Recipe Directions

  • Juice 1 large cucumber and 2 celery stalks.
  • Juice 1/2 tray of sunflower greens and 1/2 tray of pea green sprouts.
  • Juice vegetables first, then the sunflower greens and then lettuce.
  • Add several cloves of garlic and a piece of ginger.
  • Drink within 15 minutes.

Antakaranah's Thoughts

By antakaranah

This is pretty basic and I’m sure posted thousands of times on this page, but I wanted to contribute. In reality, this drink should be consumed at least twice a day on a raw diet, especially if you are ill. It is best to take the drink on an empty stomach and to no eat immediately afterwards. It is best to consume this drink as a breakfast juice, and for an afternoon snack.

*Don’t mind the picture, I don’t have one for this drink so I just posted something I took.

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whoa garlic!

Last summer I was routinely adding garlic to my morning pint of veggie juice. One day I asked my boyfriend if he could smell it, and he said "have'nt you noticed that I've been sleeping on the couch for a week?"

So, do you just live with having a strong odor?

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Beautiful photo!

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Oh man, I want some of that right now.


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*Anatakaranah*~ Interesting info, have been wondering how offensive I am with my daily ingestion of nut pate` or (cheeze) as no one complains... LOL

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Beautiful photo!

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hmm.. good to know. I wasnt raw back then, so maybe I'll give it a whirl again,, it's sooo good for you!

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In response to Anneabelle77:

Of course there is an initial order from ingesting garlic. But any lingering order from any kind of food stuff in the breath has to do with digestion. After the detox period on the raw food diet based around optimal digestion through proper food combination; garlic or any order for that matter really doesn't linger in the breath. Depending on the persons history, it can take a while to detox and have the digestive tract clean and at ease.

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whoa garlic!

Last summer I was routinely adding garlic to my morning pint of veggie juice. One day I asked my boyfriend if he could smell it, and he said "have'nt you noticed that I've been sleeping on the couch for a week?"

So, do you just live with having a strong odor?

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13 votes
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Oh man, I want some of that right now.

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