Recipe Directions

  • 1. Place all ingredients into blender. Blend until it reaches a thin yogurt-style consistency. There should be absolutely no grittiness or chunks of anything left.
  • 2. Transfer into a bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
  • 3. You now have raw yogurt!

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

Always store your raw yogurt in the fridge.

This recipe is definitely more of a yogurt than an icing or a frosting. It will not get very solid in the fridge. It will firm up somewhat during the 2 hour refrigeration, but it will never be stiff or solid. Its texture is, well, like yogurt!

Enjoy as a yogurt, as seen in this picture with morning fruit toppings. Add crumbled walnuts and dates for an even nicer breakfast experience, similar to granola and yogurt.

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 76 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.

Amounts per 46 g (2 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 182 7 %
Protein 2.9 g 5 %
Fat 16 g 20 %
Carbohydrates 9 g 3 %
Dietary Fiber 0.78 g 2 %
Sugars 5 g
Calcium 7 mg 1 %
Iron 1.1 mg 8 %
Sodium 19 mg 1 %
Source: The Rawtarian, USDA

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Comments and Reviews

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laschneider's Review

Raw yogurt recipe
5 out of 5

This recipe is so delicious! The texture is very smooth and light, and it tastes great with strawberries and blueberries. I cannot wait to try with other fruits, such as pineapple, oranges, blackberries, etc. Superb!

278 votes
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Frieda's Review

Raw yogurt recipe
5 out of 5

Mm. I ate it as a quick lunch today with fruit and some nuts. Love it.

260 votes
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Yogurt, YEA!!!! Is the coconut essential to the recipe? I'm not very fond of coconut and would like to try without, but hate to waste my food.


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Hello! I have a question. If the cashews are soaked, is the recipe the same? Would it be a cup soaked cashews or unsoaked? Since they grow once soaked.

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Andika's Review

Raw yogurt recipe
5 out of 5

This tastes incredibly great! My goodness, what a delicacy! Way wayyyy better than the ones you buy in the stores! Those are a far cray from this one! Thanks indeed for this loveliness, Laura Jane! :)

90 votes
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Hazel's Review

Raw yogurt recipe
1 out of 5

This is so disgusting! It has nothing in common with yoghurt and the texture is like hard mousse!

83 votes
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Hi Hazel! I am sorry that you didn't have success with this one.. What kind of blender do you have?

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What is a serving size, 1/4 cup?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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I'm not sure about the serving size in cups, but if you make the entire recipe, it makes 9 servings... So that should help you gauge it!

46 g (2 oz) suggested serving :)

111 votes
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This was WONDERFUL and I absolutely LOVED the flavor. I will be making this one again and again. Thank you! :)

89 votes
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I'm so glad you enjoyed the yogurt, Dee!

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m0ndes's Review

Raw yogurt recipe
4 out of 5

I made this yesterday and I found it too rich, a bit too much...but I added fruit (and processed) and then it became so smooth and tasty. I added some seeds and it was delicious!

90 votes
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I'm so glad that it turned out for you, MOndes. It is super rich. It is basically...cashew creme :)

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lindsayh's Review

Raw yogurt recipe
4 out of 5

I searched yoghurt and Yay! I ised a only 1tbs coconut oil and flax seends instead of coconut flakes and less honey plus two drops of stevia. Thick and creamy and delicious!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

87 votes
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I'm glad it turned out well for you, Lindsay!

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I already had soaked cashews and a Thai coconut in the fridge and I've been wanting to make a quick breakfast to take to work with me. This recipe is perfect!!! I used the Thai coconut meat instead of shredded and it was extra creamy. Yummmyyy.

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Oooh, delicious RawLifer!!

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franella's Review

Raw yogurt recipe
5 out of 5

do you use liquid or solid coconut oil?

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Hi Franella,

As you probably know, your coconut oil can be liquid or solid depending on the temperature of your house-- and it can go from solid to liquid again in the summer vs winter!

When cooking with coconut oil, I usually make sure it's liquid first by taking a few spoonfuls and melting that amount a little, in the dehydrator, in the microwave, in a double-boiler, etc. That way it gets liquid and is easier to use. Then I measure out the amount and if I've melted too much I just drop that back in the jar.

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Microwaves are dangerous; they change the molecular make up of the food in such a way that can damage your Health. Research it.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Could vanilla powder be used? If so, how much??

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Sure. Vanilla powder is a little stronger than extract. Try 1/4 to 1/2 tablespoon of powder.

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Dear Jane. What do you think about adding one teaspoon of probiotics before fridging?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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I do not take probiotics so I can't really say! :)

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Why not? Are probiotics bad?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

115 votes
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It appears that honey is being used as a sweetener. Can maple syrup be substituted instead? I realize that the recipe won't be 100% raw then but I'm OK with that.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Yes, that is totally fine :) Maybe increase the amount slightly since honey is a bit sweeter than maple syrup.

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Just wondering if potassium could be added to nutrient list? If room is of consideration, maybe drop B12 as that is ALWAYS gonna be 0 unless fortified nutritional yeast is used. Conversely, potassium is plentiful in almost every recipe & with the importance of keeping the potassium/sodium balance - it is vital information.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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