I don’t know if it is just me but mixing pine nuts and peas gave it a ham like flavor.

Recipe Directions

Cut the tomatos , avocado and put in bowl with the peas, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, salt, pepper and squeeze lemon on top mix gently and spoon onto kale leaf and wrap enjoy.

Pinner's Thoughts

By Pinner

I don’t know if it is just me but mixing pine nuts and peas gave it a ham like flavor.

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23 votes
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This sounds GOOD!!!!!!!! I just planted peas, so in 2 or 3 months I'll be eating this for sure :) Thanks

21 votes
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I love peas and I also planted some in pots on my front porch.I just don't know if they will make it in the house as I pick then and eat them. I kinda went raw about 2 1/2 years ago and this was one of my favorite salads.

18 votes
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I'm thinking the tomato has something to do with the "ham" flavor? Sounds good - I wish I could pick fresh peas now!


18 votes
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I'm thinking the tomato has something to do with the "ham" flavor? Sounds good - I wish I could pick fresh peas now!

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10 votes
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Oh Sooo good! I am going to eat this tomorrow!.

21 votes
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I love peas and I also planted some in pots on my front porch.I just don't know if they will make it in the house as I pick then and eat them. I kinda went raw about 2 1/2 years ago and this was one of my favorite salads.

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23 votes
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This sounds GOOD!!!!!!!! I just planted peas, so in 2 or 3 months I'll be eating this for sure :) Thanks

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