Recipe Directions


1. Combine all the crust ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.

2. Place the crust on a plate into a round loaf.

3. Spread the bananas on top of the crust.


4. Place all the cream ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.

5. Spread the cream on top of the bananas.

6. Slice the fruits and decorate the plate.

7. Freeze the cake for 2 hours.

Gill's Thoughts

By Gill

The sweetness of the crust, strawberries, and the mango goes well with the sourness of the kiwi.

Very tasty.

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Yes, I agree! I had to enlarge the photo to get a close up!

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this looks stunning. nice presentation!

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wow this looks so beautiful


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Yes, I agree! I had to enlarge the photo to get a close up!

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this looks stunning. nice presentation!

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wow this looks so beautiful

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