . wishful thinking.

17 votes
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By the way, what would happen if you use the asparagus tops?

36 votes
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This is so exciting to me. I love guac, but am trying to find recipes that are low fat. This one certainly fits the bill. Did you add the corn for texture or is it really needed for flavor/taste? Do you think it would still be good without the corn?

27 votes
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Wooo hoooo!

You rock!

Can't wait to try this, this weekend!

26 votes
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I think this would be a great side addition to my "BIG bowl of yum salad"!Thanks for posting.

27 votes
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How clever of you! This goes in my recipe box.

25 votes
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that's such a cool recipe! i was wondering the other day, walking thru my grocery store, i wondered if people ate a lot of raw asparagus... this is a very good idea. curious to see how it tastes! :) Spring time is the perfect time to find some tasty fresh asparagus!!!

20 votes
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Yaaaaaay!!!! This is awesome since I really dislike avocadoes anyway!!!! Also a great way to use asparagus! I'm going to go get some to make this recipe! Thanks

52 votes
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very creative, sounds delicious!

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