This sounds weird…but it’s really good! Especially if you want to get the liver and blood purifying properties of both burdock and turmeric. The orange taste complements the burdock root really nicely—so if you don’t love the taste of burdock this is a good way to get it! Thanks to Lucy for...

Recipe Directions

I made the burdock root juice by blending burdock root with some water and then straining it through cheesecloth. Then, basically just through everything into the blender along with the juice! The burdock root juice should be enough liquid to make a creamy smoothie. Mix as needed.

Ambaryarena's Thoughts

By ambaryarena

This sounds weird…but it’s really good! Especially if you want to get the liver and blood purifying properties of both burdock and turmeric. The orange taste complements the burdock root really nicely—so if you don’t love the taste of burdock this is a good way to get it! Thanks to Lucy for her suggestion of how to make burdock root juice without a juicer! Enjoy.

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I love burdock and it is such a good cleanser! This looks like a great spring tonic :) I've got tons of burdock on my land, so I'm definitely going to try it!

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I'm intruiged. I haven't tried burdock yet, but the recipes I've seen for it have all been savory. I am DEFINITELY going to have to pick some up to try this one....

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This is delicious!


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This is delicious!

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This is delicious!

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32 votes
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I'm intruiged. I haven't tried burdock yet, but the recipes I've seen for it have all been savory. I am DEFINITELY going to have to pick some up to try this one....

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32 votes
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I love burdock and it is such a good cleanser! This looks like a great spring tonic :) I've got tons of burdock on my land, so I'm definitely going to try it!

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