I adapted a once cooked recipe and modified it a bit to a life food recipe and it was very satisfying and tasty! Warming.
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Recipe Directions

1. Trim leaves off Kohlrabi bulbs and set aside. Chop ends off Kohlrabi bulbs, peel bulbs, and slice bulbs thinly. Chop again to bite size pieces and set aside.

2. Chop shallot and place in skillet along with macadamia milk and chopped kohlrabi on warm or lightest setting- it should not sizzle or boil- the idea is to warm the food ever so slightly (If you have a dehydrator you can place all in a casserole dish til warm).

3. Meanwhile- in a blender- combine pecans, nutritional yeast to cover, and miso and blend to a powder with a dash of water if needed to mix.

4. Add mixture to kohlrabi and stir til lightly warm. Sprinkle Nutmeg and stir again. Serve over a bed of marinated kohlrabi greens or a salad and enjoy!

Orgfoodaddict's Thoughts

By orgfoodaddict

I adapted a once cooked recipe and modified it a bit to a life food recipe and it was very satisfying and tasty!


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I've never had a Kohlrabi.... can you tell me what it tastes like? I'll be making this w/o the nutritional yeast. Do you think it will still taste good?

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Carrie- Kohlrabi is described to taste a little like cabbage- but with turnip flare. You can make it without the nutritional yeast- its more for the texture and to add that cheesy taste to the recipe.

Carnap- Kohlrabi is hardly expensive- $3-4 at most.


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Carrie- Kohlrabi is described to taste a little like cabbage- but with turnip flare. You can make it without the nutritional yeast- its more for the texture and to add that cheesy taste to the recipe.

Carnap- Kohlrabi is hardly expensive- $3-4 at most.

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I've never had a Kohlrabi.... can you tell me what it tastes like? I'll be making this w/o the nutritional yeast. Do you think it will still taste good?

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