This morning, I was going to make my regular smoothie and realized I was out of spinach, so I decided to try one using a zucchini, which my garden is producing very prolifically right now! The result was a rich and creamy milkshake that really only has 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds! I am trying to cut back fats...
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Recipe Directions

1. Throw everything in the blender and blend until smooth. You may need to add a little more water depending on your zucchini (The ones from my garden have a higher water content than the ones I buy at the store.).

2. Once it's smooth, add some ice and blend a little more.

Daniefon's Thoughts

By daniefon

This morning, I was going to make my regular smoothie and realized I was out of spinach, so I decided to try one using a zucchini, which my garden is producing very prolifically right now!

The result was a rich and creamy milkshake that really only has 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds!

I am trying to cut back fats and sugars for the summer.

Also, after searching high and low I finally found alcohol-free vanilla on the cook's vanilla website.

I think this would make a good base smoothie for adding maca, spirulina, msm, coconut oil, etc.

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Wow! What a good idea, especially during zucchini season!


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Wow! What a good idea, especially during zucchini season!

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