Yea, i know its a silly name. but i thought it fit hehe :). this a very delicious and nutritious drink that u=i have every morning before i eat anything solid including smoothies.

Recipe Directions

Just throw it all together, stir it, and enjoy it :)!

Modified phill's Thoughts

By modified phill

Yea, i know its a silly name. but i thought it fit hehe :). this a very delicious and nutritious drink that u=i have every morning before i eat anything solid including smoothies.

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Makes me think of a cartoon bee with big muscley muscles. Is muscley a word? Hehehe!

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THANKS ardesmond!! glad you liked it it. im actually drinking my glass now before i head off to the college :)

and thanks angie and jenergy for the awesome comments/compliments

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UN-*bee*-lee-VA-BLE GOOD.... I used Agave instead of honey and a Tblspn of Bee POLLEN... Thanks for the recipe.


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THANKS ardesmond!! glad you liked it it. im actually drinking my glass now before i head off to the college :)

and thanks angie and jenergy for the awesome comments/compliments

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16 votes
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UN-*bee*-lee-VA-BLE GOOD.... I used Agave instead of honey and a Tblspn of Bee POLLEN... Thanks for the recipe.

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Makes me think of a cartoon bee with big muscley muscles. Is muscley a word? Hehehe!

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I LOVE the name! :)

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