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Recipe Directions

Blend it on a food processor.

Let it sit for 3 hours to ferment.

Put any fruit,walnuts,honey,raisins,anything that you want,and enjoy !!!!!

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I am new to raw living. what is Rejuvelac. Is it a type of water

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Can the seeds be soaked overnight?

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You can make it with sunflower seeds also.


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Can the seeds be soaked overnight?

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Rejuvelac is a water from a seed.Go to the recipes and type rejuvelac that will come up a recipe.You can make it with wheat berries and oat seed. It is a very powerful probiotic,in fact it's a natural probiotic.Very good for you.

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I am new to raw living. what is Rejuvelac. Is it a type of water

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You can make it with sunflower seeds also.

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