Recipe Directions

This is probably best blended in a food processor. I use the vitamix blender and use just enough water to get the blades going. I blend until creamy. Make sure not to blend it too long as the mixture will heat up. I find all this stuff out the hard way…

Tgunby's Thoughts

By tgunby

I don’t like the taste of sprouted chickpeas and found that this mixture tastes (to me) more like hummus.

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i just had the hummus.mmmmmmmmmmmm! very good!!! but yes i added an extra clove of garlic

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I forgot to add that I spread this on celery and red, yellow or orange bell peppers. I can picture this spread on raw nori rolls too.

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What I love best about this recipe is that it's EASY. I dislike sprouting. I had a version of this at RAWvolution in Santa Monica, it was great even just on it's own


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i just had the hummus.mmmmmmmmmmmm! very good!!! but yes i added an extra clove of garlic

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Made it today, eating it right now! Delicious! I love the taste of lemon-y food. I added another clove of garlic, next time I may try 3 cloves. I used in my food processor, sort of a cheapy one, and it got to the point where I didn't think it would get any creamier - it has a very, very light crunchiness to it. I cut up a nice cold tomato into chunks, and put that on top of the hummus. Nice taste and texture together. I'll be experimenting with other things to use it with. I like the Nori roll idea posted above. Nice job with this receipe.

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I can't believe that all this time I've been missing out! I had given up on raw hummus after a sprouting fiasco last year, but this sunflower version totally hits the spot. I modified the spices a bit (used cayenne/cumin/coriander/tahini as per my favorite cooked recipe) and used carrot instead of celery (I was all out of celery). It was FABULOUS. So good. Thank you!

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What I love best about this recipe is that it's EASY. I dislike sprouting. I had a version of this at RAWvolution in Santa Monica, it was great even just on it's own

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I forgot to add that I spread this on celery and red, yellow or orange bell peppers. I can picture this spread on raw nori rolls too.

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Wow! Looks just like it as well! Yummmmm. I have some seeds soaking so I'll do this tomorrow!

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