I finally had all the ingrediants to make a smoothie, YEAY!! I used someone’s (sorry I forgot who) suggestion to blend the chard and water first before adding everything else and it worked great. I’m sure that you who are lucky to have a better blender will get a nicer smoothie because mine was more of a “chunky”...
  • Yield

    I'm guessing 2-4 servings depending on how much you like smoothies
  • Equipment

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Recipe Directions

In my blender I put the washed chard and water (just enough to cover the blades and get things moving really) and let’er rip. Then added the cucumber,pear and peaches and continued to blend.. then I added the purslane and dates and still continued the blending till smooth (or as smooth as my blender would get). It was a bit thick so I added a bit more H2O. It’s not very sweet and you might want to add a banana or a few more dates if you like smoothies on the sweet side. I was thinking of adding a pepper or some sumac to give it a savory flavor.. Feel free to add what you like.. I’d love to hear about the variations.

KurdishMom0607's Thoughts

By KurdishMom0607

I finally had all the ingrediants to make a smoothie, YEAY!! I used someone’s (sorry I forgot who) suggestion to blend the chard and water first before adding everything else and it worked great. I’m sure that you who are lucky to have a better blender will get a nicer smoothie because mine was more of a “chunky” but still very tasty. I used the cucumber to help with my BP which has been acting up and the purslane for the Omega-3 it has

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That sounds awesome! If your blender is strong enough don't forget about the celery! It's great for bp issues.

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Hi W.E. Yeah I think you told me about the celery but it's kinda hard to get here and my poor little blender was huffing it just trying to get this smoothie done. (I am totally going to save to buy a better one... I just wish I could get a vitamix here in good 'ole Kurdistan) I'm grateful because I had a green smoothie at long last!! When I took the lid off the blender and the aroma hit my nose I felt like I was in Raw-Green Smoothie heaven. :) It's funny that I have actually MISSED green smoothies. By the way just an update on "us" baby's doing great and my BP is holding at the high normal but there's only about a week or two left so we're all hopeful and so excited.. Thanks for the advice again!! K-Mom


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Hi W.E. Yeah I think you told me about the celery but it's kinda hard to get here and my poor little blender was huffing it just trying to get this smoothie done. (I am totally going to save to buy a better one... I just wish I could get a vitamix here in good 'ole Kurdistan) I'm grateful because I had a green smoothie at long last!! When I took the lid off the blender and the aroma hit my nose I felt like I was in Raw-Green Smoothie heaven. :) It's funny that I have actually MISSED green smoothies. By the way just an update on "us" baby's doing great and my BP is holding at the high normal but there's only about a week or two left so we're all hopeful and so excited.. Thanks for the advice again!! K-Mom

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That sounds awesome! If your blender is strong enough don't forget about the celery! It's great for bp issues.

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