Recipe Directions

1. Pre-Prep: Wash/rinse the sunflower seeds very well and then soak in water for at least 4 hours (6 is better). Rinse and shake the seeds dry in your strainer or allow to air dry for a while.

2. In your food processor, process the dry-ish ingredients (sunflower seeds, salt, and pine nuts) into a fine meal.

3. Add the lemon juice and olive oil. Process again until smooth. Scrape off sides as needed. Get it so it is rolling as it moves around your processor.

4. Process until smooth yet very thick. Don't be scared to let it go for ages because the longer it goes the creamier it is. Then at the end, add the green onion and process slightly to break them into the cheese.

5. Allow to stand for 30 minutes. (If you taste it while it is being made or right after, expect the lemon to stand out. It dies down after it has sat for a while.)

6. Optionally, you can shape into cubes or balls and dehydrate for a while to get a firmer cheese for cheese salad, feta, etc.

Zoe's Thoughts

By Zoe

The easiest, creamiest, and tastiest cheese ever! This just takes a few minutes to make and is our second best seller.

For a nut-free option, use 3 cups of sunflower seeds and no pine nuts.

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Yumyumyumyumyumyum yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!

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Wow! I have just decided to try to find vegan replacements for raw goat cheese, and this sounds great! I also have a lot of sunflower seeds & have been wanting more ways to use them :) Thanks

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you ate nearly half a batch!! Wow you have my total respect ;))

This quantity makes just under a kilo by the way.

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I made this tonight and mixed in some grated butternut squash. I also added some turmeric for a dash of colour (idea from Sweetpea). It was very delicious and so filling - I only made half a batch and I still couldn't eat it all :)

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Zoe and I do a few other versions of this actually, instead of the Green Onion try...

1). Minced Garlic (3 cloves) and Fresh Basil (cup)

2). Fresh Parsley (1/2 cup) and Red Pepper (2, 1 with oil, 1 at end)

3). Dill (handful)

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This cheese is velvety and perfect to layer on sandwiches, pizza, sliced tomatoes, sushi, or veggies. Make a double batch - it will be gone in no time!

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well I don't really recommend leaving it out on the counter top for a week, it just happens coz our fridge is too full of greens to fit cheese in! I don't cover it but you might like to. I live in the UK, it's not a hot place;)

Best to keep it in the fridge.

cavdegal - yes I love dill with this too, I think it makes it taste even more like dairy!

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This is such an awesome recipe. I made a second batch with dill, garlic and parsley for a fabulous herb boursin. Yum Yum!!

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Hi Zoe, question, you mentioned leaving the cheese on your counter for a week. Could you elaborate on the conditions, such as, room temp, lightly or tightly covered? Thanks

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I tried this recipe a week ago. I used all sunflower seeds and added basil. Absolutely delicious-- I ate some everyday until no more :-0

Thank you for sharing.

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I tried this recipe a week ago. I used all sunflower seeds and added basil. Absolutely delicious-- I ate some everyday until no more :-0

Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks for the info! Yeah, I tried to get my dad to buy the raw dog food because I figured it was good enough, but he didn't want to. Maybe now he might consider it! :)

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rachel akiko - tonka eats the raw dog food. He loves it. I know other raw cats who eat it too. It is the only way I have managed to get him to eat vegetables - they put raw veggies in the raw dog food. I have read they're meant ot have a little vegetables coz their prey would have stomachs full of veggies when they eat them. He has some alongside his chicken meat, bones and liver.

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I did like it and since I am a really clueless cook I did use the salt listed. Next time I will use much less. Thanks for clarifying!

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You have to get raw pet food at like a holistic or natural pet stores. Like I get my raw rabbit burgers, which is rabbit meat and bones ground up ad frozen. I also get raw ostrich meat, which is ground up ostrich necks, meat, and livers. You could also order it online, I'm sure. And also you should supplement with a little cod liver oil if you don't have the liver in the food, and salmon oil if you do have the liver. Also I add some multivitamin supplement for dogs and cats. You can also get a complete formula, which has many different organs of the animal as well as certain plants like fruit and vegetables, but I don't get that since my cat avoids the vegetarian one like the plague. And also because cats are carnivores not vegetarians.

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Lol, no, I never use that much salt in any recipe. Thanks for the info about Avatar, RawKidChef! Oh, and where do you guys get raw pet food?? I saw some raw dog food at Hy-Vee but they didn't have any for cats.

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Zoe, yep I made this recipe last weekend with the original amt of salt listed... My first raw recipe, as a matter of fact. Made it for a potluck with all of my VERY non-raw friends, and it was the biggest hit of the party! Seriously, everyone raved and raved about it, and it will now be one of my standard "party" items. Thanks!

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oh no have you all been eating it with a whole tablespoon of salt?! And you still liked it?

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oooops! I can't believe Zoe or I have never noticed this... Sorry. The SALT is wrong. It should be 1/2 tablespoon not a whole tablespoon. You can also try it without the Olive Oil, as I often make it without oil and never notice. Just remember to run in long enough before adding the lemon juice and again run it for a good bit afterwards as well. Even if you run in at a lower speed, it's OK. The longer you process it the smoother and creamier it will be.

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Hi i had no lemons used 3 limes and it was great! I also had brazil nuts and no pine nuts so I threw some in too. The only issue I did have was it was very salty.

Thanks for an easy and delicious recipe.

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Zoe, this is so fantastic! I love using the sunflower seeds to cut down on the priciness of the pine nuts. I loved this in a collard wrap!

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you could try it...I never have limes, it might be amazing!

yes I have had much guilt about neutering Tonks...but he is so well loved and treated so right as I feed him raw, I think it kinda makes up for it, maybe...

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Will lime juice work in these sorts of recipes or is lemon essential? (I'm out of lemons and already started soaking for this, so I was wondering if I can make due or if I should run out.)

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Can't wait to try this recipe! And I miss Zim. ("I love this show!") Aaand... I am so relieved to hear someone else express a disbelief in the rightness of neutering, I've been alone in this for years.

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rachel, just to let you know episodes 14 and 15 were just released on they are still doing avatar. :)

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