Recipe Directions

1. Make sure to keep flax seeds covered in water during soaking time. Don’t use too much water, just enough to keep it moist.

2. After 24 hours, mix all ingredients together.

3. Pour over Paraflex sheets and place in dehydrator. You can also pour into cookie cutter molds on top of Paraflex sheet to obtain your favorite shapes (hearts, bears, etc.). Make sure mix is about 1/46-inch thick on sheets or in molds in order to obtain a nice thickness once dried.

4. Dehydrate for 16–24 hours at 105 Fahrenheit.'s Thoughts


Crispy tasty cookie.

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Perfect! I've been looking for a way to enjoy cacao without nuts! Thanks!


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Perfect! I've been looking for a way to enjoy cacao without nuts! Thanks!

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