Recipe Directions

1. Take half of the red onion and slice it very thinly (save the other half for later). Place the sliced red onion on a dehydrator screen and dehydrate at 95 Fahrenheit for about 5 hours, until dry to the touch.

2. In a blender, combine the dried onion, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, agave, 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, soaked sun-dried tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of the soaking water, spices, salt, and pepper. Blend until smooth to make your B.B.Q. sauce.

3. Cut the remaining red onion half into bite-sized pieces.

4. Skewer the cherry tomato halves, mushrooms, onion, pepper, and pineapple pieces onto wooden skewers to make your kebabs. Using your hands, generously coat each kebab with B.B.Q. sauce (reserve about 2 tablespoons B.B.Q. sauce for the quinoa).

5. Place kebabs on Teflex or parchment paper-lined dehydrator trays and dehydrate at 145 Fahrenheit for 1 hour (or a lower temperature for longer).

6 While kebabs are in the dehydrator, blend together the pineapple core, olive oil, orange juice, and the 2 tablespoons reserved B.B.Q. sauce.

7. Stir in the shredded coconut, then combine with the sprouted quinoa. Season coconut quinoa with salt and pepper to taste.

8. Serve B.B.Q. kebabs warm with a side of coconut quinoa.

Mygreenmojo's Thoughts

By mygreenmojo

A few months back, I saw Emeril Lagasse on TV making barbecue sauce.

I thought “I could totally make that raw.”

With Emeril’s inspiration and a little Hawaiian flair, this is what I dreamed up. Enjoy!

For even more fun, complete your Hawaiian Luau with lais and coconut drinks with umbrella straws!

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45 votes
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these are awesome! i marinated the veggies in water/oil/vinager before hand to soften them. easy recipe though and one of my favorite raw meals so far!

44 votes
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this looks so yum!!! im adding zuccini and eggplant to my skewers!!!

39 votes
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Oh WOW! This looks fabulous. I'm also in the middle of moving so I'll have to try this gem when I get to Cali. I'm glad I stumbled across this recipe. Thanks!


23 votes
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Yummm..I just had this for dinner(must make some more tomorrow):D

19 votes
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Wow! this was delish! EVERYONE SHOULD GIVE THIS ONE A TRY....... my new second fav.

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This was amazing ! 10 avocados!!!!

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Okay, so i've been waiting for forever to actually make this... it was so worth the wait! I ended up having to 1/2 the sauce b/c i used up most of my tomatoes and i forgot what they were for... I also forgot to soak and sprout the Quinoa, so for my husband, i ended up cooking the Quinoa. I had to taste it just to see what it would taste like! I absolutely loved the Kebabs and will make these a million more times! Oh, i forgot to dehydrate the onions so, i just put them in the dehydrator raw and it was still a great taste! I'm not sure what the dehydrated onions do, but i'll try it next time! I'll also try to remember to sprout my Quinoa - eventhough i'm still new to sprouting and i'm very confused on the subject! Anyway, just thought i'd say how wonderful this dish is (even w/ the cooked version of Quinoa!).

28 votes
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this is the first successful recipe i made, using my dehydrator! :) very very good!!!

34 votes
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Ya, this was fantastic. Thank you for posting it!! I also added some zuccini and that was nice in it.

39 votes
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Oh WOW! This looks fabulous. I'm also in the middle of moving so I'll have to try this gem when I get to Cali. I'm glad I stumbled across this recipe. Thanks!

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45 votes
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these are awesome! i marinated the veggies in water/oil/vinager before hand to soften them. easy recipe though and one of my favorite raw meals so far!

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29 votes
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holy moly, can you please come over to my house and make this for in the middle of moving so I am eating carrots right now...I ll trade you for a back rub, Im Certified!

44 votes
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this looks so yum!!! im adding zuccini and eggplant to my skewers!!!

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21 votes
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Oh, haha! I just read another post about quinoa and I realized something... I live in the south and my house is typically in the high 70s to low 80s... so everything sprouts super-fast for me. If you live somewhere cooler (like most of the U.S), you'll definitely need longer soaking/sprouting times! By the way, the website is very useful for anything you'd ever care to know about sprouts, plus they sell amazing seeds for sprouting.

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zhanna8, as an ex-carnivore, I can assure you that not only does it not look vegetarian, it also satisfies those "I need something meaty!" cravings as well! Although... I must admit it's the sticky-barbecuey-pineapple that's my favorite part! =)

How long does it take? Well, I sprouted the quinoa the day before, then I put the onions in the dehydrator before I went to work in the morning, when I got home I made the B.B.Q. sauce and put the kebabs in the dehydrator, then I made the coconut quinoa and by the time I cleaned up the kitchen the kebabs were done. So I'd guess one and a half hours at the most. But I was also inventing the recipe as I went along, so it might actually be quicker than that.

cajcookie, to sprout quinoa, I use a sprouting jar with a platic screen lid. First soak the quinoa in cool water for about 6 hours. Drain the soaking water out and add fresh water, slosh it around and drain again. Repeat this rinsing step a few times, then drain very thoroughly by shaking the jar up and down ( a crazy person!). Set the jar at a downward angle so it can continue to drain and allow it to sprout for up to 12 hours. You can then store your sprouts in the fridge. Pretty simple. =)

33 votes
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Hi, Could you tell me how you sprout your quinoa? The dish looks great...I hope to try one day.

Thanks, cajcookie

24 votes
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it almost does not look vegetarian - amazing! ~thank you for sharing... how long does it take to prepare?

30 votes
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this sounds and looks so fantastic, i can't even THINK right now. oh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i can't wait to hear if anyone else tries this!

25 votes
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Those big flower necklaces.

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I can't wait to try this!!! What is lais?

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I bet dates would substitute nicely for the agave. Maybe it'd be even better. I'll have to try that next time.

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