I just blended this concoction for a quick snack today. It’s creamy and yummy. I made mine in a personal size blender, so I adjusted the water, banana, and ice measurements to fill the entire mug without overflowing. Feel free to add as little or as much of these ingredients as you like based on your tastes.
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Recipe Directions

1. Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Shannonmarie's Thoughts

By shannonmarie

I just blended this concoction for a quick snack today. It’s creamy and yummy.

I made mine in a personal size blender, so I adjusted the water, banana, and ice measurements to fill the entire mug without overflowing.

Feel free to add as little or as much of these ingredients as you like based on your tastes.

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57 votes
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Mmmm, this sounds so nice.

49 votes
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I would recommend using agave in place of the honey and bee pollen, as it is far more eco-friendly and bee-friendly, and it does not result in the exploitation of wildlife.Bees create honey for their own needs, not for our wants.

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I LOVE raw honey and bee pollen. I will be trying this real soon.


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I LOVE raw honey and bee pollen. I will be trying this real soon.

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57 votes
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Mmmm, this sounds so nice.

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49 votes
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I would recommend using agave in place of the honey and bee pollen, as it is far more eco-friendly and bee-friendly, and it does not result in the exploitation of wildlife.Bees create honey for their own needs, not for our wants.

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