This smoothie tasted like diary soft-serve ice-cream, only better. It is a simple smoothie recipe that can be tweaked for athletes; uses tahini which is rich in good fat, calcium and protein; and is way better to use when working out as a protein source than those awful powders. You can use anywhere from 1-6...

Recipe Directions

1. In a blender, combine water, raw tahini, frozen bananas and vanilla.

2. Serve immediately.

Kandace's Thoughts

By kandace

This smoothie tasted like diary soft-serve ice-cream, only better.

It is a simple smoothie recipe that can be tweaked for athletes; uses tahini which is rich in good fat, calcium and protein; and is way better to use when working out as a protein source than those awful powders.

You can use anywhere from 1-6 tablespoons of tahini in the smoothie depending on your needs. Add carob or fruit, let your imagination run wild.

Recipe inspired by Nomi Shannon.

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This smoothie is great. I can't wait to try some other variations. I made a second batch only I added less water and put it in a container in the freezer. I'm hoping it will make a nice vanilla ice cream since my local store can't seem to order good young coconuts.

47 votes
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Cool, this recipe sounds amazing! I'll buy some tahini, and maybe use vanilla beans. I'll put a picture up too! Thanks!

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i've made two variations of this recipe: one with gojis and the other i just substituted the tahini for cashew butter and it was amazing!


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This smoothie tastes creamy and smooth like milk without the milk. I used 1-1/2 medium banana with tahini paste and about 1tsp of vanilla just as the recipe states. It wasn't that sweet so I later added some honey.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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This truly is bliss! I may use a bit less water next time but otherwise all I have to say is wow, thank you!

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has anyone tried this with the raw cookie dough recipe mixed in "chunky style"?

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I finally made this! It was really delicious. I used 4 tablespoons of soaked sesame seeds. But, it came out too banana-y. What did I do wrong? Thanks.

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Enjoying this many times a week....thanks!

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I made this smoothie this morning before work and it was great... I didn't have any vanilla so I threw in about 5 frozen strawberries instead to help with the tahini flavor. It was awesome and with vanilla it would be divine. It was also super filling and gave me good energy all morning.

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I wanted to make vanilla ice cream today - thanks for the recipe! I may try without the banana, or with part banana and part young coconut meat - I intend to mix the vanilla ice cream with oranges later... :)

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I am kinda new to the raw foods but I do have many raw food recipe books and I miss Chef Ito from Au Lac in CA..I live in WA State now I miss everyone.

OK I thank you so much for this recipe. This is what I did to it.

I used my Vitamix and threw all this in. 5 ice cubes, 1/3 cup cashews, 2 frozen bananas, 2 Tbl agave and the seeds of one vanilla bean. This was some of the best ice cream I have ever had.I may use a few dates next time instead of the agave.

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Cool, this recipe sounds amazing! I'll buy some tahini, and maybe use vanilla beans. I'll put a picture up too! Thanks!

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33 votes
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Oh and way filling too! I don't even need lunch now!

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OOoo! I just made this with a some dry sesame seeds, and a little lump of coconut oil and it tastes like halavah in a glass! Yum, thanks!

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Kandace, you are unbelievable with your recipes!! I am going to make raw tahini and make this!! Have you thought about adding a picture? I was looking around for something like ths, I imagine it tastes like soft serve vanilla frozen yogurt!!

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I was really wanting the soft serve feel so I only added like a tablespoon or two of water, and it came out great. Smooth and soft servy! Added a little cinnamon and vanilla stevia as well and put it in a bowl. Then topped it off with sliced strawberries. My Non-Raw boyfriend loved it as well! Can't wait to try some of these other variations!

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I just tried this -- tastes more like soft serve if you add frozen fruit! Unfortunetely, I also added some carob powder and --not so good. Next time I think I'll just try this with frozen strawberries.

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I love this! It's the first smoothie my non-raw husband absolutley loved!

50 votes
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This smoothie is great. I can't wait to try some other variations. I made a second batch only I added less water and put it in a container in the freezer. I'm hoping it will make a nice vanilla ice cream since my local store can't seem to order good young coconuts.

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i've made two variations of this recipe: one with gojis and the other i just substituted the tahini for cashew butter and it was amazing!

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This is delicious and will be the perfect response to my trainer's concern that, you guessed it, I'm not getting enough protein. Thanks!

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I just made this and I loved it. Like k8lyn07 I added vanilla, cacao powder, 1 frozen banana and one not frozen. I am hooked. This will help in the evenings where I find myself not hungry. My trainer suggested I drink a smoothie in the evenings.

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I just made this and added a bit of cocao powder....SOOOO GOOD!

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glad i tried this.. i didn't get the vanilla soft serve i was expecting, but manipulated a bit with some cinnamon and stevia and got something relatively tasty.

i think it might taste more like vanilla soft serve with some soaked dates for thickness/sweetness, but this would also be a phenomenal base for a lot of desserts, smoothies, etc. it will be cool to see some other variations.

love the tahini idea for protein, working out, and some calcium.

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I love the taste of tahini, but have only used in in dips and sauces until recently. Now, we have the smoothie and the "cookie dough recipe": (which sounds delicious) to add to the mix!

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I've never put raw tahini in my smoothies. I always use it in more savory dishes or in place of dressing on a salad. I've heard that you can make a raw cookie dough substitute with it. I've been meaning to try it.

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This sounds great, I have all the ingredients on hand and will try it later on today.

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