Recipe Directions

1. You will need paper cups. You can use plastic ones as it’s nice to see through to the layers in the trifle but plastic isn’t so good for food.

2. Put some chopped figs, hazelnuts, and raisins in the bottom of the cup (just a layer to add texture to the trifle, probably about a tablespoon).

3. Blend the berries and soaked apricots to make a jelly. Spoon this into the cups to make a second layer that goes about 2/3 the way up of the cup.

4. The final layer is to blend the bananas, pine nuts, sea salt, and vanilla to make a creamy smoothie. Add 1/2 teaspoon psyllium.

5. Pour this into your cups to make the final layer up to the top. Decorate with fresh fruit if you like or sprinkle with cinnamon/cacao powder.

Sweetpea's Thoughts

By sweetpea

Filling and light dessert for the warmer weather and great to have a few made up in the fridge for unexpected guests!

Measurements above are approximate as it depends on how many cups/trifles you want to make. Also, you can change the berries to mango or other fruit if you like but the berries are very jelly-like.

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You could make these in those Ice Cream fountain glasses! Thanks for the great recipe!


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You could make these in those Ice Cream fountain glasses! Thanks for the great recipe!

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