Recipe Directions

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the melted coconut oil and mix with your hands until it is all crumbly. Press into moulds and place in the freezer.

Sweetpea's Thoughts

By sweetpea

Here in Scotland we have shortbread at christmas time. Here is a simple recipe to make a lovely biscuit for the festive time.

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Wow that looks so good. I have a question though....WHAT are Buckwheaties??? And wher can I find them or can I make them myself??

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How many tablespoons of mesquite/carob flour are we supposed to use? Is it 1? Or 11? something else? Thanks!

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Love those cute cats! Glad you enjoyed the recipe. Buckwheaties are just sprouted buckwheat groats, when they have little tails (2-3 days) dry them in the dehydrator until they are crunchy. Great for breakfast and for grinding into flour for biscuits and cakes.


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never mind, now I see what they are, duhhh, guess i should have read ALL the posts

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Wow that looks so good. I have a question though....WHAT are Buckwheaties??? And wher can I find them or can I make them myself??

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Hi claire, well it's the buckwheat that give it the crunch but you could try using roughly ground seeds or nuts.

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What can I subsitute for buckwheat? I have an allergy to them and other grains. Thanks!

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Love those cute cats! Glad you enjoyed the recipe. Buckwheaties are just sprouted buckwheat groats, when they have little tails (2-3 days) dry them in the dehydrator until they are crunchy. Great for breakfast and for grinding into flour for biscuits and cakes.

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Thanks for a great recipe, Sweetpea! I just made this divine treat now I'm having a hard time stopping myself from eating it all! I changed the ingredients around somewhat cuz I don't love carob, so I did half carob half cacao, then I used honey in the place of suma, added a little vanilla and the cardamom. Wow the cardamom gave it a surprising and yummy flavor (I used crdamom seeds which I ground with the sprouted buckwheat). I dehydrated the sprouted buckwheat on plates on my radiator cuz I don't have one yet.

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Hi Sweatpea - mmmm, looks so deelish. What are buckwheaties? How can I make them?

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Thank you Joy and Delight, a slight error, I've fixed it now.

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How many tablespoons of mesquite/carob flour are we supposed to use? Is it 1? Or 11? something else? Thanks!

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Hello, you can add anything you want here, I use mesquite meal for sweetness and add mixed spice too. Vanilla and cardamon sound good. Suma is another nice sweetner. I've been having a square sandwiched together with a mint chocolate - divine!

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Thanks for the recipe. Shortbread is one of my weaknesses!

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suma is a brazilian herb that means "all around". it is a good for everything, makes you feel good

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What IS suma?

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Where do you find suma?

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I've been looking for a treat to make with ground buckwheaties. What does Suma taste like? Would vanilla and cardamom work for flavor? Thanks Sweetpea!

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