Well, it’s that time of year: frost is on the pumpkin and Thanksgiving is near. So I thought I would try my hand at using cranberries and pumpkins for a holiday treat. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.  

Recipe Directions

1. Reserve the seeds from the small pie pumpkin. Process half of the pumpkin to a pulp.

2. Add cinnamon, stevia, salt, and dates. Process till thoroughly blended. Remove.

3. Put spelt in food processor (use knife blade) and process until it forms a dough. Scrape often.

4. Combine both mixes and taste for sweetness. Add more stevia until yummy.

5. Add nuts and cranberries and pulse until nuts are coarsely chopped.

6. Form 1/2 inch thick, 1X2 inch rectangles on “D” sheets. Turn over cakes as soon as it is dry enough on that side and continue for another 8 hours or until dry. Also, dry the pumpkin seeds on another shelf in the dehydrator.


7. Combine all ingredients and just enough water (used for the cashews) to blend. Top cakes with cranberry cream.

Waterbaby12347's Thoughts

By waterbaby12347

Well, it’s that time of year: frost is on the pumpkin and Thanksgiving is near.

So I thought I would try my hand at using cranberries and pumpkins for a holiday treat. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.


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I will see if I can find some raw spelt tomorrow...if not, some raw buckwheat.

You say:

"and fp till throughly blended"

What is "fp"? Food Process (like run in a processor)?

Then you say:

'Form 1/2 inch thick 1X2 inch rectangles on “D†sheets'

What are "D" sheets?

Thanks a lot!

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QTLayla~ I would think the quinoa or buckwheat would work, haven't tried them... I have tried to make a dough out of millet and it didn't work too well...

Happy Halloween all you wonderful people, "my friends" on goneraw!!!

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Hey JoAnne, awesome photo of yours!! You look great! I love your statement on your profile :)) oh so true!! I am not on MySpace but on Facebook... like to get in touch or send me an e-mail :)) I also would love to see an image of these cookies... had not so much luck with raw pumpkin... got a buttercup here and would like to try again but what I did so far always had this 'raw' pumpkin taste if you know what I mean... just not pleasant... I tried acorn before but it just did not do it... Love to see those cookies :)) thanks


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Thanks...no clue where to find those locally. I guess I will try parchment paper. :)

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my guess is dehydrator sheets :)

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I will see if I can find some raw spelt tomorrow...if not, some raw buckwheat.

You say:

"and fp till throughly blended"

What is "fp"? Food Process (like run in a processor)?

Then you say:

'Form 1/2 inch thick 1X2 inch rectangles on “D†sheets'

What are "D" sheets?

Thanks a lot!

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I made these and they where SO yummy! I used agave instead of stevia and raisins soaked in maple syrup instead of dates as I didn't have at home. I also used a mix of spelt and oat, as I didn't have enough spelt...

Today, I'll try a variation: Pumpkin Wheat and Oat Blueberry-Lemon Tea Cakes... Yum! wanna post picture soon :)

Thank you so much for sharing... I'm so happy when I can find dessert recipes that are are packed with nuts!

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sv3's Review

Pumpkin Pecan Cinnamon Cranberry Spelt Tea Cakes
5 out of 5

I made these yesterday and they are great!

I substituted the spelt with buckwheat and stevia with argave and they turned out brilliantly. I love cinnamon so sprinkled loads on top too before dehydrating.

Will definitley be making these again.

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The cranberries required that amount of stevia with the dates... I can only imagine it was way too much for the raisins... Whenever we substitute a sweet for a tart then we also have to adjust the added sweetener...

Leafekat~ Did you forget the 6 dates with the stevia???

I use more cinnamon than most for the anti-diabetic effect... Sorry!!!

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leafekat's Review

Pumpkin Pecan Cinnamon Cranberry Spelt Tea Cakes
3 out of 5

This is good so far. We did raisins instead of cranberries. Also, the next time I make it I would cut back on the cinn. and stevia. I would use about 2 tsp. cinn. and about 1-2 stevia then add more if needed.

Updated- this is good if you can stand the aftertaste of the stevia. Next time I will use agave or dates.

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Great! Thank you! I shall try these at once! :)

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QTLayla~ I would think the quinoa or buckwheat would work, haven't tried them... I have tried to make a dough out of millet and it didn't work too well...

Happy Halloween all you wonderful people, "my friends" on goneraw!!!

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These look so delicious and pretty too. I used to do teas and am looking to do vegan and mostly raw teas now. This would certainly fit the bill! Thanks.

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Hi Waterbaby

This sound wonderful... however I am Celiac and cannot do gluten grains... any idea what other non-gluten grain might work... millet, quinoa, buckwheat?? Anyone???

QT~who is open to suggestions~

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Thanks guys for the feedback, am so glad you are enjoying these delights...

Beate64~ Thanks for the compliments, YOUR website is fabulous!!! Love your paintings and photos, YOU are truly special!!! I will give you a call... smile

Evergreen~ Thank YOU for those beautiful photos, yours are much nicer than mine, job will done!!!

Littlemarie~ I tried the right click thing and edit didn't come up, but thank YOU for the suggestion!!!

Theduke~ Yes Angie is correct, I buy the spelt seeds at the WFS in the bulk area... Then soak and sprout, it will make a lovely dough in the food processor...

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Oops! I just noticed you soaked the cashews. :P

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theduke - flour usually isn't raw because it gets heated when being processed, I think. She is talking about whole spelt - soak it, sprout it & use it in the recipe.

waterbaby - these look good! What "soak water" are you talking about using? The only thing I see soaked in the recipe was the spelt.

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This may seem like a silly question, but when you say 'spelt' do you mean spelt flour or can I buy spelt by itself? I'm new to this raw things and often find myself confused with technicalities and wording.. :) thanks!

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oh my gosh those look amazing!

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if you can right click on your picture and there is an edit option it might let you down size it which might able you to use the photo, but its just a possibility, idk for certain.

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hi waterbaby...i could not wait to make these :), so i had to make some substitutes...i used sprouted, dehydrated spelt flour, and carrots in place of the pumpkin, and only dates for sweetness..i just dehydrated them until the outside was dry,but the inside was still moist....they are so tasty!!!thank you for the recipe:)

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Hey JoAnne, awesome photo of yours!! You look great! I love your statement on your profile :)) oh so true!! I am not on MySpace but on Facebook... like to get in touch or send me an e-mail :)) I also would love to see an image of these cookies... had not so much luck with raw pumpkin... got a buttercup here and would like to try again but what I did so far always had this 'raw' pumpkin taste if you know what I mean... just not pleasant... I tried acorn before but it just did not do it... Love to see those cookies :)) thanks

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I have a photo but it wont upload, have no idea of it's megabytes but all the other recipe photos were taken with the same camera... Help Guys what should I do to make it work?????????

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