Guess what the surprise is? That’s right there’s no potato or leek in it! But you wouldn’t know it on tasting it! Adapted from the watercress and cucumber soup recipe in Rawvolution by Matt Amsden.
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Recipe Directions

Put everything except the avocado and the spring onion in the blender and blend until smooth. Pur into a bowl. Add chopped spring onion and big chunks of avocado. Sprinkle with pepper before serving.

Zoe's Thoughts

By Zoe

Guess what the surprise is? That’s right there’s no potato or leek in it! But you wouldn’t know it on tasting it! Adapted from the watercress and cucumber soup recipe in Rawvolution by Matt Amsden.

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I'm going to try this on my British husband who misses his Mum's potato and leek soup. Thank you!


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I'm going to try this on my British husband who misses his Mum's potato and leek soup. Thank you!

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