These cakes are delicious. They are sweet and chewy and the cranberries give them a bit of a kick!

Recipe Directions

1. Process all ingredients except cranberries in a food processor for about 2 minutes. You want bits of almond and apple to still be visible.

2. Put mixture in a bowl and mix in chopped cranberries. I usually use a round cookie cutter to help mold the cake shapes.

3. Place in dehydrator for 12 hours at 115 Fahrenheit. If you want them crispy, turn over and dehydrate for 12 more hours.

Jazzy's Thoughts

By Jazzy

These cakes are delicious.

They are sweet and chewy and the cranberries give them a bit of a kick!

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Hi! Wanna try this next week... Did you use fresh or dried cranberries?

Thank you so much for sharing! :)


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Hi! Wanna try this next week... Did you use fresh or dried cranberries?

Thank you so much for sharing! :)

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