Recipe Directions

1. Grate zucchini, then slice red bell pepper and onion with a mandolin. I don't have my Spirooli yet, and I do have a Saladacco, that I've had for years but I wanted thicker noodles so I grated the zucchini.

2. Add remaining ingredients and toss until mixed well.

3. Spread on dehydrator tray with parchment paper and dehydrate for about 4-5 hours until tender. Do not over dehydrate!!

VeganRawFood's Thoughts

By VeganRawFood

This cheesy pasta is great!

The last time I made it, it didn't make it off to a plate to take a photo, so I took a photo before hand!

This is quick and easy and I've had so many people ask me for "Quick and Easy"! So here is a quick and easy pasta that I just love!!


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23 votes
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Looks delicious!!!!!!Glad to know it doesn't need to be dehydrated!

19 votes
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Boy, not sure. It is a bummer that nutritional yeast isn't raw. Maybe the ground of sesame seeds since there are several recipes for parm cheese with sesame seeds. I would sure love to know too!

17 votes
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This looks really good ... since nutritional yeast isn't raw, do you know of a good substitute for it? The only thing I've tried as a sub in some recipes is pine nuts ... am wondering if there are other suggestions to keep the dish totally raw. thanks!!


23 votes
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Looks delicious!!!!!!Glad to know it doesn't need to be dehydrated!

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This looks REALLY good.

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You are absolutely gonna love your spirooli, Newtootole! It's so versatile .. enjoy!

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This is amazing when you dehydrate it something happens with the flavors and it's warmed a bit. I just threw it together the other day but today I added to it. I'm going to still work on this recipe but it didn't even make it on a plate. I can't wait for my spirooli to get here that I just ordered from my birthday money my sweet mother sent me. I'm excited. I guess you could eat it either way.

: )

19 votes
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Boy, not sure. It is a bummer that nutritional yeast isn't raw. Maybe the ground of sesame seeds since there are several recipes for parm cheese with sesame seeds. I would sure love to know too!

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Absolutely delicious! I didn't dehydrate (why does it need to be?)... Thanks!

17 votes
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This looks really good ... since nutritional yeast isn't raw, do you know of a good substitute for it? The only thing I've tried as a sub in some recipes is pine nuts ... am wondering if there are other suggestions to keep the dish totally raw. thanks!!

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