Great for breakfast! I just like to make a cinnamon sugar butter spread (coconut butter, agave, cinnamon) and spread that on the pancakes. So simple and so good.
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    10 pancakes
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Recipe Directions

1. Blend everything in the blender. it should be wet and sticky, but easy to work with. If too sticky, add more flax seed.

2. Make about 10 balls.

3. Place them on a solid dehydrator sheet and flatten them into pancakes with a spatula.

4. Dehydrate at 105 Fahrenheit for about 10 hours, flipping halfway.

5. Serve with maple syrup and fresh fruit.

Kanayda's Thoughts

By kanayda

Great for breakfast!

I just like to make a cinnamon sugar butter spread (coconut butter, agave, cinnamon) and spread that on the pancakes.

So simple and so good.

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35 votes
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This is a really clever recipe. Thanks.

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These sound wonderful. Could you use ground wheatberry instead of the wheatgerm?

31 votes
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Thanks for this lovely recipe. It's looks so easy to prepare and is just right for a lazy Sunday breakfast in bed :)


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i forgot to mention to blend the bananas first and then add the flaxseed and wheat germ, otherwise it's really hard on your blender. i've never used ground wheatberry for anything so i don't know...but you could experiment and let us know

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agreed. =) nice brunch item.

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Thanks for this lovely recipe. It's looks so easy to prepare and is just right for a lazy Sunday breakfast in bed :)

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These sound wonderful. Could you use ground wheatberry instead of the wheatgerm?

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This is a really clever recipe. Thanks.

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