A lovely pink revitalizing refreshment, perfect for a Sunday morning.
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    serves 2
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Recipe Directions

Blend ingredients together. Serve chilled.

Za's Thoughts

By Za

A lovely pink revitalizing refreshment, perfect for a Sunday morning.

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Yes, do avoid canned anything!

Learning how to open a young coconut is one of the most valuable kitchen skills you can acquire!

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Can I use canned coconut water or does that negate the raw/health factor/

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Laura, I think most canned/packaged coconut waters are pasteurized, which definitely impacts the nutritional value. Depending on how much this matters to you, you might want to steer clear.


16 votes
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Yes, do avoid canned anything!

Learning how to open a young coconut is one of the most valuable kitchen skills you can acquire!

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12 votes
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Laura, I think most canned/packaged coconut waters are pasteurized, which definitely impacts the nutritional value. Depending on how much this matters to you, you might want to steer clear.

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Can I use canned coconut water or does that negate the raw/health factor/

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